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Understanding and Using Exceptions

Understanding and Using Exceptions
(this is a really long post...only read it if you (a) don't know what
try/catch is OR (b) actually write catch(Exception ex) or catch{ })

The first thing I look for when evaluating someone's code is a
try/catch block. While it isn't a perfect indicator, exception handling
is one of the few things that quickly speak about the quality of code.
Within seconds you might discover that the code author doesn't have a
clue what he or she is doing. It may be fun to point and laugh at, but
poor exception handling can have a serious impact on the
maintainability of a system. Proper exception handling isn't very
difficult, technically there's nothing to it. It all comes down to
grasping the fundamentals. Too many developers consider exceptions
dangerous to the health of a system. If you come from an exception-less
language, you might be cursing Microsoft developers for ever having
introduced them in the framework.

All exceptions in the .NET framework inherit from the base
System.Exceptio n class. This class exposes a handful of members you are
likely familiar with, such as StackTrace and Message. Exceptions are
raised by the framework, a library you are using or your own code when
an exceptional situation occurs. While I don't often run into over
zealous use of exceptions, it is important to understand that they are
meant to be used for truly exceptional scenarios. For example, if a
user's registration fails because the email is already in use, throwing
an exception might not be appropriate. You'll often hear people say
"only use exceptions in exceptional cases", as I just did. This is very
sound advice when throwing your own exception, but what about catching
and handling exceptions? Well the fundamental point to understand is
the same, when an exception does get thrown, be aware that something
truly exceptional happened. That might sound a little bit obvious, but
a common example will show just how poorly understood the point is:

connection.Open ()
command.Execute NonQuery()
return false
end try

You might have seen, or even written, similar code before. In a
previous blog post, I pointed out almost identical code in official
Macromedia documentation. There's actually more than 1 problem in the
above code, but let's focus on the catch block - the place the
exception is supposed to get handled. Does anyone see the exception
being handled? It isn't. Instead, we've been warned that something
truly bad has happened, and swept it under the rug. This is known as
exception swallowing, and it's a sure sign of someone who's afraid of
and doesn't understand exceptions. If you truly understand that an
exception is a sign of an exception situation, you'll never dare sweep
it under the rug!

If you aren't supposed to swallow them, what's the game plan going to
be? The first thing to realize is that much more often than not,
there's nothing you'll actually be able to do with exceptions. If I was
to guess as to why developers get hung up on exceptions, I'd have to
say this is it. For many developers, having an exception bubble up
through code, where it'll eventually cause the application to crash,
seems unimaginable. For some reason, these same developers don't seem
to be too worried about not being able to connect to their database -
we'll just return false. The simple truth is that if you can't actually
handle the exception, don't. We'll implement logging and friendly error
messages much higher up in the code, where it can be globally reused
and easily maintained. If the above code makes it to a production
server, no error message will be displayed, no meaningful data will be
recorded and it might take hours (or days) before you even know
something's wrong.

Rethrownig exceptions
Does that mean that you should never catch exceptions? Not necessarily,
but you need to be careful what you do in there. One of the few
technical hangups developers have is how to rethrow a caught exception.
Since it might not be obvious at first why you'd do that, let's look at
an example. Pretend we've build code that allows user's to register.
Our code will first enter the record into the database (assuming all
business rules pass), and then send a confirmation email out that
details how the account can be activated. If sending out the email
fails, we'll want to remove the record from the database so that the
user can try again with the same username/email (else he or she will
get an error saying the username or email is already in use). With
proper use of exceptions, this is a simple matter to accomplish:

Emailer.SendNew UserActivation( this)
catch (SmtpException ex)

In the above code we haven't handle the exception, but we've done some
important cleaning up. The code can't go in the finally clause because
that's called on failure AND success (and we don't want to delete the
record if everything was a success). The real gem in the code is the
throw statement. This keeps the exception on the stack, where it'll
bubble upwards. The calling code won't know that we ever caught the
exception and did a bit of internal house-cleaning - which is just what
we want because we did nothing to handle the exception.

(in the comments below, Mark Kamoski has some alternative solutions to
the code above (along with some concerns) that I think are worthwhile,
so scroll down and find his post!)

There are two variations to the code above. Instead of simply using
throw; we could actually use throw ex;. The difference between the two,
though subtle, it quite important to understand. When you use throw ex;
you'll modify the call stack and make it look like your code was the
source of the exception. You are effectively throwing away useful
debugging information. As I've said before, when you simply throw; it's
as though you didn't do anything at all! We'll talk more about throwing
your own exceptions in a later post, but if you want to actually be
involved in the exception bubbling chain, it's generally better to
throw a new exception and specified the caught exception as the inner
exception, such as:

throw new SomeTypeOfExcep tion("User Activation send failed", ex);

Cleaning up after yourself
If you follow my advice (and I'll give you a much better source than
just my own word soon), you'll end up with very few Try/Catch
statements. Instead what you should be using are Try/Finally
statements, or the using statement. While you might not be able to
handle an exception, you can certainly clean up after yourself. Most
people know this, but finally happens whether an exception is raised or
not, and is pretty much guaranteed to happen - so you can return in
your try block and rest easy knowing your finally cleaned up your
resources. Here's an example:

dim connection as new SqlConnection(G ET_CONNECTION_S TRING_FROM_CONF IG)
dim command as new SqlCommand(conn ection)
'...set stuff up
connection.Open ()
'might wanna check for DbNull or something
return cint(command.Ex ecuteScalar)
connection.Dipo se()
command.Dispose ()
end try

If you instantiate your code inside the try, make sure to check for
nothing before disposing:

dim connection as SqlConnection
dim command as SqlCommand
connection = new SqlConnection(G ET_CONNECTION_S TRING_FROM_CONF IG)
command = new SqlCommand(cone ction)
'...set stuff up
connection.Open ()
'might wanna check for DbNull or something
return cint(command.Ex ecuteScalar)
if (not connection is nothing) then
connection.Dipo se()
end if
if (not command is nothing) then
command.Dispose ()
end if
end try

The above code is a little messy, which is exactly why C# and VB.NET
(as of 2005) support the using keyword:

using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(. ..))
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(...) )
//..set stuff up
connection.Open ();
return Int32.Parse(com mand.ExecuteSca lar);

I've heard some people say they dislike nested using statements, but if
you compare the two examples, I think it's much cleaner, readable and
less error prone.

More on actually catching exceptions
Now there are some times when you'll be able to handle an exception.
Everyone knows that you always catch specific exceptions first and work
your way towards the base exceptions. You should also, never-ever catch
System.Exceptio n. Say we wrote code that took a query string value (or
any string for that matter) and tried to turn it into an integer. If it
fails, we want to default to a given value. You might write something

public static int ParseInt(string value, int defaultValue)
return Int32.Parse(str ingValue);
catch(Exception ex)
return defaultValue;

That's wrong. What happens if Int32.Parse threw a ThreadAbortExce ption
or an OutOfMemoryExce ption, does returning a defaultValue handle those
exceptions? No. Instead, you need to catch only the specific exceptions
you are handling:

return Int32.Parse(str ingValue);
catch (FormatExceptio n ex)
return defaultValue;
catch (InvalidCastExc eption ex)
return defaultValue;
catch (OverflowExcept ion ex)
return defaultValue;

Of course, that can be a serious pain to write and maintain. The
solution is to apply what we learnt earlier about rethrowing caught

return Int32.Parse(str ingValue);
catch (Exception ex)
if (!(ex is FormatException ) && !(ex is InvalidCastExce ption) && !(ex
is OverflowExcepti on))
return defaultValue;

While it's true I said that you should never catch Exception, notice
that it's being rethrown (using throw;) if it isn't the expected type.
This works just as well in VB.NET, or you can even use VB.NET's when

Global Error Handling
If you've made it this far, you might be getting a little panicked.
Since we aren't catching exceptions left and right, they'll bubble
until they crash the system. Well that's where global exception
handling comes in. It lets us write, in a centralized (i.e., easy to
change) way, any exception logging we want and how to display the error
in a friendly manner. Now I'm getting a little tired of typing, but
here's the httpModule I use to get the job done (notice it relies on
log4net to do any logging). If you aren't familiar with httpModules,
and you don't want to bother learning, you can take the code from
application_err or and stick it in your global.asax's application_err or.

using System;
using System.Web;
using log4net;

namespace Fuel.Web
public class ErrorModule : IHttpModule
#region Fields and Properties
private static readonly ILog logger =
LogManager.GetL ogger(typeof(Er rorModule));

#region IHttpModule Members
public void Init(HttpApplic ation application)
application.Err or += new EventHandler(ap plication_Error );
public void Dispose() { }

public void application_Err or(object sender, EventArgs e)
HttpContext ctx = HttpContext.Cur rent;
//get the inner most exception
Exception exception;
for (exception = ctx.Server.GetL astError();
exception.Inner Exception != null; exception = exception.Inner Exception)
{ }
if (exception is HttpException &&
((HttpException )exception).Err orCode == 404)
logger.Warn("A 404 occurred", exception);
logger.Error("E rrorModule caught an unhandled exception",
ctx.Server.Clea rError();
//if you want, you can simply redirect to a generic "oops, an
error occurred page" ala:
//this is what I recommend until you get into creating your
own exceptions
//Response.Redire ct("error.asx") ;


What if you disagree with me?
You might disagree with what I've said. You might even point to this
MSDN reference that supposedly tells you how to handle exception:
http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/24395wz3.aspx. In it you'll
find very different advice, namely:
"It is preferable to use Try/Catch blocks around any code that is
subject to errors rather than rely on a global error handler."
I'll counter that crap (and i am trying to get it corrected, because it
IS flat out wrong), with a quote from Anders Hejlberg (you know, the
lead architect for C#, one of few Microsoft distinguished engineers,
the inventor of TurboPascal and a lot more):
"No, because in a lot of cases, people don't care. They're not going to
handle any of these exceptions. There's a bottom level exception
handler around their message loop. That handler is just going to bring
up a dialog that says what went wrong and continue. The programmers
protect their code by writing try finally's everywhere, so they'll back
out correctly if an exception occurs, but they're not actually
interested in handling the exceptions.

The throws clause, at least the way it's implemented in Java, doesn't
necessarily force you to handle the exceptions, but if you don't handle
them, it forces you to acknowledge precisely which exceptions might
pass through. It requires you to either catch declared exceptions or
put them in your own throws clause. To work around this requirement,
people do ridiculous things. For example, they decorate every method
with, "throws Exception." That just completely defeats the feature, and
you just made the programmer write more gobbledy gunk. That doesn't
help anybody.

It is funny how people think that the important thing about exceptions
is handling them. That is not the important thing about exceptions. In
a well-written application there's a ratio of ten to one, in my
opinion, of try finally to try catch. Or in C#, using statements, which
are like try finally.

In the finally, you protect yourself against the exceptions, but you
don't actually handle them. Error handling you put somewhere else.
Surely in any kind of event-driven application like any kind of modern
UI, you typically put an exception handler around your main message
pump, and you just handle exceptions as they fall out that way. But you
make sure you protect yourself all the way out by deallocating any
resources you've grabbed, and so forth. You clean up after yourself, so
you're always in a consistent state. You don't want a program where in
100 different places you handle exceptions and pop up error dialogs.
What if you want to change the way you put up that dialog box? That's
just terrible. The exception handling should be centralized, and you
should just protect yourself as the exceptions propagate out to the
(you can read the entire interview here, very good read, especially if
you come from a Java backgorund)

Make sure to read that and understand that well, because it's all
amazing advice and the real foundation of what you need to know with
respect to exception handling.

In Closing:
Here are the key points:
- Don't catch exceptions unless you can actually handle them
- Do know how to rethrow exceptions properly
- Do use using or try/finally often
- Don't swallow exceptions
- Do use a global handler to help you log and display a friendly error

I did want to talk about creating your own exceptions, but I think I'll
save that for another post.

Jun 15 '06 #1
1 2384
Is there a reason you're trying to pass off someone else's work as your own?
As the author for these three pieces, I'm glad you saw value in what I
wrote, but don't appreciate having it spammed in a help newsgroup (which I
happen to spend a lot of time in) and I don't appreciate you not linking
back to the original content.


"Anonieko" <an******@hotma il.com> wrote in message
news:11******** **************@ g10g2000cwb.goo glegroups.com.. .
Understanding and Using Exceptions
(this is a really long post...only read it if you (a) don't know what
try/catch is OR (b) actually write catch(Exception ex) or catch{ })

The first thing I look for when evaluating someone's code is a
try/catch block. While it isn't a perfect indicator, exception handling
is one of the few things that quickly speak about the quality of code.
Within seconds you might discover that the code author doesn't have a
clue what he or she is doing. It may be fun to point and laugh at, but
poor exception handling can have a serious impact on the
maintainability of a system. Proper exception handling isn't very
difficult, technically there's nothing to it. It all comes down to
grasping the fundamentals. Too many developers consider exceptions
dangerous to the health of a system. If you come from an exception-less
language, you might be cursing Microsoft developers for ever having
introduced them in the framework.

All exceptions in the .NET framework inherit from the base
System.Exceptio n class. This class exposes a handful of members you are
likely familiar with, such as StackTrace and Message. Exceptions are
raised by the framework, a library you are using or your own code when
an exceptional situation occurs. While I don't often run into over
zealous use of exceptions, it is important to understand that they are
meant to be used for truly exceptional scenarios. For example, if a
user's registration fails because the email is already in use, throwing
an exception might not be appropriate. You'll often hear people say
"only use exceptions in exceptional cases", as I just did. This is very
sound advice when throwing your own exception, but what about catching
and handling exceptions? Well the fundamental point to understand is
the same, when an exception does get thrown, be aware that something
truly exceptional happened. That might sound a little bit obvious, but
a common example will show just how poorly understood the point is:

connection.Open ()
command.Execute NonQuery()
return false
end try

You might have seen, or even written, similar code before. In a
previous blog post, I pointed out almost identical code in official
Macromedia documentation. There's actually more than 1 problem in the
above code, but let's focus on the catch block - the place the
exception is supposed to get handled. Does anyone see the exception
being handled? It isn't. Instead, we've been warned that something
truly bad has happened, and swept it under the rug. This is known as
exception swallowing, and it's a sure sign of someone who's afraid of
and doesn't understand exceptions. If you truly understand that an
exception is a sign of an exception situation, you'll never dare sweep
it under the rug!

If you aren't supposed to swallow them, what's the game plan going to
be? The first thing to realize is that much more often than not,
there's nothing you'll actually be able to do with exceptions. If I was
to guess as to why developers get hung up on exceptions, I'd have to
say this is it. For many developers, having an exception bubble up
through code, where it'll eventually cause the application to crash,
seems unimaginable. For some reason, these same developers don't seem
to be too worried about not being able to connect to their database -
we'll just return false. The simple truth is that if you can't actually
handle the exception, don't. We'll implement logging and friendly error
messages much higher up in the code, where it can be globally reused
and easily maintained. If the above code makes it to a production
server, no error message will be displayed, no meaningful data will be
recorded and it might take hours (or days) before you even know
something's wrong.

Rethrownig exceptions
Does that mean that you should never catch exceptions? Not necessarily,
but you need to be careful what you do in there. One of the few
technical hangups developers have is how to rethrow a caught exception.
Since it might not be obvious at first why you'd do that, let's look at
an example. Pretend we've build code that allows user's to register.
Our code will first enter the record into the database (assuming all
business rules pass), and then send a confirmation email out that
details how the account can be activated. If sending out the email
fails, we'll want to remove the record from the database so that the
user can try again with the same username/email (else he or she will
get an error saying the username or email is already in use). With
proper use of exceptions, this is a simple matter to accomplish:

Emailer.SendNew UserActivation( this)
catch (SmtpException ex)

In the above code we haven't handle the exception, but we've done some
important cleaning up. The code can't go in the finally clause because
that's called on failure AND success (and we don't want to delete the
record if everything was a success). The real gem in the code is the
throw statement. This keeps the exception on the stack, where it'll
bubble upwards. The calling code won't know that we ever caught the
exception and did a bit of internal house-cleaning - which is just what
we want because we did nothing to handle the exception.

(in the comments below, Mark Kamoski has some alternative solutions to
the code above (along with some concerns) that I think are worthwhile,
so scroll down and find his post!)

There are two variations to the code above. Instead of simply using
throw; we could actually use throw ex;. The difference between the two,
though subtle, it quite important to understand. When you use throw ex;
you'll modify the call stack and make it look like your code was the
source of the exception. You are effectively throwing away useful
debugging information. As I've said before, when you simply throw; it's
as though you didn't do anything at all! We'll talk more about throwing
your own exceptions in a later post, but if you want to actually be
involved in the exception bubbling chain, it's generally better to
throw a new exception and specified the caught exception as the inner
exception, such as:

throw new SomeTypeOfExcep tion("User Activation send failed", ex);

Cleaning up after yourself
If you follow my advice (and I'll give you a much better source than
just my own word soon), you'll end up with very few Try/Catch
statements. Instead what you should be using are Try/Finally
statements, or the using statement. While you might not be able to
handle an exception, you can certainly clean up after yourself. Most
people know this, but finally happens whether an exception is raised or
not, and is pretty much guaranteed to happen - so you can return in
your try block and rest easy knowing your finally cleaned up your
resources. Here's an example:

dim connection as new SqlConnection(G ET_CONNECTION_S TRING_FROM_CONF IG)
dim command as new SqlCommand(conn ection)
'...set stuff up
connection.Open ()
'might wanna check for DbNull or something
return cint(command.Ex ecuteScalar)
connection.Dipo se()
command.Dispose ()
end try

If you instantiate your code inside the try, make sure to check for
nothing before disposing:

dim connection as SqlConnection
dim command as SqlCommand
connection = new SqlConnection(G ET_CONNECTION_S TRING_FROM_CONF IG)
command = new SqlCommand(cone ction)
'...set stuff up
connection.Open ()
'might wanna check for DbNull or something
return cint(command.Ex ecuteScalar)
if (not connection is nothing) then
connection.Dipo se()
end if
if (not command is nothing) then
command.Dispose ()
end if
end try

The above code is a little messy, which is exactly why C# and VB.NET
(as of 2005) support the using keyword:

using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(. ..))
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(...) )
//..set stuff up
connection.Open ();
return Int32.Parse(com mand.ExecuteSca lar);

I've heard some people say they dislike nested using statements, but if
you compare the two examples, I think it's much cleaner, readable and
less error prone.

More on actually catching exceptions
Now there are some times when you'll be able to handle an exception.
Everyone knows that you always catch specific exceptions first and work
your way towards the base exceptions. You should also, never-ever catch
System.Exceptio n. Say we wrote code that took a query string value (or
any string for that matter) and tried to turn it into an integer. If it
fails, we want to default to a given value. You might write something

public static int ParseInt(string value, int defaultValue)
return Int32.Parse(str ingValue);
catch(Exception ex)
return defaultValue;

That's wrong. What happens if Int32.Parse threw a ThreadAbortExce ption
or an OutOfMemoryExce ption, does returning a defaultValue handle those
exceptions? No. Instead, you need to catch only the specific exceptions
you are handling:

return Int32.Parse(str ingValue);
catch (FormatExceptio n ex)
return defaultValue;
catch (InvalidCastExc eption ex)
return defaultValue;
catch (OverflowExcept ion ex)
return defaultValue;

Of course, that can be a serious pain to write and maintain. The
solution is to apply what we learnt earlier about rethrowing caught

return Int32.Parse(str ingValue);
catch (Exception ex)
if (!(ex is FormatException ) && !(ex is InvalidCastExce ption) && !(ex
is OverflowExcepti on))
return defaultValue;

While it's true I said that you should never catch Exception, notice
that it's being rethrown (using throw;) if it isn't the expected type.
This works just as well in VB.NET, or you can even use VB.NET's when

Global Error Handling
If you've made it this far, you might be getting a little panicked.
Since we aren't catching exceptions left and right, they'll bubble
until they crash the system. Well that's where global exception
handling comes in. It lets us write, in a centralized (i.e., easy to
change) way, any exception logging we want and how to display the error
in a friendly manner. Now I'm getting a little tired of typing, but
here's the httpModule I use to get the job done (notice it relies on
log4net to do any logging). If you aren't familiar with httpModules,
and you don't want to bother learning, you can take the code from
application_err or and stick it in your global.asax's application_err or.

using System;
using System.Web;
using log4net;

namespace Fuel.Web
public class ErrorModule : IHttpModule
#region Fields and Properties
private static readonly ILog logger =
LogManager.GetL ogger(typeof(Er rorModule));

#region IHttpModule Members
public void Init(HttpApplic ation application)
application.Err or += new EventHandler(ap plication_Error );
public void Dispose() { }

public void application_Err or(object sender, EventArgs e)
HttpContext ctx = HttpContext.Cur rent;
//get the inner most exception
Exception exception;
for (exception = ctx.Server.GetL astError();
exception.Inner Exception != null; exception = exception.Inner Exception)
{ }
if (exception is HttpException &&
((HttpException )exception).Err orCode == 404)
logger.Warn("A 404 occurred", exception);
logger.Error("E rrorModule caught an unhandled exception",
ctx.Server.Clea rError();
//if you want, you can simply redirect to a generic "oops, an
error occurred page" ala:
//this is what I recommend until you get into creating your
own exceptions
//Response.Redire ct("error.asx") ;


What if you disagree with me?
You might disagree with what I've said. You might even point to this
MSDN reference that supposedly tells you how to handle exception:
http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/24395wz3.aspx. In it you'll
find very different advice, namely:
"It is preferable to use Try/Catch blocks around any code that is
subject to errors rather than rely on a global error handler."
I'll counter that crap (and i am trying to get it corrected, because it
IS flat out wrong), with a quote from Anders Hejlberg (you know, the
lead architect for C#, one of few Microsoft distinguished engineers,
the inventor of TurboPascal and a lot more):
"No, because in a lot of cases, people don't care. They're not going to
handle any of these exceptions. There's a bottom level exception
handler around their message loop. That handler is just going to bring
up a dialog that says what went wrong and continue. The programmers
protect their code by writing try finally's everywhere, so they'll back
out correctly if an exception occurs, but they're not actually
interested in handling the exceptions.

The throws clause, at least the way it's implemented in Java, doesn't
necessarily force you to handle the exceptions, but if you don't handle
them, it forces you to acknowledge precisely which exceptions might
pass through. It requires you to either catch declared exceptions or
put them in your own throws clause. To work around this requirement,
people do ridiculous things. For example, they decorate every method
with, "throws Exception." That just completely defeats the feature, and
you just made the programmer write more gobbledy gunk. That doesn't
help anybody.

It is funny how people think that the important thing about exceptions
is handling them. That is not the important thing about exceptions. In
a well-written application there's a ratio of ten to one, in my
opinion, of try finally to try catch. Or in C#, using statements, which
are like try finally.

In the finally, you protect yourself against the exceptions, but you
don't actually handle them. Error handling you put somewhere else.
Surely in any kind of event-driven application like any kind of modern
UI, you typically put an exception handler around your main message
pump, and you just handle exceptions as they fall out that way. But you
make sure you protect yourself all the way out by deallocating any
resources you've grabbed, and so forth. You clean up after yourself, so
you're always in a consistent state. You don't want a program where in
100 different places you handle exceptions and pop up error dialogs.
What if you want to change the way you put up that dialog box? That's
just terrible. The exception handling should be centralized, and you
should just protect yourself as the exceptions propagate out to the
(you can read the entire interview here, very good read, especially if
you come from a Java backgorund)

Make sure to read that and understand that well, because it's all
amazing advice and the real foundation of what you need to know with
respect to exception handling.

In Closing:
Here are the key points:
- Don't catch exceptions unless you can actually handle them
- Do know how to rethrow exceptions properly
- Do use using or try/finally often
- Don't swallow exceptions
- Do use a global handler to help you log and display a friendly error

I did want to talk about creating your own exceptions, but I think I'll
save that for another post.

Jun 15 '06 #2

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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Sometimes, I can't think of any good reason why I should have the program's logic thrown an exception. Except for catching the exception and printing "Uh, oh" to the screen. I also think that in most cases there's simply no way to handle an exception properly, because what can one do about an integer overflow? Reassign values? Restart the program? The problem will still be existing. I think that an integer overflow is not an exception, but...
by: marktang | last post by:
ONU (Optical Network Unit) is one of the key components for providing high-speed Internet services. Its primary function is to act as an endpoint device located at the user's premises. However, people are often confused as to whether an ONU can Work As a Router. In this blog post, we’ll explore What is ONU, What Is Router, ONU & Router’s main usage, and What is the difference between ONU and Router. Let’s take a closer look ! Part I. Meaning of...
by: Hystou | last post by:
Most computers default to English, but sometimes we require a different language, especially when relocating. Forgot to request a specific language before your computer shipped? No problem! You can effortlessly switch the default language on Windows 10 without reinstalling. I'll walk you through it. First, let's disable language synchronization. With a Microsoft account, language settings sync across devices. To prevent any complications,...
by: Oralloy | last post by:
Hello folks, I am unable to find appropriate documentation on the type promotion of bit-fields when using the generalised comparison operator "<=>". The problem is that using the GNU compilers, it seems that the internal comparison operator "<=>" tries to promote arguments from unsigned to signed. This is as boiled down as I can make it. Here is my compilation command: g++-12 -std=c++20 -Wnarrowing bit_field.cpp Here is the code in...
by: jinu1996 | last post by:
In today's digital age, having a compelling online presence is paramount for businesses aiming to thrive in a competitive landscape. At the heart of this digital strategy lies an intricately woven tapestry of website design and digital marketing. It's not merely about having a website; it's about crafting an immersive digital experience that captivates audiences and drives business growth. The Art of Business Website Design Your website is...
by: Hystou | last post by:
Overview: Windows 11 and 10 have less user interface control over operating system update behaviour than previous versions of Windows. In Windows 11 and 10, there is no way to turn off the Windows Update option using the Control Panel or Settings app; it automatically checks for updates and installs any it finds, whether you like it or not. For most users, this new feature is actually very convenient. If you want to control the update process,...
by: tracyyun | last post by:
Dear forum friends, With the development of smart home technology, a variety of wireless communication protocols have appeared on the market, such as Zigbee, Z-Wave, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc. Each protocol has its own unique characteristics and advantages, but as a user who is planning to build a smart home system, I am a bit confused by the choice of these technologies. I'm particularly interested in Zigbee because I've heard it does some...
by: agi2029 | last post by:
Let's talk about the concept of autonomous AI software engineers and no-code agents. These AIs are designed to manage the entire lifecycle of a software development project—planning, coding, testing, and deployment—without human intervention. Imagine an AI that can take a project description, break it down, write the code, debug it, and then launch it, all on its own.... Now, this would greatly impact the work of software developers. The idea...
by: conductexam | last post by:
I have .net C# application in which I am extracting data from word file and save it in database particularly. To store word all data as it is I am converting the whole word file firstly in HTML and then checking html paragraph one by one. At the time of converting from word file to html my equations which are in the word document file was convert into image. Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument.Select();...
by: TSSRALBI | last post by:
Hello I'm a network technician in training and I need your help. I am currently learning how to create and manage the different types of VPNs and I have a question about LAN-to-LAN VPNs. The last exercise I practiced was to create a LAN-to-LAN VPN between two Pfsense firewalls, by using IPSEC protocols. I succeeded, with both firewalls in the same network. But I'm wondering if it's possible to do the same thing, with 2 Pfsense firewalls...

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