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System.InvalidC astException: Specified cast is not valid.

Hello All,
Please help. I get the following error from my webpage:

System.InvalidC astException: Specified cast is not valid.
at Time.MaintAtRis kProjects.Updat eProject(String Project, String
AtRiskCode, String Comment)

Code for UpdateProject(S tring Project, String AtRiskCode, String Comment)

Private Sub UpdateProject(B yVal Project As String, ByVal AtRiskCode As
String, ByVal Comment As String)


Dim strProject As String = Trim(Project)

Dim strAtRiskCode As String = Trim(AtRiskCode )

Dim strComment As String = Trim(Comment)

Dim r As AtRiskProjectsD S.AtRiskProject sRow

Dim rows() As AtRiskProjectsD S.AtRiskProject sRow =
AtRiskProjDS.At RiskProjects.Se lect(AtRiskProj DS.AtRiskProjec ts.ProjectColum n.ColumnName
& "= '" & strProject & "' AND " &
AtRiskProjDS.At RiskProjects.At RiskCodeColumn. ColumnName & "= '" &
strAtRiskCode & "' ")

If rows.Length <> 0 Then

r = rows(0)

If r.Comment <> strComment Then

r.Comment = strComment

End If

End If

Catch ex As Exception

Trace.Write(ex. ToString)

End Try

End Sub
UpdateProject(B yVal Project As String, ByVal AtRiskCode As String, ByVal
Comment As String) is being called from an update button I have in the page.
The code for Update click is as follows:

Private Sub btnUpdate_Click (ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArg s) Handles btnUpdate.Click


Dim strProject As String = Trim(lblProject .Text)

AtRiskProjDS.Cl ear()

AtRiskProjDS = LoadAtRiskProjD S(strProject)

For Each item As DataGridItem In dgAtRiskInfo.It ems

If item.ItemType = ListItemType.It em Or item.ItemType =
ListItemType.Al ternatingItem Then

Dim RiskCodeOld As CheckBox = CType(item.Find Control("chkCod eOld"),

Dim RiskCodeNew As CheckBox = CType(item.Find Control("chkCod eNew"),

Dim AtRiskCode As TextBox = CType(item.Find Control("txtAtR iskCode"),

Dim Description As Label = CType(item.Find Control("lblDes cription"), Label)

Dim Comment As TextBox = CType(item.Find Control("txtCom ment"), TextBox)

Dim strAtRiskCode As String = Trim(AtRiskCode .Text)

Dim strDescription As String = Trim(Descriptio n.Text)

Dim strComment As String = Trim(Comment.Te xt)

If RiskCodeOld.Che cked = False And RiskCodeNew.Che cked = True Then

InsertProject(R iskCodeNew.Chec ked, strProject, strAtRiskCode,
strDescription, strComment)

RiskCodeOld.Che cked = RiskCodeNew.Che cked

ElseIf RiskCodeOld.Che cked = True And RiskCodeNew.Che cked = False Then

DeleteProject(s trProject, strAtRiskCode)

RiskCodeOld.Che cked = RiskCodeNew.Che cked


UpdateProject(s trProject, strAtRiskCode, strComment)

End If

End If


SubmitChanges(s trProject)

Catch ex As Exception

Trace.Write(ex. ToString)

End Try

End Sub

Here is what the code for ASPX page looks like:
<%@ Import namespace="Time " %>
<%@ Import namespace="Syst em.Data" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="uc1" TagName="footer " src="../footer.ascx" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="uc1" TagName="header " src="../header.ascx" %>
<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup ="false"
Codebehind="Mai ntAtRiskProject s.aspx.vb"
Inherits="Time. MaintAtRiskProj ects"%>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<title>MaintAtR iskProjects</title>
<meta content="Micros oft Visual Studio .NET 7.1" name="GENERATOR ">
<meta content="Visual Basic .NET 7.1" name="CODE_LANG UAGE">
<meta content="JavaSc ript" name="vs_defaul tClientScript">
<meta content="http://schemas.microso ft.com/intellisense/ie5"
name="vs_target Schema">
<LINK href="../master.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet ">
<body MS_POSITIONING= "GridLayout ">
<form id="MaintAtRisk ProjectsFrm" method="post" runat="server">
<uc1:header id="PageHeader " runat="server"> </uc1:header>
<P><asp:dropdow nlist id="ddlProject " style="Z-INDEX: 101; LEFT: 16px;
POSITION: absolute; TOP: 72px"
runat="server" OnSelectedIndex Changed="Displa yAtRiskProjInfo "
Font-Names="Lucida Console, Courier New"
Width="168px" autopostback="T rue"></asp:dropdownlis t></P>
<hr style="Z-INDEX: 102; LEFT: 8px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 104px">
<asp:Button id="btnReport" style="Z-INDEX: 106; LEFT: 504px; POSITION:
absolute; TOP: 64px"
runat="server" Width="97px" Text="View Report"></asp:Button>
<asp:Button id="btnUpdate" style="Z-INDEX: 105; LEFT: 280px; POSITION:
absolute; TOP: 64px"
runat="server" Width="72px" Height="24px"
Text="Update"></asp:Button><asp :label id="lblProject " style="Z-INDEX: 104;
LEFT: 8px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 128px"
runat="server" Width="160px" ForeColor="#CC0 000"
Height="24px"></asp:label><asp: datagrid id="dgAtRiskInf o" style="Z-INDEX:
103; LEFT: 184px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 128px"
runat="server" Width="385px" Height="160px" ShowFooter="Fal se"
AutoGenerateCol umns="False">
<AlternatingIte mStyle BackColor="Mist yRose"></AlternatingItem Style>
<ItemStyle HorizontalAlign ="Right"></ItemStyle>
<HeaderStyle ForeColor="#CC0 000" BackColor="Silv er"></HeaderStyle>
<asp:TemplateCo lumn>
<ItemTemplate >
<asp:TextBox ID="txtAtRiskCo de" Text='<%
#Container.Data Item("AtRiskCod e") %>' Runat=server Visible=False>
</asp:TemplateCol umn>
<asp:TemplateCo lumn>
<ItemTemplate >
<asp:CheckBox ID="chkCodeOld " Checked='<%
#Container.Data Item("RiskCodeF lag") %>' Runat="server" Visible=False>
</asp:TemplateCol umn>
<asp:TemplateCo lumn HeaderText="Che ck/Uncheck">
<ItemTemplate >
<asp:CheckBox ID="chkCodeNew " Checked='<%
#Container.Data Item("RiskCodeF lag") %>' Width="15px" Runat=server>
</asp:TemplateCol umn>
<asp:TemplateCo lumn HeaderText="Des cription">
<ItemTemplate >
<asp:Label ID="lblDescript ion" text='<%
#Container.Data Item("Descripti on") %>' width="250px" runat=server>
</asp:TemplateCol umn>
<asp:TemplateCo lumn HeaderText="Com ment">
<ItemTemplate >
<asp:TextBox ID="txtComment " Text='<% #Container.Data Item("Comment")
%>' Width="400px" Runat=server>
</asp:TemplateCol umn>

Please help.. Can't figure out what is going on.





Nov 19 '05 #1
6 6425
"Biva" <bi***********@ redprairie.com> wrote in message
news:41******** *************** @news.twtelecom .net...
Hello All,
Please help. I get the following error from my webpage:

System.InvalidC astException: Specified cast is not valid.
at Time.MaintAtRis kProjects.Updat eProject(String Project, String
AtRiskCode, String Comment)

Code for UpdateProject(S tring Project, String AtRiskCode, String Comment)
Please help.. Can't figure out what is going on.

I can't figure out what's going on either, since you did not tell us which
line was causing the error.

This sort of thing happens frequently when a database column contains NULL.
NULL is not a value, so if you try to treat it as a string, you'll get the
invalid cast exception.

John Saunders
Nov 19 '05 #2

My frustration is that it works on my PC that has Framework 1.1.
But when I move it to production that has framework 1.0, it does not
I have the backward compatibility turned on, so it should work.
Since it is on production, i don't have an easy way to debug.
All I could do was set debug=true on web.config and look at the
trace.axd to get that error.
Is there an easy way for me to find out what line is actually giving me
that error?


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Nov 19 '05 #3
"sqlgirl" <sq*****@devdex .com> wrote in message
news:ur******** ******@tk2msftn gp13.phx.gbl...

My frustration is that it works on my PC that has Framework 1.1.
But when I move it to production that has framework 1.0, it does not
I have the backward compatibility turned on, so it should work.
Since it is on production, i don't have an easy way to debug.
All I could do was set debug=true on web.config and look at the
trace.axd to get that error.
Is there an easy way for me to find out what line is actually giving me
that error?

I don't know, but this kind of thing is a reason to develop on the platform
you're going to use in production.

John Saunders
Nov 19 '05 #4
Here is my DeleteProject method.
Dim rows() As AtRiskProjectsD S.AtRiskProject sRow =
AtRiskProjDS.At RiskProjects.Se lect(AtRiskProj DS.AtRiskProjec ts.ProjectCo
lumn.ColumnName & "= '" & strProject & "' AND " &
AtRiskProjDS.At RiskProjects.At RiskCodeColumn. ColumnName & "= '" &
strAtRiskCode & "' ")

is the statement that is not being liked for some reason.

Sub DeleteProject(B yVal Project As String, ByVal AtRiskCode As String)

Dim strProject As String = Project
Dim strAtRiskCode As String = AtRiskCode

Dim rows() As AtRiskProjectsD S.AtRiskProject sRow =
AtRiskProjDS.At RiskProjects.Se lect(AtRiskProj DS.AtRiskProjec ts.ProjectCo
lumn.ColumnName & "= '" & strProject & "' AND " &
AtRiskProjDS.At RiskProjects.At RiskCodeColumn. ColumnName & "= '" &
strAtRiskCode & "' ")
Trace.Write("pr oj1: " & strProject & ", code1: " &
Dim r As AtRiskProjectsD S.AtRiskProject sRow

If rows.Length <> 0 Then
r = rows(0)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Trace.Write(ex. ToString)
End Try
End Sub

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Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
Nov 19 '05 #5
"sqlgirl" <sq*****@devdex .com> wrote in message
news:Ou******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP09.phx.gbl...
Here is my DeleteProject method.
Dim rows() As AtRiskProjectsD S.AtRiskProject sRow =
AtRiskProjDS.At RiskProjects.Se lect(AtRiskProj DS.AtRiskProjec ts.ProjectCo
lumn.ColumnName & "= '" & strProject & "' AND " &
AtRiskProjDS.At RiskProjects.At RiskCodeColumn. ColumnName & "= '" &
strAtRiskCode & "' ")

Ok, if there's something on that line that ASP.NET doesn't like, then
simplify it:

Dim projectColumnNa me as String =
AtRiskProjDS.At RiskProjects.Pr ojectColumn.Col umnName
Dim atRiskCodeColum nName As String =
AtRiskProjDS.At RiskProjects.At RiskCodeColumn. ColumnName
Dim query As String = projectColumnNa me & "= '" & strProject & "' AND " &
atRiskCodeColum nName & "= '" & strAtRiskCode & "' "
Dim rows() As AtRiskProjectsD S.AtRiskProject sRow =
AtRiskProjDS.At RiskProjects.Se lect(query)

Try that and tell us which line has the problem.

John Saunders
Nov 19 '05 #6

I had defined rows() variable as my dataset.datatab lerowtype.
Dim rows() As AtRiskProjectsD S.AtRiskProject sRow

Framework 1.0 did not like it.

After I changed the rows() variable to simple datarow type as shown
below, it worked fine.

Dim rows() As datarow

Just so if anyone has this problem in the future.
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Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
Nov 19 '05 #7

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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