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link data grid edit button


In Visual studio .NET 2003,

On datagrid object :
How can I link the button element : edit, to do a some client events (such
as message box,
and do another event just after that to the server (do some manipulation on
the database).

If I cannot - how can I do that anyway in some tricky way ?

Thanks :)

Nov 19 '05 #1
13 1423
There is no limit in programming:)))

Create a web control library named as MyControlLibrar y and following code...
And use this control in anywhere... Feel free to built on something on

using System;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.W ebControls;

namespace MyControlLibrar y
[System.Componen tModel.DefaultP roperty("Text") ,
ToolboxData("<{ 0}:MyLinkButton runat=server></{0}:MyLinkButto n>")]
public class MyLinkButton : System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Link Button
string question="?";
[System.Componen tModel.Bindable (true)]
public String Question
return question;
protected override void Render(HtmlText Writer output)
Attributes.Add( "onClick",Strin g.Format("javas cript:return
confirm('{0}')" ,Question));
base.Render(out put);

Yunus Emre ALPÖZEN

"John M" <nobody@nospam_ please.com> wrote in message
news:OR******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP15.phx.gbl...

In Visual studio .NET 2003,

On datagrid object :
How can I link the button element : edit, to do a some client events (such
as message box,
and do another event just after that to the server (do some manipulation
the database).

If I cannot - how can I do that anyway in some tricky way ?

Thanks :)

Nov 19 '05 #2
.... and how can I make a web-control library (file - > new ??? ... )

Thanks :)

"Yunus Emre ALPÖZEN [MCAD.NET]" <ye***@msakadem ik.net> wrote in message
news:eB******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP09.phx.gbl...
There is no limit in programming:)))

Create a web control library named as MyControlLibrar y and following
code... And use this control in anywhere... Feel free to built on
something on this....

using System;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.W ebControls;

namespace MyControlLibrar y
[System.Componen tModel.DefaultP roperty("Text") ,
ToolboxData("<{ 0}:MyLinkButton runat=server></{0}:MyLinkButto n>")]
public class MyLinkButton : System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Link Button
string question="?";
[System.Componen tModel.Bindable (true)]
public String Question
return question;
protected override void Render(HtmlText Writer output)
Attributes.Add( "onClick",Strin g.Format("javas cript:return
confirm('{0}')" ,Question));
base.Render(out put);

Yunus Emre ALPÖZEN

"John M" <nobody@nospam_ please.com> wrote in message
news:OR******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP15.phx.gbl...

In Visual studio .NET 2003,

On datagrid object :
How can I link the button element : edit, to do a some client events
as message box,
and do another event just after that to the server (do some manipulation
the database).

If I cannot - how can I do that anyway in some tricky way ?

Thanks :)

Nov 19 '05 #3
Hi John,

You can use buttonObject.At tributes.Add method add client-
side javascript method. Following code snippet shows how
to add client-side message box code:

Suppose you have EditCommandColu mn as the first column of
the datagrid. In datagrid_ItemDa taBound event:

if (e.Item.ItemTyp e == ListItemType.It em ||
e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Al ternatingItem )
LinkButton editBtn = (LinkButton)e.I tem.Cells
editBtn.Attribu tes.Add("Onclic k","alert('E dit


Elton Wang
el********@hotm ail.com

-----Original Message-----

In Visual studio .NET 2003,

On datagrid object :
How can I link the button element : edit, to do a some client events (suchas message box,
and do another event just after that to the server (do some manipulation onthe database).

If I cannot - how can I do that anyway in some tricky way ?
Thanks :)


Nov 19 '05 #4
New Web Control Library


Yunus Emre ALPÖZEN

"John M" <nobody@nospam_ please.com> wrote in message
news:OA******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP14.phx.gbl...
... and how can I make a web-control library (file - > new ??? ... )

Thanks :)

"Yunus Emre ALPÖZEN [MCAD.NET]" <ye***@msakadem ik.net> wrote in message
news:eB******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP09.phx.gbl...
There is no limit in programming:)))

Create a web control library named as MyControlLibrar y and following
code... And use this control in anywhere... Feel free to built on
something on this....

using System;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.W ebControls;

namespace MyControlLibrar y
[System.Componen tModel.DefaultP roperty("Text") ,
ToolboxData("<{ 0}:MyLinkButton runat=server></{0}:MyLinkButto n>")]
public class MyLinkButton : System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Link Button
string question="?";
[System.Componen tModel.Bindable (true)]
public String Question
return question;
protected override void Render(HtmlText Writer output)
Attributes.Add( "onClick",Strin g.Format("javas cript:return
confirm('{0}')" ,Question));
base.Render(out put);

Yunus Emre ALPÖZEN

"John M" <nobody@nospam_ please.com> wrote in message
news:OR******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP15.phx.gbl...

In Visual studio .NET 2003,

On datagrid object :
How can I link the button element : edit, to do a some client events
as message box,
and do another event just after that to the server (do some manipulation
the database).

If I cannot - how can I do that anyway in some tricky way ?

Thanks :)

Nov 19 '05 #5

I have tried the following vb code,
but (I have three columns, one is the "edit").
cn.controls.cou nt is always 0
(I have tried to change e.item.cell(0), e.item.cell(1), e.item.cell(2) )

So I didn't manage running the code.

Thanks :)

Dim editBtn As LinkButton
Dim cn As Control
Dim c As TableCell
If e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.It em Or ListItemType.Al ternatingItem Then
c = e.Item.Cells(0)
cn = c
editBtn = cn.Controls(0)
editBtn.Attribu tes.Add("Onclic k", "Alert('Edi t Message')")
End If

"Elton W" <an*******@disc ussions.microso ft.com> wrote in message
news:1c******** *************** *****@phx.gbl.. .
Hi John,

You can use buttonObject.At tributes.Add method add client-
side javascript method. Following code snippet shows how
to add client-side message box code:

Suppose you have EditCommandColu mn as the first column of
the datagrid. In datagrid_ItemDa taBound event:

if (e.Item.ItemTyp e == ListItemType.It em ||
e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Al ternatingItem )
LinkButton editBtn = (LinkButton)e.I tem.Cells
editBtn.Attribu tes.Add("Onclic k","alert('E dit


Elton Wang
el********@hotm ail.com

-----Original Message-----

In Visual studio .NET 2003,

On datagrid object :
How can I link the button element : edit, to do a some

client events (such
as message box,
and do another event just after that to the server (do

some manipulation on
the database).

If I cannot - how can I do that anyway in some tricky

way ?

Thanks :)


Nov 19 '05 #6
Could you show your html code of datagrid?


"John M" wrote:

I have tried the following vb code,
but (I have three columns, one is the "edit").
cn.controls.cou nt is always 0
(I have tried to change e.item.cell(0), e.item.cell(1), e.item.cell(2) )

So I didn't manage running the code.

Thanks :)

Dim editBtn As LinkButton
Dim cn As Control
Dim c As TableCell
If e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.It em Or ListItemType.Al ternatingItem Then
c = e.Item.Cells(0)
cn = c
editBtn = cn.Controls(0)
editBtn.Attribu tes.Add("Onclic k", "Alert('Edi t Message')")
End If

"Elton W" <an*******@disc ussions.microso ft.com> wrote in message
news:1c******** *************** *****@phx.gbl.. .
Hi John,

You can use buttonObject.At tributes.Add method add client-
side javascript method. Following code snippet shows how
to add client-side message box code:

Suppose you have EditCommandColu mn as the first column of
the datagrid. In datagrid_ItemDa taBound event:

if (e.Item.ItemTyp e == ListItemType.It em ||
e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Al ternatingItem )
LinkButton editBtn = (LinkButton)e.I tem.Cells
editBtn.Attribu tes.Add("Onclic k","alert('E dit


Elton Wang
el********@hotm ail.com

-----Original Message-----

In Visual studio .NET 2003,

On datagrid object :
How can I link the button element : edit, to do a some

client events (such
as message box,
and do another event just after that to the server (do

some manipulation on
the database).

If I cannot - how can I do that anyway in some tricky

way ?

Thanks :)


Nov 19 '05 #7
Sorry. I can't find attachment.

"John M" wrote:

See as attached file.

Thanks :)

Nov 19 '05 #8
Hi John,

I suppose index = 2 should work. Anyway, try foolowing code:

Dim editBtn As LinkButton
If e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.It em OrElse ListItemType.Al ternatingItem
editBtn = CType(e.Item.Ce lls(2).Controls (0), LinkButton)
editBtn.Attribu tes.Add("Onclic k", "Alert('Edi t Message')")
End If


"John M" wrote:

"Elton W" <El****@discuss ions.microsoft. com> wrote in message
news:36******** *************** ***********@mic rosoft.com...
Sorry. I can't find attachment.

Maybe your outlook express block the attachment.
Here is again.

Here is the code, as follows :
Thanks :)

<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup ="false" Codebehind="Web Form1.aspx.vb"
Inherits="WebAp plication1.WebF orm1" debug="False"%>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<title>WebForm1 </title>
<meta content="False" name="vs_showGr id">
<meta content="Micros oft Visual Studio .NET 7.1" name="GENERATOR ">
<meta content="Visual Basic .NET 7.1" name="CODE_LANG UAGE">
<meta content="JavaSc ript" name="vs_defaul tClientScript">
<meta content="http://schemas.microso ft.com/intellisense/ie5"
name="vs_target Schema">
<body bgColor="#ffccf f" MS_POSITIONING= "GridLayout ">
<form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server">

<asp:datagrid id="DataGrid1" style="Z-INDEX: 105; LEFT: 488px; POSITION:
absolute; TOP: 40px"
runat="server" HorizontalAlign ="Left" ShowFooter="Tru e" CellSpacing="2"
CellPadding="3" BorderWidth="1p x"
BorderStyle="No ne" AutoGenerateCol umns="False" Caption="a list"
BorderColor="#C 0FFC0" BackColor="#FFF FC0"
AllowPaging="Tr ue">
<FooterStyle ForeColor="#8C4 510" BackColor="#F7D FB5"></FooterStyle>
<SelectedItemSt yle Font-Bold="True" Wrap="False" ForeColor="Whit e"
BackColor="#738 A9C"></SelectedItemSty le>
<ItemStyle Wrap="False" HorizontalAlign ="Right" ForeColor="#8C4 510"
BackColor="#FFF 7E7"></ItemStyle>
<HeaderStyle Font-Bold="True" HorizontalAlign ="Right" ForeColor="Whit e"
BackColor="#A55 129"></HeaderStyle>
<asp:BoundColum n DataField="firs tname" HeaderText="fir st name">
<HeaderStyle Wrap="False" HorizontalAlign ="Right"
<ItemStyle Wrap="False" HorizontalAlign ="Right"></ItemStyle>
<FooterStyle Wrap="False" HorizontalAlign ="Right"></FooterStyle>
</asp:BoundColumn >
<asp:BoundColum n DataField="last name" HeaderText="las t name">
<HeaderStyle Wrap="False" Width="0px"></HeaderStyle>
<ItemStyle Wrap="False"></ItemStyle>
</asp:BoundColumn >
<asp:EditComman dColumn ButtonType="Lin kButton" UpdateText="upd ate"
CancelText="can cel" EditText="delet e">
<HeaderStyle Wrap="False" Width="0px"></HeaderStyle>
<ItemStyle Wrap="False"></ItemStyle>
<FooterStyle Wrap="False"></FooterStyle>
</asp:EditCommand Column>
<PagerStyle HorizontalAlign ="Center" ForeColor="#8C4 510"
Mode="NumericPa ges"></PagerStyle>

Nov 19 '05 #9

"Elton W" <El****@discuss ions.microsoft. com> wrote in message
news:78******** *************** ***********@mic rosoft.com...
Hi John,

I suppose index = 2 should work. Anyway, try foolowing code:

Dim editBtn As LinkButton
If e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.It em OrElse ListItemType.Al ternatingItem
editBtn = CType(e.Item.Ce lls(2).Controls (0), LinkButton)
editBtn.Attribu tes.Add("Onclic k", "Alert('Edi t Message')")
End If


"John M" wrote:

I did as your advise.

controls.count is 0,
so the code run of exception outofrange.
(Maybe not "controls", but something else).

Thanks :)
Nov 19 '05 #10

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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