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Multithreaded Database access with C# on an Sql2005 and TransactionScop e class (Bug or did I some mistake?)


First of all english is not my natural language so please fogive me some bad
mistakes in gramatic and use of some vocables :).

I have a great problem here. Well I will not use it anymore but I want to
know why it is as it is ^^. I tried with .NET3.0 but I think it will be the
same with 2.0 and 3.5.
MSDTC is configured and working.

On the SQL2005-Server I created a Table Test (bigint, varchar(20)) filled
1, 'Test1'
2, 'Test2'
3, 'Test3'
4, 'Test4'
5, 'Test5'
6, 'Test6'

Execution the following Code works 1 of 20 Times (the other timed the
following Exception appears). After deleten the added Lines in the table and
Execute it again you always get the Exception:
(Sorry the Exception is partitially german and I don't know the english
counterpart but must be something like "Error while upgrading the
Transaction" and "There is already an opened DataReader assigned to this
connection" )
"System.Transac tions.Transacti onAbortedExcept ion: Die Transaktion wurde
abgebrochen. ---System.Transact ions.Transactio nPromotionExcep tion: Fehler
beim Versuch, die Transaktion heraufzustufen. --->
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlExcep tion: Diesem Befehl ist bereits ein geöffneter
DataReader zugeordnet, der zuerst geschlossen werden muss.\r\n bei
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlInter nalConnectionTd s.ExecuteTransa ctionYukon(Tran sactionRequest
transactionRequ est, String transactionName , IsolationLevel iso,
SqlInternalTran saction internalTransac tion, Boolean
isDelegateContr olRequest)\r\n bei
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlInter nalConnectionTd s.ExecuteTransa ction(Transacti onRequest
transactionRequ est, String name, IsolationLevel iso, SqlInternalTran saction
internalTransac tion, Boolean isDelegateContr olRequest)\r\n bei
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlDeleg atedTransaction .Promote()\r\n --- Ende der
internen Ausnahmestapelü berwachung ---\r\n bei
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlDeleg atedTransaction .Promote()\r\n bei
System.Transact ions.Tr

ansactionStateP SPEOperation.PS PEPromote(Inter nalTransaction tx)\r\n bei
System.Transact ions.Transactio nStateDelegated Base.EnterState (InternalTransa ction
tx)\r\n --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelü berwachung ---\r\n bei
System.Transact ions.Transactio nStateAborted.C heckForFinished Transaction(Int ernalTransactio n
tx)\r\n bei
System.Transact ions.Transactio nStatePhase0.Pr omote(InternalT ransaction
tx)\r\n bei System.Transact ions.Transactio n.Promote()\r\n bei
System.Transact ions.Transactio nInterop.Conver tToOletxTransac tion(Transactio n
transaction)\r\ n bei
System.Transact ions.Transactio nInterop.GetExp ortCookie(Trans action
transaction, Byte[] whereabouts)\r\ n bei
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlInter nalConnection.E nlistNonNull(Tr ansaction
tx)\r\n bei System.Data.Sql Client.SqlInter nalConnection.E nlist(Transacti on
tx)\r\n bei
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlInter nalConnectionTd s.Activate(Tran saction
transaction)\r\ n bei
System.Data.Pro viderBase.DbCon nectionInternal .ActivateConnec tion(Transactio n
transaction)\r\ n

bei System.Data.Pro viderBase.DbCon nectionPool.Get Connection(DbCo nnection
owningObject)\r \n bei
System.Data.Pro viderBase.DbCon nectionFactory. GetConnection(D bConnection
owningConnectio n)\r\n bei
System.Data.Pro viderBase.DbCon nectionClosed.O penConnection(D bConnection
outerConnection , DbConnectionFac tory connectionFacto ry)\r\n bei
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlConne ction.Open()\r\ n bei
TestTransaktion .Program.worker 2(Object ar) in D:\\DATEN\\Scho ellerM\\Visual
Studio 2005\\Projects\ \TestTransaktio n\\TestTransakt ion\\Program.cs :Zeile
120.\r\n bei System.Threadin g.ThreadHelper. ThreadStart_Con text(Object
state)\r\n bei System.Threadin g.ExecutionCont ext.Run(Executi onContext
executionContex t, ContextCallback callback, Object state)\r\n bei
System.Threadin g.ThreadHelper. ThreadStart(Obj ect obj)"

Well personaly I don't belief the part with the DataReader..her e is the

using System;

using System.Collecti ons.Generic;

using System.Text;

using System.Data.Sql Client;

using System.Transact ions;

using System.Threadin g;

namespace TestTransaktion


class Program


static void Main(string[] args)




using (TransactionSco pe ts = new
TransactionScop e(TransactionSc opeOption.Requi red, TimeSpan.MaxVal ue))


Console.WriteLi ne("Check Transaction (RootStart): L:{0} D:{1}",
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Lo calIdentifier,
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Di stributedIdenti fier);

Thread worker1 = new Thread(Program. worker1);

Thread worker2 = new Thread(Program. worker2);

worker1.IsBackg round = true;

worker2.IsBackg round = true;

worker1.Start(T ransaction.Curr ent.DependentCl one(DependentCl oneOption.Block CommitUntilComp lete));

worker2.Start(T ransaction.Curr ent.DependentCl one(DependentCl oneOption.Block CommitUntilComp lete));
//ThreadPool.Queu eUserWorkItem(w orker1,
Transaction.Cur rent.DependentC lone(DependentC loneOption.Bloc kCommitUntilCom plete));

//ThreadPool.Queu eUserWorkItem(w orker2,
Transaction.Cur rent.DependentC lone(DependentC loneOption.Bloc kCommitUntilCom plete));

Console.WriteLi ne("Check Transaction (RootEnd): L:{0} D:{1}",
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Lo calIdentifier,
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Di stributedIdenti fier);

Console.WriteLi ne("About to complete the main thread");



Console.WriteLi ne("Transactio n Completed");


catch (Exception ex)


Console.WriteLi ne("Top Catch");

Console.WriteLi ne(ex.ToString( ));


Console.WriteLi ne("Enter <Enter>");

Console.ReadLin e();


static void worker1(object ar)



DependentTransa ction dtx = (DependentTrans action)ar;

using (TransactionSco pe ts = new TransactionScop e(dtx))


Console.WriteLi ne("Check Transaction (Worker1Start): L:{0} D:{1}",
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Lo calIdentifier,
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Di stributedIdenti fier);

using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(" Data
Source=WKOEDEV0 1\\SQL2005;Init ial Catalog=WKOBASE _CLONE;Persist Security
Info=True;User ID=binreader;Pa ssword=readme20 02"))



SqlCommand co = new SqlCommand("INS ERT INTO TEST VALUES(8, 'Test8')", conn);

co.ExecuteNonQu ery();

co = new SqlCommand("SEL ECT * FROM TEST", conn);


SqlDataReader r = co.ExecuteReade r();

while (r.Read())


Console.WriteLi ne("Reader1: {0}, {1}", r.GetInt64(0), r.GetString(1)) ;

System.Threadin g.Thread.Sleep( TimeSpan.FromSe conds(5));





Thread.Sleep(90 00);

//throw new Exception("Aufz ah!");

Console.WriteLi ne("Check Transaction (Worker1End): L:{0} D:{1}",
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Lo calIdentifier,
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Di stributedIdenti fier);

Console.WriteLi ne("About to complete the worker9 thread's transaction



Console.WriteLi ne("Completing the dependent clone");



catch (Exception ex)


Console.WriteLi ne("Worker1 Catch");

Console.WriteLi ne(ex.ToString( ));




static void worker2(object ar)



DependentTransa ction dtx = (DependentTrans action)ar;

using (TransactionSco pe ts = new TransactionScop e(dtx))


Console.WriteLi ne("Check Transaction (Worker1End): L:{0} D:{1}",
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Lo calIdentifier,
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Di stributedIdenti fier);

using(SqlConnec tion conn = new SqlConnection(" Data
Source=WKOEDEV0 1\\SQL2005;Init ial Catalog=WKOBASE _CLONE;Persist Security
Info=True;User ID=binreader;Pa ssword=readme20 02"))



Thread.Sleep(Ti meSpan.FromSeco nds(10)); //<- Wait till Main Thread reaches

SqlCommand co = new SqlCommand("INS ERT INTO TEST VALUES(7, 'Test7')", conn);

co.ExecuteNonQu ery();

co = new SqlCommand("SEL ECT * FROM TEST", conn);


SqlDataReader r = co.ExecuteReade r();

while (r.Read())


Console.WriteLi ne("Reader2: {0}, {1}", r.GetInt64(0), r.GetString(1)) ;

System.Threadin g.Thread.Sleep( TimeSpan.FromSe conds(2));





Thread.Sleep(50 00);

Console.WriteLi ne("Check Transaction (Worker2End): L:{0} D:{1}",
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Lo calIdentifier,
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Di stributedIdenti fier);

Console.WriteLi ne("About to complete the worker2 thread's transaction



Console.WriteLi ne("Completing the dependent clone");



catch (Exception ex)


Console.WriteLi ne("Worker2 Catch");

Console.WriteLi ne(ex.ToString( ));






Alternativ habe ich auch diesen Code hier versucht der eher dem enspricht
was wir Momentan verwenden. Allerdings liefert der wiederum folgende
Exception (fast immer oder eben die obere)

Alternativ I tried out the following code, that was in a locical pouint of
few a little bit more like the one I am using at the moment. This code
throws the following execption (not every time but mostly the other time the
exception I showed you earlyer was thrown) (BTW funny thing same PC same
Studio but now an english exception.)

"System.Data.Sq lClient.SqlExce ption: Distributed transaction completed.
Either enlist this session in a new transaction or the NULL transaction.\r\ n
bei System.Data.Sql Client.SqlConne ction.OnError(S qlException exception,
Boolean breakConnection )\r\n bei
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlInter nalConnection.O nError(SqlExcep tion exception,
Boolean breakConnection )\r\n bei
System.Data.Sql Client.TdsParse r.ThrowExceptio nAndWarning(Tds ParserStateObje ct
stateObj)\r\n bei System.Data.Sql Client.TdsParse r.Run(RunBehavi or
runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream,
BulkCopySimpleR esultSet bulkCopyHandler , TdsParserStateO bject stateObj)\r\n
bei System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd.RunExecuteNo nQueryTds(Strin g
methodName, Boolean async)\r\n bei
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd.InternalExec uteNonQuery(DbA syncResult
result, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe)\r\n bei
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd.ExecuteNonQu ery()\r\n bei
TestTransaktion .Program.worker 2(Object ar) in D:\\DATEN\\Scho ellerM\\Visual

udio 2005\\Projects\ \TestTransaktio n\\TestTransakt ion\\Program.cs :Zeile
133.\r\n bei System.Threadin g.ThreadHelper. ThreadStart_Con text(Object
state)\r\n bei System.Threadin g.ExecutionCont ext.Run(Executi onContext
executionContex t, ContextCallback callback, Object state)\r\n bei
System.Threadin g.ThreadHelper. ThreadStart(Obj ect obj)"

The Code

using System;

using System.Collecti ons.Generic;

using System.Text;

using System.Data.Sql Client;

using System.Transact ions;

using System.Threadin g;

namespace TestTransaktion


class Program


static SqlConnection conn1;

static SqlConnection conn2;

static void Main(string[] args)




conn1 = new SqlConnection(" Data Source=WKOEDEV0 1\\SQL2005;Init ial
Catalog=WKOBASE _CLONE;Persist Security Info=True;User
ID=binreader;Pa ssword=readme20 02");

conn2 = new SqlConnection(" Data Source=WKOEDEV0 1\\SQL2005;Init ial
Catalog=WKOBASE _CLONE;Persist Security Info=True;User
ID=binreader;Pa ssword=readme20 02");



using (TransactionSco pe ts = new
TransactionScop e(TransactionSc opeOption.Requi red, TimeSpan.MaxVal ue))


conn1.EnlistTra nsaction(Transa ction.Current);

conn2.EnlistTra nsaction(Transa ction.Current);

Console.WriteLi ne("Check Transaction (RootStart): L:{0} D:{1}",
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Lo calIdentifier,
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Di stributedIdenti fier);

Thread worker1 = new Thread(Program. worker1);

Thread worker2 = new Thread(Program. worker2);

worker1.IsBackg round = true;

worker2.IsBackg round = true;

worker1.Start(T ransaction.Curr ent.DependentCl one(DependentCl oneOption.Block CommitUntilComp lete));

worker2.Start(T ransaction.Curr ent.DependentCl one(DependentCl oneOption.Block CommitUntilComp lete));
//ThreadPool.Queu eUserWorkItem(w orker1,
Transaction.Cur rent.DependentC lone(DependentC loneOption.Bloc kCommitUntilCom plete));

//ThreadPool.Queu eUserWorkItem(w orker2,
Transaction.Cur rent.DependentC lone(DependentC loneOption.Bloc kCommitUntilCom plete));

Console.WriteLi ne("Check Transaction (RootEnd): L:{0} D:{1}",
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Lo calIdentifier,
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Di stributedIdenti fier);

Console.WriteLi ne("About to complete the main thread");





Console.WriteLi ne("Transactio n Completed");


catch (Exception ex)


Console.WriteLi ne("Top Catch");

Console.WriteLi ne(ex.ToString( ));


Console.WriteLi ne("Enter <Enter>");

Console.ReadLin e();


static void worker1(object ar)



DependentTransa ction dtx = (DependentTrans action)ar;

using (TransactionSco pe ts = new TransactionScop e(dtx))


Console.WriteLi ne("Check Transaction (Worker1Start): L:{0} D:{1}",
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Lo calIdentifier,
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Di stributedIdenti fier);

//using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(" Data
Source=WKOEDEV0 1\\SQL2005;Init ial Catalog=WKOBASE _CLONE;Persist Security
Info=True;User ID=binreader;Pa ssword=readme20 02"))

SqlConnection conn = conn1;



SqlCommand co = new SqlCommand("INS ERT INTO TEST VALUES(8, 'Test8')", conn);

co.ExecuteNonQu ery();

co = new SqlCommand("SEL ECT * FROM TEST", conn);


SqlDataReader r = co.ExecuteReade r();

while (r.Read())


Console.WriteLi ne("Reader1: {0}, {1}", r.GetInt64(0), r.GetString(1)) ;

System.Threadin g.Thread.Sleep( TimeSpan.FromSe conds(5));





Thread.Sleep(90 00);

//throw new Exception("Aufz ah!");

Console.WriteLi ne("Check Transaction (Worker1End): L:{0} D:{1}",
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Lo calIdentifier,
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Di stributedIdenti fier);

Console.WriteLi ne("About to complete the worker9 thread's transaction



Console.WriteLi ne("Completing the dependent clone");



catch (Exception ex)


Console.WriteLi ne("Worker1 Catch");

Console.WriteLi ne(ex.ToString( ));




static void worker2(object ar)



DependentTransa ction dtx = (DependentTrans action)ar;

using (TransactionSco pe ts = new TransactionScop e(dtx))


Console.WriteLi ne("Check Transaction (Worker1End): L:{0} D:{1}",
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Lo calIdentifier,
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Di stributedIdenti fier);

//using(SqlConnec tion conn = new SqlConnection(" Data
Source=WKOEDEV0 1\\SQL2005;Init ial Catalog=WKOBASE _CLONE;Persist Security
Info=True;User ID=binreader;Pa ssword=readme20 02"))

SqlConnection conn = conn2;



Thread.Sleep(Ti meSpan.FromSeco nds(10)); //<- Wait till Main Thread reaches

SqlCommand co = new SqlCommand("INS ERT INTO TEST VALUES(7, 'Test7')", conn);

co.ExecuteNonQu ery();

co = new SqlCommand("SEL ECT * FROM TEST", conn);


SqlDataReader r = co.ExecuteReade r();

while (r.Read())


Console.WriteLi ne("Reader2: {0}, {1}", r.GetInt64(0), r.GetString(1)) ;

System.Threadin g.Thread.Sleep( TimeSpan.FromSe conds(2));





Thread.Sleep(50 00);

Console.WriteLi ne("Check Transaction (Worker2End): L:{0} D:{1}",
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Lo calIdentifier,
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Di stributedIdenti fier);

Console.WriteLi ne("About to complete the worker2 thread's transaction



Console.WriteLi ne("Completing the dependent clone");



catch (Exception ex)


Console.WriteLi ne("Worker2 Catch");

Console.WriteLi ne(ex.ToString( ));






I have no Idea why nothig there is working like I would expected it.

Is there an working method to access an database with multible Threads or
should I bury that idea?

Examples of working Templates are wery welcome.

With the request for help

Michael Schöller
Jun 27 '08 #1
3 2898
Is there a reason why you have one scope for two threads?

Sheng Jiang
Microsoft MVP in VC++
"Michael Schöller" <mi************ ***@inhouse.wko .atwrote in message
news:Oh******** *****@TK2MSFTNG P06.phx.gbl...

First of all english is not my natural language so please fogive me some
mistakes in gramatic and use of some vocables :).

I have a great problem here. Well I will not use it anymore but I want to
know why it is as it is ^^. I tried with .NET3.0 but I think it will be
same with 2.0 and 3.5.
MSDTC is configured and working.

On the SQL2005-Server I created a Table Test (bigint, varchar(20)) filled
1, 'Test1'
2, 'Test2'
3, 'Test3'
4, 'Test4'
5, 'Test5'
6, 'Test6'

Execution the following Code works 1 of 20 Times (the other timed the
following Exception appears). After deleten the added Lines in the table
Execute it again you always get the Exception:
(Sorry the Exception is partitially german and I don't know the english
counterpart but must be something like "Error while upgrading the
Transaction" and "There is already an opened DataReader assigned to this
connection" )
"System.Transac tions.Transacti onAbortedExcept ion: Die Transaktion wurde
abgebrochen. ---System.Transact ions.Transactio nPromotionExcep tion:
beim Versuch, die Transaktion heraufzustufen. --->
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlExcep tion: Diesem Befehl ist bereits ein
DataReader zugeordnet, der zuerst geschlossen werden muss.\r\n bei
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlInter nalConnectionTd s.ExecuteTransa ctionYukon(Tran s
transactionRequ est, String transactionName , IsolationLevel iso,
SqlInternalTran saction internalTransac tion, Boolean
isDelegateContr olRequest)\r\n bei
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlInter nalConnectionTd s.ExecuteTransa ction(Transacti o
transactionRequ est, String name, IsolationLevel iso,
SqlInternalTran saction
internalTransac tion, Boolean isDelegateContr olRequest)\r\n bei
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlDeleg atedTransaction .Promote()\r\n --- Ende der
internen Ausnahmestapelü berwachung ---\r\n bei
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlDeleg atedTransaction .Promote()\r\n bei
System.Transact ions.Tr

ansactionStateP SPEOperation.PS PEPromote(Inter nalTransaction tx)\r\n bei
System.Transact ions.Transactio nStateDelegated Base.EnterState (InternalTransa c
tx)\r\n --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelü berwachung ---\r\n bei
System.Transact ions.Transactio nStateAborted.C heckForFinished Transaction(Int e
tx)\r\n bei
System.Transact ions.Transactio nStatePhase0.Pr omote(InternalT ransaction
tx)\r\n bei System.Transact ions.Transactio n.Promote()\r\n bei
System.Transact ions.Transactio nInterop.Conver tToOletxTransac tion(Transactio n
transaction)\r\ n bei
System.Transact ions.Transactio nInterop.GetExp ortCookie(Trans action
transaction, Byte[] whereabouts)\r\ n bei
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlInter nalConnection.E nlistNonNull(Tr ansaction
tx)\r\n bei System.Data.Sql Client.SqlInter nalConnection.E nlist(Transacti on
tx)\r\n bei
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlInter nalConnectionTd s.Activate(Tran saction
transaction)\r\ n bei
System.Data.Pro viderBase.DbCon nectionInternal .ActivateConnec tion(Transactio n
transaction)\r\ n

bei System.Data.Pro viderBase.DbCon nectionPool.Get Connection(DbCo nnection
owningObject)\r \n bei
System.Data.Pro viderBase.DbCon nectionFactory. GetConnection(D bConnection
owningConnectio n)\r\n bei
System.Data.Pro viderBase.DbCon nectionClosed.O penConnection(D bConnection
outerConnection , DbConnectionFac tory connectionFacto ry)\r\n bei
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlConne ction.Open()\r\ n bei
TestTransaktion .Program.worker 2(Object ar) in
D:\\DATEN\\Scho ellerM\\Visual
Studio 2005\\Projects\ \TestTransaktio n\\TestTransakt ion\\Program.cs :Zeile
120.\r\n bei System.Threadin g.ThreadHelper. ThreadStart_Con text(Object
state)\r\n bei System.Threadin g.ExecutionCont ext.Run(Executi onContext
executionContex t, ContextCallback callback, Object state)\r\n bei
System.Threadin g.ThreadHelper. ThreadStart(Obj ect obj)"

Well personaly I don't belief the part with the DataReader..her e is the

using System;

using System.Collecti ons.Generic;

using System.Text;

using System.Data.Sql Client;

using System.Transact ions;

using System.Threadin g;

namespace TestTransaktion


class Program


static void Main(string[] args)




using (TransactionSco pe ts = new
TransactionScop e(TransactionSc opeOption.Requi red, TimeSpan.MaxVal ue))


Console.WriteLi ne("Check Transaction (RootStart): L:{0} D:{1}",
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Lo calIdentifier,
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Di stributedIdenti fier);

Thread worker1 = new Thread(Program. worker1);

Thread worker2 = new Thread(Program. worker2);

worker1.IsBackg round = true;

worker2.IsBackg round = true;

worker1.Start(T ransaction.Curr ent.DependentCl one(DependentCl oneOption.Block C
ommitUntilCompl ete));
worker2.Start(T ransaction.Curr ent.DependentCl one(DependentCl oneOption.Block C
ommitUntilCompl ete));

//ThreadPool.Queu eUserWorkItem(w orker1,
Transaction.Cur rent.DependentC lone(DependentC loneOption.Bloc kCommitUntilCom p
//ThreadPool.Queu eUserWorkItem(w orker2,
Transaction.Cur rent.DependentC lone(DependentC loneOption.Bloc kCommitUntilCom p
Console.WriteLi ne("Check Transaction (RootEnd): L:{0} D:{1}",
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Lo calIdentifier,
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Di stributedIdenti fier);

Console.WriteLi ne("About to complete the main thread");



Console.WriteLi ne("Transactio n Completed");


catch (Exception ex)


Console.WriteLi ne("Top Catch");

Console.WriteLi ne(ex.ToString( ));


Console.WriteLi ne("Enter <Enter>");

Console.ReadLin e();


static void worker1(object ar)



DependentTransa ction dtx = (DependentTrans action)ar;

using (TransactionSco pe ts = new TransactionScop e(dtx))


Console.WriteLi ne("Check Transaction (Worker1Start): L:{0} D:{1}",
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Lo calIdentifier,
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Di stributedIdenti fier);

using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(" Data
Source=WKOEDEV0 1\\SQL2005;Init ial Catalog=WKOBASE _CLONE;Persist Security
Info=True;User ID=binreader;Pa ssword=readme20 02"))



SqlCommand co = new SqlCommand("INS ERT INTO TEST VALUES(8, 'Test8')",
co.ExecuteNonQu ery();

co = new SqlCommand("SEL ECT * FROM TEST", conn);


SqlDataReader r = co.ExecuteReade r();

while (r.Read())


Console.WriteLi ne("Reader1: {0}, {1}", r.GetInt64(0), r.GetString(1)) ;

System.Threadin g.Thread.Sleep( TimeSpan.FromSe conds(5));





Thread.Sleep(90 00);

//throw new Exception("Aufz ah!");

Console.WriteLi ne("Check Transaction (Worker1End): L:{0} D:{1}",
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Lo calIdentifier,
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Di stributedIdenti fier);

Console.WriteLi ne("About to complete the worker9 thread's transaction



Console.WriteLi ne("Completing the dependent clone");



catch (Exception ex)


Console.WriteLi ne("Worker1 Catch");

Console.WriteLi ne(ex.ToString( ));




static void worker2(object ar)



DependentTransa ction dtx = (DependentTrans action)ar;

using (TransactionSco pe ts = new TransactionScop e(dtx))


Console.WriteLi ne("Check Transaction (Worker1End): L:{0} D:{1}",
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Lo calIdentifier,
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Di stributedIdenti fier);

using(SqlConnec tion conn = new SqlConnection(" Data
Source=WKOEDEV0 1\\SQL2005;Init ial Catalog=WKOBASE _CLONE;Persist Security
Info=True;User ID=binreader;Pa ssword=readme20 02"))



Thread.Sleep(Ti meSpan.FromSeco nds(10)); //<- Wait till Main Thread reaches

SqlCommand co = new SqlCommand("INS ERT INTO TEST VALUES(7, 'Test7')",
co.ExecuteNonQu ery();

co = new SqlCommand("SEL ECT * FROM TEST", conn);


SqlDataReader r = co.ExecuteReade r();

while (r.Read())


Console.WriteLi ne("Reader2: {0}, {1}", r.GetInt64(0), r.GetString(1)) ;

System.Threadin g.Thread.Sleep( TimeSpan.FromSe conds(2));





Thread.Sleep(50 00);

Console.WriteLi ne("Check Transaction (Worker2End): L:{0} D:{1}",
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Lo calIdentifier,
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Di stributedIdenti fier);

Console.WriteLi ne("About to complete the worker2 thread's transaction



Console.WriteLi ne("Completing the dependent clone");



catch (Exception ex)


Console.WriteLi ne("Worker2 Catch");

Console.WriteLi ne(ex.ToString( ));






Alternativ habe ich auch diesen Code hier versucht der eher dem enspricht
was wir Momentan verwenden. Allerdings liefert der wiederum folgende
Exception (fast immer oder eben die obere)

Alternativ I tried out the following code, that was in a locical pouint of
few a little bit more like the one I am using at the moment. This code
throws the following execption (not every time but mostly the other time
exception I showed you earlyer was thrown) (BTW funny thing same PC same
Studio but now an english exception.)

"System.Data.Sq lClient.SqlExce ption: Distributed transaction completed.
Either enlist this session in a new transaction or the NULL
transaction.\r\ n
bei System.Data.Sql Client.SqlConne ction.OnError(S qlException exception,
Boolean breakConnection )\r\n bei
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlInter nalConnection.O nError(SqlExcep tion
Boolean breakConnection )\r\n bei
System.Data.Sql Client.TdsParse r.ThrowExceptio nAndWarning(Tds ParserStateObje c
stateObj)\r\n bei System.Data.Sql Client.TdsParse r.Run(RunBehavi or
runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream,
BulkCopySimpleR esultSet bulkCopyHandler , TdsParserStateO bject
bei System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd.RunExecuteNo nQueryTds(Strin g
methodName, Boolean async)\r\n bei
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd.InternalExec uteNonQuery(DbA syncResult
result, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe)\r\n bei
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd.ExecuteNonQu ery()\r\n bei
TestTransaktion .Program.worker 2(Object ar) in
D:\\DATEN\\Scho ellerM\\Visual

udio 2005\\Projects\ \TestTransaktio n\\TestTransakt ion\\Program.cs :Zeile
133.\r\n bei System.Threadin g.ThreadHelper. ThreadStart_Con text(Object
state)\r\n bei System.Threadin g.ExecutionCont ext.Run(Executi onContext
executionContex t, ContextCallback callback, Object state)\r\n bei
System.Threadin g.ThreadHelper. ThreadStart(Obj ect obj)"

The Code

using System;

using System.Collecti ons.Generic;

using System.Text;

using System.Data.Sql Client;

using System.Transact ions;

using System.Threadin g;

namespace TestTransaktion


class Program


static SqlConnection conn1;

static SqlConnection conn2;

static void Main(string[] args)




conn1 = new SqlConnection(" Data Source=WKOEDEV0 1\\SQL2005;Init ial
Catalog=WKOBASE _CLONE;Persist Security Info=True;User
ID=binreader;Pa ssword=readme20 02");

conn2 = new SqlConnection(" Data Source=WKOEDEV0 1\\SQL2005;Init ial
Catalog=WKOBASE _CLONE;Persist Security Info=True;User
ID=binreader;Pa ssword=readme20 02");



using (TransactionSco pe ts = new
TransactionScop e(TransactionSc opeOption.Requi red, TimeSpan.MaxVal ue))


conn1.EnlistTra nsaction(Transa ction.Current);

conn2.EnlistTra nsaction(Transa ction.Current);

Console.WriteLi ne("Check Transaction (RootStart): L:{0} D:{1}",
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Lo calIdentifier,
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Di stributedIdenti fier);

Thread worker1 = new Thread(Program. worker1);

Thread worker2 = new Thread(Program. worker2);

worker1.IsBackg round = true;

worker2.IsBackg round = true;

worker1.Start(T ransaction.Curr ent.DependentCl one(DependentCl oneOption.Block C
ommitUntilCompl ete));
worker2.Start(T ransaction.Curr ent.DependentCl one(DependentCl oneOption.Block C
ommitUntilCompl ete));

//ThreadPool.Queu eUserWorkItem(w orker1,
Transaction.Cur rent.DependentC lone(DependentC loneOption.Bloc kCommitUntilCom p
//ThreadPool.Queu eUserWorkItem(w orker2,
Transaction.Cur rent.DependentC lone(DependentC loneOption.Bloc kCommitUntilCom p
Console.WriteLi ne("Check Transaction (RootEnd): L:{0} D:{1}",
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Lo calIdentifier,
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Di stributedIdenti fier);

Console.WriteLi ne("About to complete the main thread");





Console.WriteLi ne("Transactio n Completed");


catch (Exception ex)


Console.WriteLi ne("Top Catch");

Console.WriteLi ne(ex.ToString( ));


Console.WriteLi ne("Enter <Enter>");

Console.ReadLin e();


static void worker1(object ar)



DependentTransa ction dtx = (DependentTrans action)ar;

using (TransactionSco pe ts = new TransactionScop e(dtx))


Console.WriteLi ne("Check Transaction (Worker1Start): L:{0} D:{1}",
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Lo calIdentifier,
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Di stributedIdenti fier);

//using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(" Data
Source=WKOEDEV0 1\\SQL2005;Init ial Catalog=WKOBASE _CLONE;Persist Security
Info=True;User ID=binreader;Pa ssword=readme20 02"))

SqlConnection conn = conn1;



SqlCommand co = new SqlCommand("INS ERT INTO TEST VALUES(8, 'Test8')",
co.ExecuteNonQu ery();

co = new SqlCommand("SEL ECT * FROM TEST", conn);


SqlDataReader r = co.ExecuteReade r();

while (r.Read())


Console.WriteLi ne("Reader1: {0}, {1}", r.GetInt64(0), r.GetString(1)) ;

System.Threadin g.Thread.Sleep( TimeSpan.FromSe conds(5));





Thread.Sleep(90 00);

//throw new Exception("Aufz ah!");

Console.WriteLi ne("Check Transaction (Worker1End): L:{0} D:{1}",
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Lo calIdentifier,
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Di stributedIdenti fier);

Console.WriteLi ne("About to complete the worker9 thread's transaction



Console.WriteLi ne("Completing the dependent clone");



catch (Exception ex)


Console.WriteLi ne("Worker1 Catch");

Console.WriteLi ne(ex.ToString( ));




static void worker2(object ar)



DependentTransa ction dtx = (DependentTrans action)ar;

using (TransactionSco pe ts = new TransactionScop e(dtx))


Console.WriteLi ne("Check Transaction (Worker1End): L:{0} D:{1}",
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Lo calIdentifier,
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Di stributedIdenti fier);

//using(SqlConnec tion conn = new SqlConnection(" Data
Source=WKOEDEV0 1\\SQL2005;Init ial Catalog=WKOBASE _CLONE;Persist Security
Info=True;User ID=binreader;Pa ssword=readme20 02"))

SqlConnection conn = conn2;



Thread.Sleep(Ti meSpan.FromSeco nds(10)); //<- Wait till Main Thread reaches

SqlCommand co = new SqlCommand("INS ERT INTO TEST VALUES(7, 'Test7')",
co.ExecuteNonQu ery();

co = new SqlCommand("SEL ECT * FROM TEST", conn);


SqlDataReader r = co.ExecuteReade r();

while (r.Read())


Console.WriteLi ne("Reader2: {0}, {1}", r.GetInt64(0), r.GetString(1)) ;

System.Threadin g.Thread.Sleep( TimeSpan.FromSe conds(2));





Thread.Sleep(50 00);

Console.WriteLi ne("Check Transaction (Worker2End): L:{0} D:{1}",
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Lo calIdentifier,
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Di stributedIdenti fier);

Console.WriteLi ne("About to complete the worker2 thread's transaction



Console.WriteLi ne("Completing the dependent clone");



catch (Exception ex)


Console.WriteLi ne("Worker2 Catch");

Console.WriteLi ne(ex.ToString( ));






I have no Idea why nothig there is working like I would expected it.

Is there an working method to access an database with multible Threads or
should I bury that idea?

Examples of working Templates are wery welcome.

With the request for help

Michael Schöller

Jun 27 '08 #2
Well yes.

This is only an Test.

The real Programm should calculate some values for Customers.

There is a method that takes an Customer-Id as parameter an calculates all
values for that Customer.

The application process customers in blocks of 50. A Transaction is opend 50
Custumervalues are calculated and the transaction is closes. (If everything
goes right). This is done by calling the method in an loop with an customer
ID one by one.

The machine where the application is running has 8 CPUs so I was thinking
about speeding up the application by calling the method 10 times as Threads
with differend Customer-Ids and do data reading and calculating of the
values parallel.

The results of the calculation are taken and written to the database.

However if an error occur the whole block has to be taken back (In worst
case all 49 correctly calculated customers. The Transactionbloc k is logged
and marked as error then).

Data reading and calculaing is done within the loop so there is already an
open transaction around that.
Jun 27 '08 #3
Ok I changed my test to reflect my needs a bit more.
I also disabled connection pooling. The effect was that my first version is
working now. (so I tried an long time test)
But this one is still not working and I don't know why...

Alway get the error (the one with the already open DataReader)
"System.Transac tions.Transacti onAbortedExcept ion: Die Transaktion wurde
abgebrochen. ---System.Transact ions.Transactio nPromotionExcep tion: Fehler
beim Versuch, die Transaktion heraufzustufen. --->
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlExcep tion: Diesem Befehl ist bereits ein geöffneter
DataReader zugeordnet, der zuerst geschlossen werden muss.\r\n bei
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlInter nalConnectionTd s.ExecuteTransa ctionYukon(Tran sactionRequest
transactionRequ est, String transactionName , IsolationLevel iso,
SqlInternalTran saction internalTransac tion, Boolean
isDelegateContr olRequest)\r\n bei
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlInter nalConnectionTd s.ExecuteTransa ction(Transacti onRequest
transactionRequ est, String name, IsolationLevel iso, SqlInternalTran saction
internalTransac tion, Boolean isDelegateContr olRequest)\r\n bei
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlDeleg atedTransaction .Promote()\r\n --- Ende der
internen Ausnahmestapelü berwachung ---\r\n bei
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlDeleg atedTransaction .Promote()\r\n bei
System.Transact ions.Tr

ansactionStateP SPEOperation.PS PEPromote(Inter nalTransaction tx)\r\n bei
System.Transact ions.Transactio nStateDelegated Base.EnterState (InternalTransa ction
tx)\r\n --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelü berwachung ---\r\n bei
System.Transact ions.Transactio nStateAborted.E ndCommit(Intern alTransaction
tx)\r\n bei System.Transact ions.Committabl eTransaction.Co mmit()\r\n bei
System.Transact ions.Transactio nScope.Internal Dispose()\r\n bei
System.Transact ions.Transactio nScope.Dispose( )\r\n bei
TestTransaktion .Program.Main(S tring[] args) in D:\\DATEN\\Scho ellerM\\Visual
Studio 2005\\Projects\ \TestTransaktio n\\TestTransakt ion\\Program.cs :Zeile
Always get an...
using System;

using System.Collecti ons.Generic;

using System.Text;

using System.Data.Sql Client;

using System.Transact ions;

using System.Threadin g;

namespace TestTransaktion


class Program


static void Main(string[] args)




using (TransactionSco pe ts = new
TransactionScop e(TransactionSc opeOption.Requi red, TimeSpan.MaxVal ue))


Console.WriteLi ne("Check Transaction (RootStart): L:{0} D:{1}",
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Lo calIdentifier,
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Di stributedIdenti fier);

for(int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)


using (TransactionSco pe ts2 = new
TransactionScop e(TransactionSc opeOption.Requi resNew))


Console.WriteLi ne("Check Transaction (InnerStart): L:{0} D:{1}",
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Lo calIdentifier,
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Di stributedIdenti fier);

for (int j = 0; j < 10; ++j)


ThreadPool.Queu eUserWorkItem(w orker3,
Transaction.Cur rent.DependentC lone(DependentC loneOption.Bloc kCommitUntilCom plete));


Console.WriteLi ne("Check Transaction (InnerEnd): L:{0} D:{1}",
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Lo calIdentifier,
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Di stributedIdenti fier);

Console.WriteLi ne("About to complete the Innter Transaction");




Console.WriteLi ne("Check Transaction (RootEnd): L:{0} D:{1}",
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Lo calIdentifier,
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Di stributedIdenti fier);

Console.WriteLi ne("About to complete the main thread");



Console.WriteLi ne("Transactio n Completed");


catch (Exception ex)


Console.WriteLi ne("Top Catch");

Console.WriteLi ne(ex.ToString( ));


Console.WriteLi ne("Enter <Enter>");

Console.ReadLin e();


static void worker3(object ar)




DependentTransa ction dtx = (DependentTrans action)ar;

using (TransactionSco pe ts = new TransactionScop e(dtx))


Console.WriteLi ne("Check Transaction (Worker3Start): L:{0} D:{1}",
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Lo calIdentifier,
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Di stributedIdenti fier);

using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(" Data
Source=WKOEDEV0 1\\SQL2005;Init ial Catalog=WKOBASE _CLONE;Persist Security
Info=True;User ID=binreader;Pa ssword=readme20 02;Pooling=fals e"))



SqlCommand co = new SqlCommand("SEL ECT * FROM TEST", conn);


SqlDataReader r = co.ExecuteReade r();

while (r.Read())


Console.WriteLi ne("Reader3: {0}, {1}", r.GetInt64(0), r.GetString(1)) ;

System.Threadin g.Thread.Sleep( TimeSpan.FromSe conds(2));





Console.WriteLi ne("Check Transaction (Worker3End): L:{0} D:{1}",
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Lo calIdentifier,
Transaction.Cur rent.Transactio nInformation.Di stributedIdenti fier);

Console.WriteLi ne("About to complete the worker3 thread's transaction



Console.WriteLi ne("Completing the dependent clone");



catch (Exception ex)


Console.WriteLi ne("Worker3 Catch");

Console.WriteLi ne(ex.ToString( ));





"Michael Schöller" <mi************ ***@inhouse.wko .atschrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:ut******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP05.phx.gbl...
Well yes.

This is only an Test.

The real Programm should calculate some values for Customers.

There is a method that takes an Customer-Id as parameter an calculates all
values for that Customer.

The application process customers in blocks of 50. A Transaction is opend
50 Custumervalues are calculated and the transaction is closes. (If
everything goes right). This is done by calling the method in an loop with
an customer ID one by one.

The machine where the application is running has 8 CPUs so I was thinking
about speeding up the application by calling the method 10 times as
Threads with differend Customer-Ids and do data reading and calculating of
the values parallel.

The results of the calculation are taken and written to the database.

However if an error occur the whole block has to be taken back (In worst
case all 49 correctly calculated customers. The Transactionbloc k is logged
and marked as error then).

Data reading and calculaing is done within the loop so there is already an
open transaction around that.

Jun 27 '08 #4

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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