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session variable inconsistency

I am experiencing a problem with recalling a session variable which stores
whether a person is logged in to a "members only" section of a website. This
area of the site has been working flawlessly for a couple of years under
Windows 2000 server but now is very inconsistent following a recent upgrade
to Windows server 2003. Following a login, the login info is passed to this
asp page that checks an Access database for the user name and password:

SET DbObject = Server.CreateOb ject ("ADODB.Connect ion")
DbObject.Open "DSN=pseudoCAP1 ;UID=;PWD="
set rs = server.createob ject("adodb.rec ordset")
SET Rs = DbObject.Execut e (SQL)

If Rs.EOF Then
Session("Authen ticated") = 0
Response.Redire ct ("unsuccessfulL ogin.htm")
Session("Authen ticated") = 1
Session("user") = Request.Form("u sername")
End If
set rs = nothing
set DbObject = nothing
response.redire ct "main.asp"

If a correct password and username is provided, the user is always forwarded
to the main.asp member start page. I included a snippet of code while
troubleshooting to print the value of the authentication session variable
in the browser window to see if it was set (1=logged in, 0= not logged in).
However about 50% of the time, the following error occurs with our access
database and Authentication session variable is output as = 0:
ADODB.Field error '800a0bcd'
Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested
operation requires a current record.

C:\INETPUB\WWWR OOT\SUBMISSIONS \../include/functions.inc, line 4

The way that this page is written though, even if the record was not present
(although it is when I open the database), the authentication should still
be set to 1. Refreshing the main.asp page will often eliminate the ADODB
error above and the session variable value of 1 will be returned.

The rest of the time, authentication is OK and a value of 1 is output.
However when the user goes to another page requiring authentication, they
are redirected back to the login.html page because the authentication
variable is once again set as zero!

Could this be an IIS 6.0 specific problem (I do have session state enabled
at default value of 20 min) ??

Or could there be some permissions problem related to a specific file (I
have checked the database as well as the related files and they all seem


Jul 19 '05 #1
3 2919
Could you post your code?
"Geoff Winsor" <ge***@brinkman .mbb.sfu.ca> wrote in message
news:cb******** **@morgoth.sfu. ca...
I am experiencing a problem with recalling a session variable which stores
whether a person is logged in to a "members only" section of a website. This area of the site has been working flawlessly for a couple of years under
Windows 2000 server but now is very inconsistent following a recent upgrade to Windows server 2003. Following a login, the login info is passed to this asp page that checks an Access database for the user name and password:

SET DbObject = Server.CreateOb ject ("ADODB.Connect ion")
DbObject.Open "DSN=pseudoCAP1 ;UID=;PWD="
set rs = server.createob ject("adodb.rec ordset")
SET Rs = DbObject.Execut e (SQL)

If Rs.EOF Then
Session("Authen ticated") = 0
Response.Redire ct ("unsuccessfulL ogin.htm")
Session("Authen ticated") = 1
Session("user") = Request.Form("u sername")
End If
set rs = nothing
set DbObject = nothing
response.redire ct "main.asp"

If a correct password and username is provided, the user is always forwarded to the main.asp member start page. I included a snippet of code while
troubleshooting to print the value of the authentication session variable
in the browser window to see if it was set (1=logged in, 0= not logged in). However about 50% of the time, the following error occurs with our access
database and Authentication session variable is output as = 0:
ADODB.Field error '800a0bcd'
Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.

C:\INETPUB\WWWR OOT\SUBMISSIONS \../include/functions.inc, line 4

The way that this page is written though, even if the record was not present (although it is when I open the database), the authentication should still
be set to 1. Refreshing the main.asp page will often eliminate the ADODB
error above and the session variable value of 1 will be returned.

The rest of the time, authentication is OK and a value of 1 is output.
However when the user goes to another page requiring authentication, they
are redirected back to the login.html page because the authentication
variable is once again set as zero!

Could this be an IIS 6.0 specific problem (I do have session state enabled at default value of 20 min) ??

Or could there be some permissions problem related to a specific file (I
have checked the database as well as the related files and they all seem


Jul 19 '05 #2
Hi James,
Here is the code for login.html, verify.asp (sets the session variable),
main.asp, a method in the functions.inc file (which contains a line referred
to in the previous error message) and a snippet of code from options.asp
that checks to see if the authentication variable is set. I hope it is not
too messy too read.

The important code for the login page:

<form action=verify.a sp method=Post
enctype="applic ation/x-www-form-urlencoded" name=start
Onsubmit="retur n validateForm(th is);">
<table border=0 cellpadding=0 width="22%"
style='width:22 .0%;mso-cellspacing:
1.5pt;mso-padding-alt:2.25pt 2.25pt 2.25pt 2.25pt'>
<tr><td width="47%" style='width:47 .0%;padding:2.2 5pt 2.25pt 2.25pt
<p class=MsoNormal >Username:&nbsp ;</p>
</td> <td width="53%" style='width:53 .0%;padding:2.2 5pt 2.25pt 2.25pt
<p class=MsoNormal ><INPUT TYPE="text" SIZE="15" NAME="username" ></p>
<td width="47%" style='width:47 .0%;padding:2.2 5pt 2.25pt 2.25pt 2.25pt'>
<p class=MsoNormal >Password:</p></td>
<td width="53%" style='width:53 .0%;padding:2.2 5pt 2.25pt 2.25pt 2.25pt'>
<p class=MsoNormal ><INPUT TYPE="password" SIZE="15" NAME="password" ></p>
<td colspan=2 style='padding: 2.25pt 2.25pt 2.25pt 2.25pt'>
<p class=MsoNormal ><INPUT TYPE="submit" ACTION="verify. asp"
METHOD="Post" NAME="submit"
ACTION=verify.a sp METHOD=Post></p>

The asp code for the verify.asp page:

SQL ="SELECT * FROM Researcher WHERE StrComp('" & Request.Form("u sername")
& "', ResearcherID, 0)=0 AND StrComp(UserPas sword, '" &
Request.Form("p assword") & "', 0)=0"
SET DbObject = Server.CreateOb ject ("ADODB.Connect ion")
DbObject.Open "DSN=pseudoCAP1 ;UID=;PWD="
set rs = server.createob ject("adodb.rec ordset")
SET Rs = DbObject.Execut e (SQL)
If Rs.EOF Then
Session("Authen ticated") = 0
Response.Redire ct ("unsuccessfulL ogin.htm")
Session("Authen ticated") = 1
Session("user") = Request.Form("u sername")
End If
set rs = nothing
set DbObject = nothing
response.redire ct "main.asp"

The main.asp page (does not check for a login but provides links to pages
that do need an authentication) :

<%@ Language=VBScri pt %>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaS cript" src="include/help_windows.js "></SCRIPT>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="../include/functions.inc"-->
'Declare ADOVBS constants
Const adOpenStatic = 3
Const adLockOptimisti c = 3
Const adCmdText = &H0001
SQL = "SELECT * FROM Researcher R LEFT OUTER JOIN Institution I ON I.iName
= R.Institution AND I.Street = R.Street AND I.City = R.City WHERE
ResearcherID = '" & Session("user") &"'"
SET DbObject = Server.CreateOb ject ("ADODB.Connect ion")
DbObject.Open "DSN=pseudoCAP1 "
set RS = server.createob ject("adodb.rec ordset")
RS.Open SQL, DbObject, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimisti c, adCMDText
<p align="center"> <form METHOD="post" NAME="query"
ACTION="../UpdatesSearchRe sultsU.asp" target=_blank
onMouseOut="MM_ swapImgRestore( )"
onMouseOver="MM _swapImage('his tory','','/images/viewHistory2.gi f',1)"
onSubmit="retur n validRange(this );">
<input id="SearchStr1a " type="hidden" name="SearchStr 1a" value="">
<input id="SearchStr1b " type="hidden" name="SearchStr 1b" value="">
<input id="SearchStr1a _m" type="hidden" name="SearchStr 1a_m" value="">
<input id="SearchStr1a _d" type="hidden" name="SearchStr 1a_d" value="">
<input id="SearchStr1a _y" type="hidden" name="SearchStr 1a_y" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="ord1" value="date_upd ated">
<input id="SearchStr1b _m" type="hidden" name="SearchStr 1b_m" value="">
<input id="SearchStr2a _d" type="hidden" name="SearchStr 1b_d" value="">
<input id="SearchStr2a _y" type="hidden" name="SearchStr 1b_y" value="">
<input id="SearchStr4 " type="hidden" name="SearchStr 4"
maxlength="255" >
<input id="viewRecent " type="hidden" name="viewRecen t" value="false">
<input id="Field2" type="hidden" name="Field2" value="Particip ant">
<input id="SearchStr2 " type="hidden" name="SearchStr 2"
value="<%=getFi eld(RS, "rLastName")%>" >
<input name="history" type="image" border="0"
src="/images/viewHistory.gif " width="224" height="26" alt="View Submission
</form></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>If you have not already logged in, you will
have to do so <a href="login.htm l">here</a>.</p></td></tr></table>
Set rs = Nothing
Set DbObject = Nothing

A functions.inc file contains this function that is called in the form above
and is sometimes returned:

function getField(oRs, fieldIndex)
Strtemp = oRs(fieldIndex) ### this is the line referred to in
the error returned in my browser###
if isnull(strtemp) then
getField = ""
getField = Strtemp
end if
end function
Finally each page linked to from the main.asp page checks for the value of
the "Authentication " session variable:

' Verify that the user has logged in
If Session("Authen ticated") = 0 Then
Response.Redire ct ("login.html ")
End If

I guess that is it. Thanks.
Jul 19 '05 #3
I think I found the source of the problem:

Last week I was experimenting with assigning more than one worker process to
the web garden under the application pool properties in IIS 6.0 (because I
had an incident where IIS stopped serving ASP pages, possibly due to a bug
in the jet database engine when using ODBC). From my limited understanding
of IIS it seems that during one session, multiple worker processes may be
assigned and that they don't have access to the session variable assigned to
another process; hence the reason for being forwarded to the login.html
page. I guess the occassional error on the main.asp page is a separate
Anyway, I switched back to allowing only one worker process and the problem
seems resolved.
"Geoff Winsor" <ge***@brinkman .mbb.sfu.ca> wrote in message
news:cb******** **@morgoth.sfu. ca...
Hi James,
Here is the code for login.html, verify.asp (sets the session variable),
main.asp, a method in the functions.inc file (which contains a line referred to in the previous error message) and a snippet of code from options.asp
that checks to see if the authentication variable is set. I hope it is not
too messy too read.

The important code for the login page:

<form action=verify.a sp method=Post
enctype="applic ation/x-www-form-urlencoded" name=start
Onsubmit="retur n validateForm(th is);">
<table border=0 cellpadding=0 width="22%"
style='width:22 .0%;mso-cellspacing:
1.5pt;mso-padding-alt:2.25pt 2.25pt 2.25pt 2.25pt'>
<tr><td width="47%" style='width:47 .0%;padding:2.2 5pt 2.25pt 2.25pt
<p class=MsoNormal >Username:&nbsp ;</p>
</td> <td width="53%" style='width:53 .0%;padding:2.2 5pt 2.25pt 2.25pt
<p class=MsoNormal ><INPUT TYPE="text" SIZE="15" NAME="username" ></p>
<td width="47%" style='width:47 .0%;padding:2.2 5pt 2.25pt 2.25pt 2.25pt'> <p class=MsoNormal >Password:</p></td>
<td width="53%" style='width:53 .0%;padding:2.2 5pt 2.25pt 2.25pt 2.25pt'> <p class=MsoNormal ><INPUT TYPE="password" SIZE="15" NAME="password" ></p> </td></tr><tr>
<td colspan=2 style='padding: 2.25pt 2.25pt 2.25pt 2.25pt'>
<p class=MsoNormal ><INPUT TYPE="submit" ACTION="verify. asp"
METHOD="Post" NAME="submit"
ACTION=verify.a sp METHOD=Post></p>

The asp code for the verify.asp page:

SQL ="SELECT * FROM Researcher WHERE StrComp('" & Request.Form("u sername") & "', ResearcherID, 0)=0 AND StrComp(UserPas sword, '" &
Request.Form("p assword") & "', 0)=0"
SET DbObject = Server.CreateOb ject ("ADODB.Connect ion")
DbObject.Open "DSN=pseudoCAP1 ;UID=;PWD="
set rs = server.createob ject("adodb.rec ordset")
SET Rs = DbObject.Execut e (SQL)
If Rs.EOF Then
Session("Authen ticated") = 0
Response.Redire ct ("unsuccessfulL ogin.htm")
Session("Authen ticated") = 1
Session("user") = Request.Form("u sername")
End If
set rs = nothing
set DbObject = nothing
response.redire ct "main.asp"

The main.asp page (does not check for a login but provides links to pages
that do need an authentication) :

<%@ Language=VBScri pt %>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaS cript" src="include/help_windows.js "></SCRIPT>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="../include/functions.inc"-->
'Declare ADOVBS constants
Const adOpenStatic = 3
Const adLockOptimisti c = 3
Const adCmdText = &H0001
SQL = "SELECT * FROM Researcher R LEFT OUTER JOIN Institution I ON I.iName = R.Institution AND I.Street = R.Street AND I.City = R.City WHERE
ResearcherID = '" & Session("user") &"'"
SET DbObject = Server.CreateOb ject ("ADODB.Connect ion")
DbObject.Open "DSN=pseudoCAP1 "
set RS = server.createob ject("adodb.rec ordset")
RS.Open SQL, DbObject, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimisti c, adCMDText
<p align="center"> <form METHOD="post" NAME="query"
ACTION="../UpdatesSearchRe sultsU.asp" target=_blank
onMouseOut="MM_ swapImgRestore( )"
onMouseOver="MM _swapImage('his tory','','/images/viewHistory2.gi f',1)"
onSubmit="retur n validRange(this );">
<input id="SearchStr1a " type="hidden" name="SearchStr 1a" value="">
<input id="SearchStr1b " type="hidden" name="SearchStr 1b" value="">
<input id="SearchStr1a _m" type="hidden" name="SearchStr 1a_m" value=""> <input id="SearchStr1a _d" type="hidden" name="SearchStr 1a_d" value=""> <input id="SearchStr1a _y" type="hidden" name="SearchStr 1a_y" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="ord1" value="date_upd ated">
<input id="SearchStr1b _m" type="hidden" name="SearchStr 1b_m" value=""> <input id="SearchStr2a _d" type="hidden" name="SearchStr 1b_d" value=""> <input id="SearchStr2a _y" type="hidden" name="SearchStr 1b_y" value=""> <input id="SearchStr4 " type="hidden" name="SearchStr 4"
maxlength="255" >
<input id="viewRecent " type="hidden" name="viewRecen t" value="false"> <input id="Field2" type="hidden" name="Field2" value="Particip ant">
<input id="SearchStr2 " type="hidden" name="SearchStr 2"
value="<%=getFi eld(RS, "rLastName")%>" >
<input name="history" type="image" border="0"
src="/images/viewHistory.gif " width="224" height="26" alt="View Submission
</form></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>If you have not already logged in, you will have to do so <a href="login.htm l">here</a>.</p></td></tr></table>
Set rs = Nothing
Set DbObject = Nothing

A functions.inc file contains this function that is called in the form above and is sometimes returned:

function getField(oRs, fieldIndex)
Strtemp = oRs(fieldIndex) ### this is the line referred to in
the error returned in my browser###
if isnull(strtemp) then
getField = ""
getField = Strtemp
end if
end function
Finally each page linked to from the main.asp page checks for the value of
the "Authentication " session variable:

' Verify that the user has logged in
If Session("Authen ticated") = 0 Then
Response.Redire ct ("login.html ")
End If

I guess that is it. Thanks.

Jul 19 '05 #4

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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