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Assistance with a Query

166 New Member

I am trying to put together a query that determines employees who are in a department that has had an incident with in the last two months. I have a query that determines who has had and incident and the department they were in when they had the incident:

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. SELECT Q_RestrictedEmployees.empID, Q_RestrictedEmployees.empNo, Q_RestrictedEmployees.empName, Q_RestrictedEmployees.incidentDt, Q_RestrictedEmployees.RestrictionEnd, (Select top 1 dept from Q_DeptTrans where Q_DeptTrans.empID=Q_RestrictedEmployees.empID and Q_DeptTrans.depttransDt<=Q_RestrictedEmployees.incidentDt) AS Dept_At_Time_Of_Incident
  2. FROM Q_CurrentDepts INNER JOIN Q_RestrictedEmployees ON Q_CurrentDepts.empID = Q_RestrictedEmployees.empID;
I believe i need to use this query in conjunction with another query to match anyone in a department from above to all other employees in that department, so I may penalize that department as a whole. I have a query that tells me all employed currently and their current department, but I used that one in the above query to get my record set. How can I find other employees with in the department of the offending employees?
Mar 16 '09 #1
63 3595
1,287 Recognized Expert Top Contributor
Try the IN or NOT IN.

Then you can select all employees whose department is NOT IN the list of departements of employees who have had an incident.
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. SELECT *
  2. FROM Employees
  3. WHERE Department NOT IN (SELECT Department FROM ...you've already got this part...)
Hope that helps.

Mar 16 '09 #2
166 New Member
Hi Chip,

I appreciate your response. I am having trouble with this query. My query does not return anything. Here it is:
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. SELECT qryCurrentEmpDept.empID, qryCurrentEmpDept.dept
  2. FROM qryCurrentEmpDept
  3. WHERE (((qryCurrentEmpDept.dept) Not In (select distinct Dept_At_Time_Of_Incident FROM qryRestrictedEmployeesWithDepts WHERE qryCurrentEmpDept.dept = qryRestrictedemployeesWithDepts.dept)));
The first part selects the empID and dept of the employees in their current department. The subquery is a list of departments with infractions. I told it (or I thought I told it) to give me all employees and departments not in that list.
My query returns nothing.
Mar 17 '09 #3
1,287 Recognized Expert Top Contributor
You don't need the qryCurrentEmpDept.dept = qryRestrictedemployeesWithDepts.dept.
Just make sure your subquery returns the departments of employees with infractions, don't try to relate it to qryCurrentEmpDept, that's what the NOT IN does.
Mar 17 '09 #4
32,556 Recognized Expert Moderator MVP
As an alternative, you can link to the query, as a named query or even a subquery (Subqueries in SQL), with an INNER JOIN.
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. SELECT A,
  2.        [Group]
  3. FROM   MainTable INNER JOIN qryGroups
  4.   ON   MainTable.Group=qryGroups.Group
Mar 17 '09 #5
166 New Member
I was able to get the query to return what I needed by taking out the
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. qryCurrentEmpDept.dept = qryRestrictedemployeesWithDepts.dept
However since this query is not updateable, I have not been able to accomplish my goal (which ultimately is an update statement, which adds employee leave).

Here is my first query:
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. SELECT qryCurrentEmpDept.empID, qryCurrentEmpDept.dept
  2. FROM qryCurrentEmpDept
  3. WHERE (((qryCurrentEmpDept.dept) Not In (select distinct Dept_At_Time_Of_Incident FROM qryRestrictedEmployeesWithDepts)));
This query returns departments who are eligible to receive leave.

The next query joins the query above with the vacationTime table to assign leave:
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. UPDATE qryEmpsEarnLeave INNER JOIN VacationTime ON qryEmpsEarnLeave.empID = VacationTime.vacaID SET VacationTime.vacaID = [vacaID], VacationTime.empID = [vacationTime].[empId], VacationTime.empEarnedTime = [empEarnedTime]+4, VacationTime.vacaTimeAwardDt = Date();
When the query is a select query, it shows me the two employees who belong to the department with no incident, whose leave should be updated...however when i try to run the update statement, it says the query isn't updateable. How can I make my query updateable?

Mar 17 '09 #6
1,287 Recognized Expert Top Contributor
You may not be able do UPDATE on a query containing NOT IN, but you don't have to. The NOT IN should just be in the WHERE clause.
You want to:
UPDATE VacactionTimeAndDepartmentNumbers SET (...) WHERE departmentNumber NOT IN (subquery)

If you make the VacationTimeAndDepartmentNumbers query based on 2 simple tables, it will be updatable.
Mar 17 '09 #7
166 New Member

I am trying to follow your advice, but i am not getting anywhere really.

Let me start from the beginning: I have queries that I use in other queries...the one that isn't updateable is the one that queries the current department of the employee. (I keep a transfer history)
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. SELECT DeptTrans.empID, DeptTrans.transDt, Dept.dept
  2. FROM Dept, qryMostRecentDeptTransDate, DeptTrans
  3. WHERE qryMostRecentDeptTransDate.MaxOftransDt = DeptTrans.transDt
  4. AND qryMostRecentDeptTransDate.empID = DeptTrans.empID
  5. AND Dept.deptID = DeptTrans.deptID;
I use this query in a query called qryEmpsEarnLeave:

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. SELECT qryCurrentEmpDept.empID, qryCurrentEmpDept.dept
  2. FROM qryCurrentEmpDept
  3. WHERE (((qryCurrentEmpDept.dept) Not In (select distinct Dept_At_Time_Of_Incident FROM qryRestrictedEmployeesWithDepts)));
The subquery highlighted in bold returns departments that have incidents. So the query should ultimately return employees in departments who do not have incidents. This isn't updateable either.

I have a query that determines how much leave each employee has (updateable):

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. SELECT VacationTime.vacaID, VacationTime.empID, VacationTime.empEarnedTime, VacationTime.vacaTimeAwardDt
  2. FROM VacationTime;

That combined with the qryEmpsEarnLeave, produces what I wanted to be my update query:
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. UPDATE qryEmpsEarnLeave INNER JOIN qryVacaTime ON qryEmpsEarnLeave.empID = qryVacaTime.empID SET qryVacaTime.vacaID = [vacaID], qryVacaTime.empID = [qryVacaTime].[empId], qryVacaTime.empEarnedTime = [empEarnedTime]+4, qryVacaTime.vacaTimeAwardDt = [vacaTImeAwardDt];
Unfortunately, this is still not updateable. In your response you said :
The NOT IN should just be in the WHERE clause.
I believe all of mine are in the Where clause.

Mar 17 '09 #8
1,287 Recognized Expert Top Contributor
Can you change you qryVacaTime so that it also has the employee's departmentID?

When you say UPDATE qryEmpsEarnLeave JOIN...
you are trying to update on a query that contains a NOT IN, which you can't do.

Try it like I said in the last post,
UPDATE VacactionTimeAndDepartmentNumbers SET (...) WHERE departmentNumber NOT IN (subquery)

The target of the UPDATE is VacationTimeAndDepartmentNumbers, which is updatable because it will not have the NOT IN in it.

Currently your NOT IN is in a WHERE clause, but you are then trying to UPDATE on the result of it, which you can't do.

Sorry, I know this is coming out really confusing but I can't think of any better way to explain it.
Mar 17 '09 #9
166 New Member

You say to :
Try it like I said in the last post,
UPDATE VacactionTimeAndDepartmentNumbers SET (...) WHERE departmentNumber NOT IN (subquery)
I am not sure what you are referring to by VacactionTimeAndDepartmentNumbers, specifically the DepartmentNumbers...where did that come from?

Mar 17 '09 #10
1,287 Recognized Expert Top Contributor
Just make a JOIN or query that includes it, that's what you need.
Mar 17 '09 #11
166 New Member
There in lies the problem. I have a query that has the vacationTime as well as the current department of the employee, but any query that I use the qryCurrentEmpDept in will not be updateable because that query isn't updateable. If i take that query away, i can update it, but then i would only have access to the vacatime TIme, and not the departmentID.

Mar 17 '09 #12
1,287 Recognized Expert Top Contributor
I see what you are saying now. That first query you listed is qryCurrentEmpDept? I guess tell me your table structures. It can't be that difficult to get the employee's department in an updatable query.
Mar 17 '09 #13
166 New Member
Here is my table structure and some sample data:

Employee: empID, empNo, empName
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. 1, 12345, Thomas Johnson
  2. 2, 67890, Tom Mantia
  3. 3, 54321, JohnTest
Dept: deptID, dept
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. 1, Engineering
  2. 2, Yard
  3. 3, Sandblast
DeptTrans: deptTransID, deptID, empID, transDt, transEndDt
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. 1, 1, 1, 1.1.09, Null
  2. 2, 2, 1, 12.1.08, 12.31.08
  3. 3, 3, 2, 1.2.09, Null
  4. 4, 3, 3, 1.3.09, Null
(One employee may have transferred departments many times)

(One employee may be assigned vacation time many times)

VacationTime: vacaID, empID, empEarnedTime, vacaTimeAwardDt
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. 1, 1, 8, 2.1.09
  2. 2, 2, 0, Null
  3. 3, 3, 4, 2.1.09
(One employee maybe have many incidents)

EmpIncidents: incidentID, empID, incidentTYpeID, incidentDt
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. 1, 1, 2, 12.2.08
  2. 2, 2, 2, 1.4.09
(One employee can have many types of incidents)

IncidentTypeId: incidentTypeID, incident (the only incidents that
allow an employee and his dept to lose time are types 2 and 3)
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. 1, NonRecordable
  2. 2, Recordable
  3. 3, Lost-Time 
Mar 17 '09 #14
1,287 Recognized Expert Top Contributor
I don't get it. What department is an employee in if they never transferred?
Mar 17 '09 #15
166 New Member
If they never transferred their transEndDt is Null, meaning they are still in their current department

DeptTrans: deptTransID, deptID, empID, transDt, transEndDt
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  2.    1. 1, 1, 1, 1.1.09, Null
  3.    2. 2, 2, 1, 12.1.08, 12.31.08
  4.    3. 3, 3, 2, 1.2.09, Null
  5.    4. 4, 3, 3, 1.3.09, Null
Specifically in the above example, empID 1 has transferred departments twice. His current dept is deptID 1 and his end date is Null. He was in deptID 2 all of 2008 and on 1.1.09, he transferred to dept 1 and is still apart of that dept.
Mar 17 '09 #16
1,287 Recognized Expert Top Contributor
Ok, assuming you put in a transfer when they start the job.

How about:

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. SELECT Employee.empID, Employee.empNo, Employee.empName, DeptTrans.deptID FROM Employee, DeptTrans WHERE Employee.empID = DeptTrans.empID AND transEndDT IS NULL
Mar 17 '09 #17
166 New Member
Correction, I made it updateable :)

Correct, when an employee starts a job, they are put in the transfer table. That query works, but it isn't updateable either.

Mar 17 '09 #18
1,287 Recognized Expert Top Contributor
That simple query by itself cannot be updated? I just tried a query with IS NULL and didn't have a problem. I don't see why that would be.
Mar 17 '09 #19
1,287 Recognized Expert Top Contributor
Never mind, it's not updatable after the join. What the heck.
Mar 17 '09 #20
1,287 Recognized Expert Top Contributor
Oh, this may happen if fields in your table are not indexed. Any field that you are querying on should be indexed for performance anyway, are yours?
Mar 17 '09 #21
166 New Member
One more thing worth mentioning. my query that determines which employees are restricted, includes the old department they were in. THis will help me to later determine which employee departments should not receive leave. The rule is that if any employee in a department receives an incident, no employee in that dept receives leave for 2 months. If an employee transfers, he is still under restriction until his old department is off probation.

here is that query:
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. SELECT (Select top 1 dept from qryDeptTrans where qryDeptTrans.empID=qryRestrictedEmployees.empID and qryDeptTrans.transDt<=qryRestrictedEmployees.incidentDt) AS Dept_At_Time_Of_Incident, qryRestrictedEmployees.empID, qryRestrictedEmployees.empNo, qryRestrictedEmployees.empName, qryRestrictedEmployees.incidentDt, qryRestrictedEmployees.RestrictionEnd, qryCurrentEmpDept.deptID
  2. FROM qryRestrictedEmployees INNER JOIN qryCurrentEmpDept ON qryRestrictedEmployees.empID = qryCurrentEmpDept.empID;

Mar 17 '09 #22
166 New Member
My fields are indexed

Mar 17 '09 #23
1,287 Recognized Expert Top Contributor
Well I certainly learned something about why queries are not updatable. I couldn't update my join query until I made at least one side indexed(no duplicates) and the other side indexed also.

So I guess the problem is that the last query you posted still is not updatable even with proper indices?

Unfortunately, it's 5pm here so I won't get to look at it until tomorrow.
Mar 17 '09 #24
32,556 Recognized Expert Moderator MVP
You may find Reasons for a Query to be Non-Updatable some help.
Mar 17 '09 #25
2,653 Recognized Expert Specialist

IMHO, the problem requires a bit of strategical thinking.
  • If you could get all:
    • fields required for records-to-be-updated recognition
    • fields to be updated
    • values to update fields
    in one updateable query, then filtering part could be well unupdateable and reside in "IN" clause.
  • If not, then you may check whether you could reduce joins by getting recognition and/or update values via VBA functions (built-in or your own) in the query.
  • If this doesn't help, then pure code solution based on recordsets will work in any case.

Mar 17 '09 #26
166 New Member
Hi Chip,

I was reading about why queries aren't updateable and read something that said that you can not have a select clause in your select clause. In my query, (Select top 1 dept from qryDeptTrans where qryDeptTrans.empID=qryRestrictedEmployees.empID and qryDeptTrans.transDt<=qryRestrictedEmployees.incid entDt) AS Dept_At_Time_Of_Incident:

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  2. SELECT (Select top 1 dept from qryDeptTrans where qryDeptTrans.empID=qryRestrictedEmployees.empID and qryDeptTrans.transDt<=qryRestrictedEmployees.incidentDt) AS Dept_At_Time_Of_Incident, qryRestrictedEmployees.empID, qryRestrictedEmployees.empNo, qryRestrictedEmployees.empName, qryRestrictedEmployees.incidentDt, qryRestrictedEmployees.RestrictionEnd, qryCurrentEmpDept.deptID
  3. FROM qryRestrictedEmployees INNER JOIN qryCurrentEmpDept ON qryRestrictedEmployees.empID = qryCurrentEmpDept.empID;
This is not allowing my code to be updateable...I need that statement to pull the department at the time of the incident so that I can use it to compare with other employees to determine which ones will or will not receive leave.

Mar 18 '09 #27
1,287 Recognized Expert Top Contributor
I'm not sure why you're using the Top 1 actually. Why not:
[This is not in code tags because I want to be able to read it without scrolling]
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. SELECT deptTrans.deptID,
  2.        deptTrans.empID
  3. FROM   deptTrans, qryRestrictedEmployees
  4. WHERE  deptTrans.empID = qryRestrictedEmployees.empID
  5.   AND  qryRestrictedEmployees.incidentDt >= deptTrans.transDt
  6.   AND  (qryRestrictedEmployees.incidentDt <= deptTrans.transEndDt
  7.    OR  deptTrans.transEndDt IS NULL)
That gives you employees on the restricted list with their departments at the time, if I'm right about what the qryRestrictedEmployees does.
Mar 18 '09 #28
166 New Member
You are right Chip, that works, however it is not updateable either.
Mar 18 '09 #29
1,287 Recognized Expert Top Contributor
Ok then, what's the qryRestrictedEmployees look like?
Mar 18 '09 #30
166 New Member
Here is qryRestrictedEmployees:

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. SELECT Employee.empID, Employee.empNo, Employee.empName, EmpIncidents.incidentDt, DateSerial(Year(EmpIncidents.incidentDt),Month(EmpIncidents.incidentDt)+3,1) AS RestrictionEnd
  2. FROM Employee INNER JOIN EmpIncidents ON Employee.empID=EmpIncidents.empID
  3. WHERE (((DateSerial(Year(EmpIncidents.incidentDt),Month(EmpIncidents.incidentDt)+3,1))>Date()) And ((EmpIncidents.incidentTypeID)=2 Or (EmpIncidents.incidentTypeID)=3));
This query is updateable. The difference in the above query and the one that includes the old departments is the select part that then makes the query un-updateable.
Mar 18 '09 #31
32,556 Recognized Expert Moderator MVP
I appreciate the point Chip, but surely showing the SQL in a structured and clear way is sensible regardless of whether or not wrapping is enabled.

A further point of course, is that there is a simple link provided for all code boxes that switches to wrapping mode.

I don't want to be on your back as we appreciate all our contributors, and you're certainly that.
Mar 18 '09 #32
32,556 Recognized Expert Moderator MVP
Query that includes more than one table or query, and the tables or queries aren't joined by a join line in Design view - No
Your FROM clause precludes this query from being updatable as it currently stands. Did you intend the tables to be unlinked?
Mar 18 '09 #33
1,287 Recognized Expert Top Contributor
The Wrap link doesn't seem to prevent things from going out of the box, and I don't necessarily want to present this as Code when it's untested or pseudocode.
Mar 18 '09 #34
1,287 Recognized Expert Top Contributor
I think you're right NeoPa, I wanted an inner join and thought that was equivalent. I wonder if it will be updatable with the inner join on empID syntax?
Mar 18 '09 #35
166 New Member

I definitely understand what you mean by the code and wrapping the text. Often times when I do it I get a weird #&amp...

anyway...even when i did as NeoPa suggested and connected the line, the query still is not updateable:
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. SELECT deptTrans.deptID, deptTrans.empID
  2. FROM qryRestrictedEmployees INNER JOIN deptTrans ON qryRestrictedEmployees.empID = deptTrans.empID
  3. WHERE (((deptTrans.empID)=[qryRestrictedEmployees].[empID]) AND ((qryRestrictedEmployees.incidentDt)<=[deptTrans].[transEndDt] And (qryRestrictedEmployees.incidentDt)>=[deptTrans].[transDt])) OR (((deptTrans.empID)=[qryRestrictedEmployees].[empID]) AND ((qryRestrictedEmployees.incidentDt)>=[deptTrans].[transDt]) AND ((deptTrans.transEndDt) Is Null));

Mar 18 '09 #36
32,556 Recognized Expert Moderator MVP
May I suggest a possible replacement, that may result in an updatable query (assuming the other elements don't preclude it for any reason) :
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. SELECT dT.deptID,
  2.        dT.empID
  4. FROM   deptTrans AS dT INNER JOIN
  5.        qryRestrictedEmployees AS qRE
  6.   ON   dT.empID=qRE.empID
  8. WHERE  qRE.incidentDt>=dT.transDt
  9.   AND (qRE.incidentDt<=dT.transEndDt
  10.    OR  dT.transEndDt IS NULL)
This has an INNER JOIN on the empID, yet still restricts the records selected on the rest of the WHERE clause.

PS. You guys are fast - I was just preparing this and you both popped in :)
Mar 18 '09 #37
166 New Member

I tried your query, and it works, but it is not updatable.
Mar 18 '09 #38
1,287 Recognized Expert Top Contributor
I'm thinking the RestrictionEnd field is calculated, which is preventing the update once the table it's in is joined with the other table. Do you actually need the RestrictionEnd for this?
Mar 18 '09 #39
2,653 Recognized Expert Specialist

Check whether you have joined tables either directly or indirectly on M-to-M relationship. If so, no wonder query is not updateable.
IMHO, this is the most probable reason in this case.
Mar 18 '09 #40
1,287 Recognized Expert Top Contributor
Good point FishVal. Does the qryRestrictedEmployees result in only 1 record for each empID or are there duplicates?
Mar 18 '09 #41
32,556 Recognized Expert Moderator MVP
You're almost certainly right, but I don't think there is anything in the SQL posted which makes it so.
(assuming the other elements don't preclude it for any reason)
I am trying not to get involved from scratch but simply to help with a specific concept (the said SQL).

Please check the link provided in post #25 for all the reasons which may cause a query to fail to be updatable.
Mar 18 '09 #42
166 New Member
RestrictionEnd field is a calculated field:
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. RestrictionEnd: DateSerial(Year(EmpIncidents.incidentDt),Month(EmpIncidents.incidentDt)+3,1)
I do not have to have it there, but I do need to have it at some point. I need to be able to access the incidentDt to calculate it.

Also Chip, when the RestrictionEndDt is apart of the query, it is still updatable.
Mar 18 '09 #43
166 New Member
Currently, Yes, the restricted employees query only results in 1 record for each empID...If the employee has more than one incident in the alloted time period, there will be more for that employee, but it will be a unique record for each incident.
Mar 18 '09 #44
Stewart Ross
2,545 Recognized Expert Moderator Specialist
In earlier posts in this thread reference has been made to the article on why queries may not be updatable. Reasons are many and varied, and trying to resolve it can be very frustrating.

One way to accomplish updates in these circumstances is to split the task into two sequential components: (1) create a temporary table using a make-table query to set up the rows that will be used to update the source table, then (2) run an update query from the temporary table joined to the table you want updated. As the update is between one table equijoined with another on the same key field or fields the query concerned will always result in updatable rows.

The make-table query is just the select query that you would otherwise have used to update the table you want to change, altered to a make-table type (SELECT INTO statement in SQL) instead...

This is one of the few occasions when an Access Macro is genuinely useful, as you can use a macro to sequence the two queries (the make-table and the update one) to run one after the other using a single named action, an action which is not hidden behind VBA code. Alternatively, you can use a VBA command button to accomplish the same task by running two action queries in sequence.

Either way, you may find it more profitable to try two separate actions than sorting out why your source query is non-updatable.

Mar 18 '09 #45
1,287 Recognized Expert Top Contributor
In that case, the JOIN on qryRestrictedEmployees and deptTrans is creating a many to many relationship on empID. It might be possible to get all this information in an updatable query, but I don't see how at the moment. Personally, I would just write some code that stepped through recordsets and did the update one row at a time with the click of a button and be done with it.
Mar 18 '09 #46
2,653 Recognized Expert Specialist

At the very start of the thread Chipr made a valuable suggestion as for using IN clause.
There is no need to filter recordset with joins before update as soon as those joins make it unupdateable.
Get [empID]'s of records to be updated with a separate query, no matter whether it is updateable or not and use this query as criteria in IN clause to filter dataset which contains only fields to be updated with values to update fields with (something tells me it will be updateable).
Mar 18 '09 #47
1,287 Recognized Expert Top Contributor
I think FishVal is saying you can

UPDATE VacationTime
SET (...)
IN (possibly not updatable subquery)

So simple!
Mar 18 '09 #48
166 New Member
OK Guys,

Here is what I have:
UPDATE qryEmpsEarnLeave INNER JOIN VacationTime ON qryEmpsEarnLeave.empID = VacationTime.vacaID SET VacationTime.empID = [vacationTime].[empId], VacationTime.empEarnedTime = [empEarnedTime]+4, VacationTime.vacaTimeAwardDt = Date()
WHERE (((qryEmpsEarnLeave.deptID) Not In (SELECT dT.deptID FROM deptTrans AS dT INNER JOIN qryRestrictedEmployees AS qRE ON dT.empID=qRE.empID WHERE qRE.incidentDt>=dT.transDt AND (qRE.incidentDt<=dT.transEndDt OR dT.transEndDt IS NULL))));

I noticed that it updated in the query, but the wrong employees were updated.

Mar 18 '09 #49
166 New Member
Hey Guys,

I figured out why it wasn't working. I had the empID and deptIDs joined as opposed to the empIDs.

Here is the final query:
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. UPDATE VacationTime INNER JOIN qryEmpsEarnLeave ON VacationTime.empID=qryEmpsEarnLeave.empID SET VacationTime.empID = [vacationTime].[empId], VacationTime.empEarnedTime = [empEarnedTime]+4, VacationTime.vacaTimeAwardDt = Date()
  2. WHERE (((qryEmpsEarnLeave.deptID) Not In (SELECT dT.deptID  FROM   deptTrans AS dT INNER JOIN        qryRestrictedEmployees AS qRE   ON   dT.empID=qRE.empID  WHERE  qRE.incidentDt>=dT.transDt   AND (qRE.incidentDt<=dT.transEndDt    OR  dT.transEndDt IS NULL))));
I still have to do some tests to determine if it still works in all cases, but I appreciate all of the input to get me to this point.

Mar 18 '09 #50

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Good Day; I would appreciate assistance developing a query that I haven't been able to develop without using a second table. I wish to count the number of records that are still open on the...
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I'm using Access 97 and need some assistance in sorting out a proper DSum expression, or maybe even DCount might be an alternative. I have tried numerous combinations, but with no apparent success....
by: Dalan | last post by:
I seemed to be having problems with structuring the use of NZ with a DSum expression. Having tried numerous variations of the expression without success, I'm asking for assistance. First some...
by: MLH | last post by:
I apologize in advance to forum readers noticing this somewhat redundant post. I fear that my Subject Heading was ill-chosen in earlier post I made on this topic. Am hoping that a clearer Subject...
by: Dalan | last post by:
I presume that using an open recordset method is the preferred method of accomplishing what I'm trying to do. Of course, if there are other options that would work, feel free to share them. I...
by: Dalan | last post by:
I'm experiencing a Query Syntax Error with an Access 97 Db. Actually, the query performs as expected when adding any new records or editing existing ones and even deleting records, EXCEPT when the...
by: Dalan | last post by:
I'm not certain if this is doable in the manner explained below, but surely there have been others who have done something similar. So whatever insight and assistance that can be provided will be...
by: Rolan | last post by:
I know what I want to do regarding the average cost for inventory, but need some assistance to sort out some of the details to finalize an inventory table and query. Essentially, the information is...
by: cory.craig | last post by:
I am trying to pull some "notes" from a sql database.....the notes that are put into the database come via the web and the user is entering it for a certain task. they are stored in their own...
by: Hystou | last post by:
Most computers default to English, but sometimes we require a different language, especially when relocating. Forgot to request a specific language before your computer shipped? No problem! You can...
by: Oralloy | last post by:
Hello folks, I am unable to find appropriate documentation on the type promotion of bit-fields when using the generalised comparison operator "<=>". The problem is that using the GNU compilers,...
by: tracyyun | last post by:
Dear forum friends, With the development of smart home technology, a variety of wireless communication protocols have appeared on the market, such as Zigbee, Z-Wave, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc. Each...
by: agi2029 | last post by:
Let's talk about the concept of autonomous AI software engineers and no-code agents. These AIs are designed to manage the entire lifecycle of a software development project—planning, coding, testing,...
by: isladogs | last post by:
The next Access Europe User Group meeting will be on Wednesday 1 May 2024 starting at 18:00 UK time (6PM UTC+1) and finishing by 19:30 (7.30PM). In this session, we are pleased to welcome a new...
by: conductexam | last post by:
I have .net C# application in which I am extracting data from word file and save it in database particularly. To store word all data as it is I am converting the whole word file firstly in HTML and...
by: TSSRALBI | last post by:
Hello I'm a network technician in training and I need your help. I am currently learning how to create and manage the different types of VPNs and I have a question about LAN-to-LAN VPNs. The...
by: adsilva | last post by:
A Windows Forms form does not have the event Unload, like VB6. What one acts like?
by: 6302768590 | last post by:
Hai team i want code for transfer the data from one system to another through IP address by using C# our system has to for every 5mins then we have to update the data what the data is updated ...

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