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How to drag drop file/s into a textbox from winexplorer?

Hello , I'm trying to drag drop file/s into a textbox from windows explorer using vb6. I can't figure it out how to create textboxes at runtime depending on how many file selection did I make for dragdrop purposes. Is there a way to do that in vb6 and how?

Thanks alot and happy holidays.
Dec 22 '10
64 9588
Hello Sir Geur,

I think I've made it work as to what I need with the tool. Please take a check with its functionality and see if there are still areas that are buggy or needs improvement.

Thank you so much for your unselfish help. I was able to learn alot while studying your codes at the same time and was able to refresh my vb knowledge that has been stucked for 5 years now.

Attached is the tool.

Thanks alot!
Attached Files
File Type: zip File Replicator ver. 2.zip (13.6 KB, 73 views)
Jan 13 '11 #51
I just found a bug wherein if a copy process is ongoing and a file exist halfway the process and then I press cancel... the copy process was stopped but the progress bar does not go back to zero.

I tried to insert the lines below but program does not seem to read it..I don't know why.

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1.          If MESSAGE = vbCancel Then Exit Sub
  2.           ShapeProgress.Width = 0
  3.           LabelProgress.Caption = "Copy Cancelled."
  4.          If MESSAGE = vbNo Then GoTo NextFile
  5.          FileCopy Text1(STARTFILEidx), SaveTo.Text & "\" & FILETO
Jan 13 '11 #52
Guido Geurs
767 Expert 512MB
Resetting the progressbar must be done before You Exit the Sub:

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1.          If MESSAGE = vbCancel Then
  2.             LabelProgress.Caption = "Copy Canceled."
  3.             ShapeProgress.Width = 0
  4.             Exit Sub
  5.          End If
When I click Log then Notepad opens but Minimized.
I have changed the code to :
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. Private Sub ComShowLog_Click()
  2. Dim NOTEPADSHELL As Double
  3.    NOTEPADSHELL = Shell("Notepad " & SaveTo.Text & "\Log.txt", vbNormalFocus)
  4. End Sub
In my code is the progressbar working (see attachment).
Is in Your code the indication Shape on top of the background of the progressbar?

I have also added in the log the type of copy: "replaced" or "New" and "Canceled" if so.

I don't understand Your previous mail in which You say: "the situation wherein no destination drive is specified, since ..."
and You modify the code for no files dropped = "If Text1.Count = 1 Then
MsgBox "There ..." ???

and I think there is an error in it because You "Exit it" when there are files dropped: (if Count = 1 => Msg
ELSE => Exit sub ...)

" If Text1.Count = 1 Then
MsgBox "There ...
Exit Sub
End If

It was a pleasure helping You because I learn more by working and searching for solutions on an existing problem than reading 10 books of programming.
If You have still questions, please don't hesitate and place them in a call on Bytes.
Jan 13 '11 #53
Sir Geur,

The progress bar is goes back to 0 when copy is canceled. So you just have to put the conditions before exiting sub. Tnx!

As for the code below..I am quite hesitant to use it as after I replicate files..and click log file button using your code below since it only opens an empty file..but does not write the copied files on the Log.text
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1.    1. Private Sub ComShowLog_Click()
  2.    2. Dim NOTEPADSHELL As Double
  3.    3.    NOTEPADSHELL = Shell("Notepad " & SaveTo.Text & "\Log.txt", vbNormalFocus)
  4.    4. End Sub
At the end of my replicate button code I have already indicated that a log file should be printed. I put this after files are successfully replicated. I will by default print and save the Log file at c:\Log.txt
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  1.             '§ print Log
  2.             sFilename = "c:\Log.txt"
  4.             'obtain the next free file handle from the
  5.             'system and and save the text box contents
  6.             hFile = FreeFile
  7.             Open sFilename For Output As #hFile
  8.             Print #hFile, LOGTEXT
  9.             Close #hFile
I would only need the filenames ( a new or replaced file does not matter ). Is there also a way to indicate the total number of files being copied? I assume by couting the lines in the saved file? How?
Jan 13 '11 #54
Guido Geurs
767 Expert 512MB
The total of different files to copy= TextFiles.Count-1 (-1 for the original textbox with index= 0)
The total of copyed files is already calculated for the progress bar= COPYTOTAL
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1.    For COPIESidx = 1 To TextFiles.Count - 1
  2.       COPYTOTAL = COPYTOTAL + Val(CopyTimes(COPIESidx))
  3.    Next
Jan 14 '11 #55
Hello Sir Geur,

It's just now that I have noticed that hung up. There seems to be a problem when copying large number of copies per chosen file. The tool seems to hung up and does not anymore show all the progress and then after a while immediately goes to 100%.

I'm unsure if this can handle thousand of copies?
Any help?

Thank You!
Jan 17 '11 #56
Sir Geur,

I also want to understand your code below as when clicked, it seems to ask the user to create Log file. And then when confirmed, it creates an empty Log file. It doesn't write the filenames to the Log.txt. What does it really do? Just open and create an empty Log.txt?

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. Private Sub ComShowLog_Click()
  2. Dim NOTEPADSHELL As Double
  3. NOTEPADSHELL = Shell("Notepad " & SaveTo.Text & "\Log.txt", vbNormalFocus)
  4. End Sub
I have indicated in the last lines of my code at Replicate button this:
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  1.             '§ print Log
  2.             sFilename = "c:\Log.txt"
  4.             'obtain the next free file handle from the
  5.             'system and and save the text box contents
  6.             hFile = FreeFile
  7.             Open sFilename For Output As #hFile
  8.             Print #hFile, LOGTEXT
  9.             Close #hFile
Jan 17 '11 #57
Guido Geurs
767 Expert 512MB
Q1 : maybe there are to much copies at the same time.
Is the problem solved if You enter the "Doevents" after the copy command like this:
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. .....
  2.          If MESSAGE = vbNo Then GoTo NextFile
  3.          FileCopy TextFiles(STARTFILEidx), SaveTo.Text & "\" & FILETO
  4.          DoEvents
  5.          '§ add filename for printing log
  6.          If FILEEXIST Then
  7. .....
Q2: My code opens notepad to a logfile I make in the destination folder (SaveTo.Text).

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. Private Sub ComShowLog_Click() 
  2. Dim NOTEPADSHELL As Double 
  3. NOTEPADSHELL = Shell("Notepad " & SaveTo.Text & "\Log.txt", vbNormalFocus) 
  4. End Sub 
If Your Logfile is = "c:\Log.txt" (there is no logfile created by Your code in the copy-to folder) then the code must be:
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. Private Sub ComShowLog_Click() 
  2. Dim NOTEPADSHELL As Double 
  3. NOTEPADSHELL = Shell("Notepad c:\Log.txt", vbNormalFocus) 
  4. End Sub 
Jan 17 '11 #58
Hello Sir Geur,

I just noticed that a Run time error '75', Path/File access error is being thrown when I am trying to replicate/copy files into an empty/formatted external drive( ex. usb flash drive)

But when the same flash drive has at least a file in it, then replicate/copy files to the drive using the tool...no error is thrown and normal copy process is performed.

When the error "75" occured, it seemed to point at this line:

If Dir$(PATHpart, vbDirectory) = "" Then MkDir (PATHpart) '§ create folders

Any idea why?
Feb 10 '11 #59
Guido Geurs
767 Expert 512MB
The previous code checks only on Folders.
If you want to copy to the root, the code "Dir$(PATHpart, vbDirectory)" gives an error because it's a root and not a vbDirectory !
If it's an existing root, go directly to the copy code.
I have changed it to check drive, root and folders (see attachment).
Feb 10 '11 #60
I have added the code to my program , but it only seems to resolve the copying to the root drive ( ex. f:)

But not when another folder is created within that drive ( ex. f:\new ) - the same error is thrown.
Feb 10 '11 #61
Also I have trouble on the copy process, wherein If i need to just "replace all" and not anymore mind the individual checking of existing file.

Like I am thinking that after checking if a file exist there should be options to:

1. Replace All
a. If yes, then it should proceed to start copy and overwrite all existing files
b. If no, then maybe prompt the options to:
* Replace only this file?
* Skip this file?
* Cancel

Does this makes sense?
Feb 10 '11 #62
Sir Geur,

Can you help me on these options instead?

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  1. If Dir(SaveTo.Text & "\" & FILETO) <> "" Then
  2.                 MESSAGE = MsgBox("The file " & FILETO & " already exist!." & vbNewLine & _
  3.                      "Replace existing files?" & vbNewLine & _
  4.                     vbNewLine & _
  5.                      "Yes to All. [Yes]" & vbNewLine & _
  6.                      "This file only. [No]" & vbNewLine & _
  7.                     "Cancel copy process. [Cancel]", vbYesNoCancel)
  8.                 FILEEXIST = True
  9.                 End If
Or any way where I could have options like:
- yes to all
- this file only
- skip this file
- cancel copy

any help?

Feb 11 '11 #63
Guido Geurs
767 Expert 512MB
The code=
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. ... 
  2. If Dir$(SaveTo.Text, vbVolume) = "" Then
  3. ...
checks if a volumename exist for the drive!
If it's an USB stick without a name then the code exit the sub.
I have changed the check with a FileSystemObject because you can't check it with Dir$ ( !! add the reference : "Microsoft Scripting Runtime" to the project if you want to use a FSO).
The standard msgbox can't be adapted.
For a custom Msgbox: you have to create your own! (see attachment)
Feb 12 '11 #64
Sir Geur,

I just tried the code and it worked only when saving files into the root of a flash drive/memory device.
However, if the root drive is empty and you try to create a folder to that flash drive for saving it throws out an error instead. But if the root drive of a flash drive has something ..then creation of a folder and saving of files innto that folder is okay.

I also ran into another problem in my whole copy process ;( It really worries me alot now... my copy process seems to not work properly already after I tried the cases.

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. Option Explicit
  2. Dim fselectIDX As Integer
  3. Dim LOGTEXT As String
  5. Private Sub ComSaveLog_Click()
  6. Dim MESSAGE As Variant
  7. Dim OUTPUTFN As Integer
  8.    If Dir(SaveTo.Text & "\Log.txt") <> "" Then _
  9.       MESSAGE = MsgBox("The file Log.txt exist !" & vbNewLine & "Overwrite ?", vbOKCancel)
  10.    If MESSAGE = vbCancel Then Exit Sub
  11.    OUTPUTFN = FreeFile
  12.    On Error GoTo ErrWriting
  13.    Open SaveTo.Text & "\Log.txt" For Output As #OUTPUTFN
  14.       Print #OUTPUTFN, LOGTEXT
  15.    Close #OUTPUTFN
  16. Exit Sub
  17. ErrWriting:
  18.    Close #OUTPUTFN
  19.    MsgBox ("There is an error writing the settings file !")
  20. End Sub
  22. Private Sub ComShowLog_Click()
  23. Dim NOTEPADSHELL As Double
  24.    NOTEPADSHELL = Shell("Notepad " & SaveTo.Text & "\Log.txt", vbNormalFocus)
  25. End Sub
  27. '§ Loads Form
  28. Private Sub Form_Load()
  29.     Picture1.OLEDropMode = 1      '§ manual
  30.     Text1(0).Top = -Text1(0).Height + 180
  31.     CopyTimes(0).Top = -CopyTimes(0).Height + 180
  33.     With VScrollFiles
  34.       .Visible = False
  35.       .Min = -30
  36.    End With
  37.    ShapeProgress.Width = 0
  38. End Sub
  40. '§ Opens Windows Explorer
  41. Private Sub OpenWEBtn_Click()
  42.     Dim Det As Long
  43.     Det = Shell("explorer.exe /e, C:\", vbNormalFocus)
  44. End Sub
  46. '§ Selects Drive
  47. Private Sub Drive1_Change()
  48. Dir1.Path = Drive1.Drive
  49. End Sub
  51. '§ Selects Directory within selected Drive
  52. Private Sub Dir1_Change()
  53. SaveTo.Text = Dir1.Path
  54. End Sub
  56. '§ Compares FrameFix vs FrameSlide height
  57. Private Function Calc_FrameSlide_Height()
  58.    FrameSlide.Height = Text1.Count * Text1(0).Height
  59.    If FrameSlide.Height > FrameFix.Height Then
  60.       With VScrollFiles
  61.          .Max = (FrameSlide.Height - FrameFix.Height) / 10
  62.          .SmallChange = 200
  63.          .LargeChange = FrameFix.Height / 10
  64.          .Visible = True
  65.       End With
  66.    Else
  67.       VScrollFiles.Visible = False
  68.    End If
  69. End Function
  71. '§ Handles the vertical scroll bar
  72. Private Sub VScrollFiles_Change()
  73. FrameSlide.Top = -VScrollFiles.Value * 10
  74. End Sub
  76. '§ Handles the dragged dropped files and loads them into the Text1 texbox array
  77. Private Sub Picture1_OLEDragDrop(Data As DataObject, Effect As Long, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
  78. Dim i As Integer
  79. Dim dCount As Integer
  81.       On Error GoTo No_File_info
  82.       i = Text1.Count - 1
  84.       For dCount = 1 To Data.Files.Count
  85.          Load Text1(i + dCount)
  86.          With Text1(i + dCount)
  87.             .Top = Text1(i + dCount - 1).Top + Text1(0).Height
  88.             .Text = (Data.Files.Item(dCount))
  89.             .Visible = True
  90.          End With
  92.          Load CopyTimes(i + dCount)
  93.          With CopyTimes(i + dCount)
  94.             .Top = CopyTimes(i + dCount - 1).Top + CopyTimes(0).Height
  95.             .Text = 1
  96.             .Visible = True
  97.          End With
  99.       Next
  100.       FrameSlide.Height = Text1.Count * Text1(0).Height
  101.       If FrameSlide.Height > FrameFix.Height Then
  102.          With VScrollFiles
  103.             .Max = (FrameSlide.Height - FrameFix.Height) / 10
  104.             .SmallChange = 200
  105.             .LargeChange = FrameFix.Height / 10
  106.             .Visible = True
  107.          End With
  108.       Else
  109.          VScrollFiles.Visible = False
  110.       End If
  111. Exit Sub
  112. No_File_info:
  113.    MsgBox "No File name from Explorer"
  114. End Sub
  116. '§ Specifies a numeric entry only in the CopyTimes textbox
  117. Private Sub CopyTimes_KeyPress(Index As Integer, KeyAscii As Integer)
  118. If Not (KeyAscii = vbKeyBack) Then
  119.     If Not Chr(KeyAscii) Like "#" Then
  120.     KeyAscii = 0
  121.     MsgBox ("Number entry only.")
  122.     End If
  123. End If
  124. End Sub
  126. '§ Deletes individual selected file
  127. Private Sub Text1_MouseDown(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
  128.    fselectIDX = Index
  129.    If Button = vbKeyLButton Then PopupMenu PUMenu_Files
  130. End Sub
  132. '§ Deletes individual selected file
  133. Private Sub PUMenu_DeleteFile_Click()
  134. Dim BOXidx As Integer
  135.    If fselectIDX <> Text1.Count Then '§ if not last box
  136.       For BOXidx = fselectIDX To Text1.Count - 2
  137.          Text1(BOXidx).Text = Text1(BOXidx + 1).Text
  138.          CopyTimes(BOXidx).Text = CopyTimes(BOXidx + 1).Text
  139.       Next
  140.       Unload Text1(Text1.Count - 1)
  141.       Unload CopyTimes(CopyTimes.Count - 1)
  142.    Else '§ if last box
  143.       Unload Text1(fselectIDX)
  144.       Unload CopyTimes(fselectIDX)
  145.    End If
  146.    Call Calc_FrameSlide_Height
  147. End Sub
  149. '§ Handles the whole COPY/REPLICATION process
  150. Private Sub ReplicateBtn_Click()
  151. Dim FSO As FileSystemObject
  152. Dim DRIVEEXIST As Boolean
  153. Dim NEWPATH As String
  155. '§ Check Folder from SaveTo
  156. Dim ARRFOLDERS() As String
  157. Dim ARRFOLDERSidx As Integer
  158. Dim ARRFOLDERScount As Integer
  159. Dim PATHpart As String
  161. '§ count number of copies
  162. Dim COPIESidx As Integer
  163. Dim COPYPROGRESS As Integer
  164. Dim COPYTOTAL As Integer
  166. '§ Loop through files to copy
  167. Dim FILENAME As String
  168. Dim NAME As String
  169. Dim EXTENTION As String
  170. Dim FILETO As String
  171. Dim STARTFILEidx As Integer
  172. Dim FILEidx As Integer
  173. Dim LOGTEXT As String
  174. Dim FILEEXIST As Boolean
  176. '§ Loop through files to print
  177. Dim hFile As Long
  178. Dim sFilename As String
  181. '§ General
  182. Dim MESSAGE As Variant
  183. Dim MSGFORM As New Form_MSG_FileExist
  184. Dim MSGWHATTODO As String
  185.     Set FSO = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
  187. '§ check if Files to copy <> 0
  188.    If Text1.Count = 1 Then '§ only the original textbox with index=0
  189.       MsgBox "There are no files to copy !" & vbNewLine & _
  190.                "Please, drop files into the Dropzone !"
  191.       Exit Sub
  192.    End If
  194. '§ Check destination drive from SaveTo
  195. If SaveTo.Text = "" Then
  196.       MsgBox ("Please specify a copy destination.")
  197.       Exit Sub
  198. End If
  200. '§ check if drive exist
  201.    DRIVEEXIST = FSO.DriveExists(SaveTo.Text)
  202.    If Not DRIVEEXIST And Len(SaveTo.Text) = 3 Then
  203.       MsgBox "There is no Drive with this name !"
  204.       Exit Sub
  205.    End If
  207. '§ If drive don't exist: exit
  208.    If Dir$(SaveTo.Text, vbVolume) = "" Then
  209.       MsgBox "The drive don't exist !"
  210.       Exit Sub
  211.    End If
  213. '§ path= root: copy
  214.    If Len(SaveTo.Text) = 3 Then GoTo Start_Copy
  216. '§ Check Folder from SaveTo: create new path?
  217.    If Dir$(SaveTo.Text, vbDirectory) = "" Then
  218.       MESSAGE = MsgBox("The folder " & SaveTo.Text & " doesn't exist." & _
  219.                      vbNewLine & "Create the folder ?", vbYesNo)
  220.       If MESSAGE = vbYes Then
  221.          ARRFOLDERS = Split(SaveTo.Text, "\") '§ set folders in array
  222.          For ARRFOLDERSidx = LBound(ARRFOLDERS) To UBound(ARRFOLDERS) '§ loop to folders
  223.             PATHpart = ""
  224.             For ARRFOLDERScount = LBound(ARRFOLDERS) To ARRFOLDERSidx '§ build path
  225.                PATHpart = PATHpart & ARRFOLDERS(ARRFOLDERScount) & "\"
  226.             Next
  227.             If Dir$(PATHpart, vbDirectory) = "" Then MkDir (PATHpart) '§ create folders
  228.          Next
  229.       Else
  230.          Exit Sub
  231.       End If
  232.    End If
  234. Start_Copy:
  235. '§ count number of copies
  236.    COPYTOTAL = 0
  237.    For COPIESidx = 1 To Text1.Count - 1
  238.       COPYTOTAL = COPYTOTAL + Val(CopyTimes(COPIESidx))
  239.    Next
  241. '§ Loop through files to copy
  242.    COPYPROGRESS = 0
  243.    LabelProgress.Caption = "Copying"
  244.    LOGTEXT = ""
  246. For STARTFILEidx = 1 To Text1.Count - 1
  247.       '§ find FILENAME (NAME + EXTENTION)
  248.       FILENAME = Mid(Text1(STARTFILEidx), InStrRev(Text1(STARTFILEidx), "\") + 1)
  249.       '§ find NAME
  250.       NAME = Left(FILENAME, InStrRev(FILENAME, ".") - 1)
  251.       '§ find EXTENTION
  252.       EXTENTION = Mid(FILENAME, InStrRev(FILENAME, ".") + 1)
  253.          '§ Make copies
  254.          For FILEidx = 1 To Val(CopyTimes(STARTFILEidx).Text)
  255.          FILETO = NAME & "(" & FILEidx & ")" & "." & EXTENTION
  256.          FILEEXIST = False
  257.          If Dir(SaveTo.Text & "\" & FILETO, vbArchive) <> "" And _
  258.                MSGWHATTODO <> "Yes to All" Then
  259.             MSGWHATTODO = MSGFORM.ShowDialog(FILETO, Me)
  260.          Else
  261.             GoTo Copy_File
  262.          End If
  263.          Me.Refresh
  264.          Select Case MSGWHATTODO
  265.          Case "File Only"
  266.             GoTo Copy_File
  267.          Case "Skip this file"
  268.             GoTo NextFile
  269.          Case "Cancel"
  270.             Exit Sub
  271.          End Select
  273. Copy_File:
  274.          FileCopy Text1(STARTFILEidx), SaveTo.Text & "\" & FILETO
  275.          DoEvents
  276.          '§ add filename for printing log
  277.          If FILEEXIST Then
  278.             LOGTEXT = LOGTEXT & FILETO & ": Replaced" & vbNewLine
  279.          Else
  280.             LOGTEXT = LOGTEXT & FILETO & ": New" & vbNewLine
  281.          End If
  282. NextFile:
  284.          LabelProgress.Caption = "Progress : " & COPYPROGRESS & "/" & _
  285.                               COPYTOTAL & " copied"
  286.          ShapeProgress.Width = (COPYPROGRESS / COPYTOTAL) * ShapeProgressBack.Width
  287.       Next
  289. FileError:
  290.             Select Case Err.Number
  291.             Case 61
  292.             MsgBox ("Destination drive is full.")
  293.             Case 70
  294.             MsgBox ("Permission Denied. The Memory Device is write protected.")
  295.             End Select
  296.    Next
  297.    LabelProgress.Caption = "Done"
  298.    ShapeProgress.Width = 0
  300. End Sub
  302. '§ Deletes all files in the list
  303. Private Sub ClearBtn_Click()
  304. Dim i As Integer
  306.     If Text1.Count = 1 Then
  307.         MsgBox ("There are no files to delete.")
  308.     Else
  309.         For i = 1 To Text1.UBound
  310.             Unload Text1(i)
  311.             Unload CopyTimes(i)
  312.         Next
  313.         Call Calc_FrameSlide_Height
  314.      End If
  315. End Sub
  317. '§ Opens Saved Log file
  318. Private Sub LogBtn_Click()
  319.     Dim LogFile As String
  320.     Dim NOTEPADSHELL As Double
  322.     If Text1.Count = 1 Then
  323.        MsgBox "There are no copied files." & vbNewLine & _
  324.                 "Log not created."
  325.     Else
  326.     LogFile = "notepad c:\Log.txt"
  327.     Shell LogFile
  328.     'NOTEPADSHELL = Shell("Notepad " & SaveTo.Text & "\Log.txt", vbNormalFocus)
  329.     End If
  330. End Sub
Attached Files
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Feb 15 '11 #65

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