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General method for dynamically allocating memory for a string

I have searched the internet for malloc and dynamic malloc; however, I still
don't know or readily see what is general way to allocate memory to char *
variable that I want to assign the substring that I found inside of a

Any ideas?
Aug 30 '06
94 4779
Keith Thompson said:

<free(p); p = NULL;>
I'm not going to say that I disagree with you, but I'm going to offer
a counterargument anyway.
Good man. :-)
Setting a free()d pointer to NULL can prevent certain kinds of errors
-- or rather, it can prevent the *symptoms* of certain kinds of
Well, it can actually prevent errors. If p is NULL, p's value is not
indeterminate. It's not actually /valid/, but it's testably invalid.
For example:

some_type *ptr = malloc(sizeof *ptr);
* Now I don't remember whether I called free(ptr) or not.
* I'll free it here, just in case.
Sloppy programming, of course. (I typed "Sloopy" on the first attempt, and
was half-tempted to leave it uncorrected.)
As written, the second call to free() invokes undefined behavior. In
fact, evaluating ptr in preparation for the call invokes UB; the call
to free() doesn't really have anything to do with it.
QUite so.
If the first free() call were replaced with:

ptr = NULL;

then the second free() call wouldn't invoke UB. But it would *still*
(probably) be a symptom of a logical error, namely the failure to keep
track of whether you've already called free().
Sure, but now you have only one error instead of two, and as far as the
compiler is concerned the error is harmless. As far as the programmer's
boss is concerned, however, it may not be.
Setting ptr to NULL
after the first free() would mask the symptom of the error; leaving it
alone could *potentially* cause the second free() to blow up, making
the error easier to detect. (Or it could do nothing; such is the
nature of undefined behavior.)
Or it could destroy an entire continent, which is why I really really don't
like the idea. Better to have a deterministic program that you can debug
predictably, IMHO.
On the other hand, you could legitimately have reached the point of
the second free() by any of several paths, some of which have free()d
the pointer and some of which haven't. In that case, *if* all the
paths that free() it then set it to NULL, then free()ing it again is
harmless and sensible.
In practice, it's very easy to ensure (or rather, *almost* ensure) that all
paths do free it, meaning that there is no need to give it "one for luck".
I mean, of course, using an opaque type. Yes, it's true that some bonehead
can free(p); instead of TDestroy(&p); if he really really insists, which is
why I have to say "almost".

In an ideal world, the question would never arise; you wouldn't make
that mistake in the first place, or at least you'd already have
corrected it.
Indeed. But since it's not an ideal world, it makes sense to make your
programs as debuggable as possible, and in my opinion that means keeping
them deterministic!
In software intended to be maximally robust (which, I hasten to add,
isn't *always* worth the effort), it probably makes sense to implement
this kind of defense in depth *and* to detect and log cases where
errors were caught by the second or later line of defense.

Richard Heathfield
"Usenet is a strange place" - dmr 29/7/1999
email: rjh at above domain (but drop the www, obviously)
Sep 2 '06 #71
we******@gmail. com said:

How about:

printf ("str2: %s\n", strfForPrintf (str2));
safeFree (str2);

where you have the following macros defined:

#define strfForPrintf(s tr) ((str)?(str):"< NULL>")
#define safeFree(str) do { free (str); str = NULL; } while (0)
Your second macro is badly named, I think. If it were truly a "safe Free",
it would be okay to invoke it like this: safeFree((void *)rand()); /* ! */


Richard Heathfield
"Usenet is a strange place" - dmr 29/7/1999
email: rjh at above domain (but drop the www, obviously)
Sep 2 '06 #72
On Fri, 1 Sep 2006 17:37:22 UTC, Tak-Shing Chan <t.****@gold.ac .uk>
On Fri, 1 Sep 2006, Richard Heathfield wrote:
jacob navia said:
CBFalconer wrote:
Revise the example:

T *p;

if (p = malloc(n * sizeof *p) {
T *q;

q = p+1; p = NULL;
dosomethingwith (q);
The revised example will not fool the GC since the block can be reached
from q, since it points between the beginning and the end of the block.
<shrugFinding ways to fool it is a moderately trivial exercise:

p = malloc(n * sizeof *p);
pos = ftell(fp);
fwrite(&p, sizeof p, 1, fp);
p = NULL;
fseek(fp, pos, SEEK_SET);
fread(&p, sizeof p, 1, fp);

Your rebuttal is worse than the disease, because:

(1) If fwrite or fread fails, any further use of p will
invoke undefined behaviour.
Like yopu've written some other data. You've lost completely.
(2) Even with error checking inserted, you would still be
leaking memory when fread fails.
Writing data to disk is always risky. When you can't read them back
you're in trouble always. There is no difference between a pointer, a
float or a simple text string. You says clearly: avoid writing data to
disk when you have a need to read them soetimes.
(3) In general, writing pointers to files is always
No, it is always fully portable.

So, I am not sure why you are posting this in a
group that values portability.
What you means is that writing a pointer to a file exit the program
and trying to use the pointer readed from a file will work always.

To cite the twit:

void f(void) {
int *p = GBmalloc(4711);



GBmalloc does NOT seen that the memory allocated gets unused because p
is not set to NULL even as

void f(void) {

void *p = GBmalloc(4711);

p = NULL; /* invokes magically GBFree(p); */


is pure crap.

Moving pointers to other fuctions in other translation untis will have
random effects with that garbidge in special when that other
translation units will be called with static arrays even with
dynamically allocated arrasy. It lives in the hands of the programmer
to define when free() should be called because no GB will ever been
able to free it - except in an interpreter.

GB gives in C more problems as it ever can solve when the program is a
bit more complex as an hello world one.

GB in C++ is errornous enough. GB in C is complete senseless. It may
be a bit helpful in a C interpreter but in truly complex applications
it is the main source for UB in any way.


Visit http://www.ecomstation.de the home of german eComStation
eComStation 1.2 Deutsch ist da!
Sep 2 '06 #73
On Fri, 1 Sep 2006 17:57:28 UTC, ro******@ibd.nr c-cnrc.gc.ca (Walter
Roberson) wrote:
In article <87************ @benpfaff.org>,
Ben Pfaff <bl*@cs.stanfor d.eduwrote:
Writing a pointer to a file is *not* always non-portable. It is
portable to write a pointer to a file, read it back within the
same run of the program, and then use the pointer (as long as the
lifetime of the associated memory has not been reached).

Reference, please?
My recollection is that the relevant section says only that
when something is written out to a binary file, that the same
binary value will be read back in. When, though, it comes to a pointer,
that doesn't promise that the reconstituted pointer points to anything.
Reference please.

The pointer will point to exactly the same memory location as it had
as it was written. Which magic will change the memory to be unuseable
only when the pointer pointing to gets written into a file? Clearly
the pointer gets useless when the program holding the data in memory
dies. But solong the program is active in the same run the memory
holds its content.
There is a section of the standard that talks about writing out
pointers and reading them back in, but that has to do with using
the %p printf() format, which Richard did not do.
You knows the difference between binary and text files?


Visit http://www.ecomstation.de the home of german eComStation
eComStation 1.2 Deutsch ist da!
Sep 2 '06 #74
On Fri, 1 Sep 2006 09:55:23 UTC, jacob navia <ja***@jacob.re mcomp.fr>
You said "setting a pointer to NULL tells the GC that the
associated memory
is free to reuse". Now you appear to be making a different claim - i.e.
that *all* pointers to that memory have to be set to NULL before the GC can
assume the associated memory is free to reuse. So now the programmer has to
*ensure* that, if he sets up multiple pointers that all end up at the same
address, he *has* to set *all* of them to NULL, to appease the garbage
collector; and if he misses even one, he'll have a memory leak.

Yes, this can be a problem with the GC.
There are more problems than solutions with GC in C.
As you may know, I am not selling anything here, and I am not saying
that the GC is a "solve it all" magic bullet.

The algorithm of a conservative GC is that if a block of memory
is *reachable* from any of the roots (and in this case a global pointer
is a root) then that block can't be reused.
Is GC an interpreter that it pursures each and any action on the
pointers it gives out? No? You lost already.
Setting pointers to NULL after you are done with them is a harmless
operation, nothing will be destroyed unles it can be destroyed.

It is MUCH simpler than calling free() only ONCE for each block.
So your GC will fail to destroy the area producing memory leaks under
guarantee or it will try to free() static memory. It is easy to
produce that.
If you have several dozen *ALIASES* for a memory block, as you did
in the code above, you must free the block ONLY ONCE, what can be
extremely tricky in a real life situation.
When you are a real programmer and not a stupid hacker it will always
be easy to have only one free() available for each malloc(). Even in
more complex code. When the lifetime of a memory block ends free() it
and set the reference pointer to NULL. You can have a million aliasse
of an pointer - but when you are not only a stupid hacker you would
always know how to identify if a given memory block is in usage or
not. No magic needed, no unreliable GC needed.
Personally, I find it far more convenient to call free() when I'm done with
the memory block.

If you have visibility, as in this example, OK. But if you don't,
i.e. you are passing memory blocks around to all kinds of routines that
may store that pointer in structures, or pass it again around, it
can be extremely tricky to know how many aliases you already have
for that memory block and to invalidate ALL of them.
You are describing perfectly the situation your GC will fail
Then, if I am in a tricksy part of the code and wish to
set pointers to NULL as a safety precaution, I can do that, and if I am in
a simple but performance-critical part of the code, I can choose not to do
it. The way you describe automatic garbage collection, I would be denied
those choices.

Setting a pointer to NULL is such a CHEAP operation in ALL machines
that it is not worth speaking about. It means zeroing a
memory location.
Boah, ey! As you says it means to the the pointer to NULL, but not to
free() a memory location used somewhere under some conditions hidden
from an magic GC.

When your CRT is able to tell you how many memory it has given out and
not gotten back already it is easy during debug phase to fix forgotten
free()s. When the magic GC on such points gives you the same message
you mostenly out of luck.

I've written lots of highly complex C programs using intensive
malloc(), realloc() and free() ending always up with no memory leak. I
had to test lots of less complex C++ programs using GC and found
always lots of memory leaks, ending up in weeks to search for the
causes and resolve them.

GC in C makes simply no sense.

Instead to hack blindly around you have to learn to write failsave
programs and let them run 24h/366d/year using only excatly the
resources they need for the current work. You'll avoid GC and C++
whenever possible.


Visit http://www.ecomstation.de the home of german eComStation
eComStation 1.2 Deutsch ist da!
Sep 2 '06 #75
On Fri, 1 Sep 2006 11:01:21 UTC, "Philip Potter"
<ph***********@ xilinx.comwrote :
Richard, while you have earned a lot of my respect and admiration through
your posting, I do feel that you are on a little bit of a crusade here. You
seem to be arguing that because garbage collection can't protect against all
memory leaks without care from the user, it is worthless. This is a somewhat
ridiculous argument - after all, manual memory management has precisely the
same property.
No. It is quite more easy to write errorfree programs using
malloc()/free() than having a defective GC. A GC that can't handle
perfectly each and any dynamic memory is perfectly unuseable per
GCs don't give you a license not to think, but I didn't see anybody arguing
that they do.
GC as it should be designed araises this claim. In C it will fail
always miserably, so it is useless.


Visit http://www.ecomstation.de the home of german eComStation
eComStation 1.2 Deutsch ist da!
Sep 2 '06 #76
Richard Heathfield wrote:

[ snip all ]

Some time ago now I attacked the GC problem, as I saw it, with what I
called GE or Garbage Elimination.

It has to do with wrapping malloc, calloc, realloc and free such that
they all come to GE first. GE is basically a manager of a linked list of
allocation data, including addresses and sizes.

GE.h adds 'size_t size(void *p);' to the vocabulary, size of the allocation.

User calls to *alloc are simply recorded in the list and then passed to
their libc namesakes. Calls to free() are looked up in the list and if
found result in a call to libc free() and deletion from the list. If the
user calls free(x) and x is not in the list, we simply return, a NOP.

What do you think of it?

Joe Wright
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."
--- Albert Einstein ---
Sep 2 '06 #77
Joe Wright wrote:
Richard Heathfield wrote:

[ snip all ]

Some time ago now I attacked the GC problem, as I saw it, with what I
called GE or Garbage Elimination.

It has to do with wrapping malloc, calloc, realloc and free such that
they all come to GE first. GE is basically a manager of a linked list of
allocation data, including addresses and sizes.

GE.h adds 'size_t size(void *p);' to the vocabulary, size of the

User calls to *alloc are simply recorded in the list and then passed to
their libc namesakes. Calls to free() are looked up in the list and if
found result in a call to libc free() and deletion from the list. If the
user calls free(x) and x is not in the list, we simply return, a NOP.

What do you think of it?
I am afraid you are actually repeating the code of malloc.
The system function malloc has been probably coded with great care to do
exactly that:

Find a free block in the list of free blocks!

You are just adding a layer that does the same.


Sep 2 '06 #78
Joe Wright wrote:
Richard Heathfield wrote:

[ snip all ]

Some time ago now I attacked the GC problem, as I saw it, with
what I called GE or Garbage Elimination.

It has to do with wrapping malloc, calloc, realloc and free such
that they all come to GE first. GE is basically a manager of a
linked list of allocation data, including addresses and sizes.

GE.h adds 'size_t size(void *p);' to the vocabulary, size of the

User calls to *alloc are simply recorded in the list and then
passed to their libc namesakes. Calls to free() are looked up in
the list and if found result in a call to libc free() and deletion
from the list. If the user calls free(x) and x is not in the list,
we simply return, a NOP.

What do you think of it?
All that is usually available, in some sort of system dependant
manner, in any malloc package. You could examing my nmalloc and
its associated maldbg package in nmalloc.zip, available at:

<http://cbfalconer.home .att.net/download/>

bearing in mind that the package is designed for use with DJGPP,
but can probably be easily ported to many systems.

The problem is that handling the malloced pointers is not enough.
You also have to be able to handle all the pointers created within
any C program by such things as the & operator, and by automatic
conversion of array references. To include these you have to get
into the warp and woof of the complete compiler/code-generator, and
you will have significant efficiency losses since all pointer
references will have to be indirect, through a system table.

Chuck F (cbfalconer at maineline dot net)
Available for consulting/temporary embedded and systems.
<http://cbfalconer.home .att.net>

Sep 2 '06 #79
jacob navia wrote:
Joe Wright wrote:
>Richard Heathfield wrote:

[ snip all ]

Some time ago now I attacked the GC problem, as I saw it, with what I
called GE or Garbage Elimination.

It has to do with wrapping malloc, calloc, realloc and free such that
they all come to GE first. GE is basically a manager of a linked list
of allocation data, including addresses and sizes.

GE.h adds 'size_t size(void *p);' to the vocabulary, size of the

User calls to *alloc are simply recorded in the list and then passed
to their libc namesakes. Calls to free() are looked up in the list and
if found result in a call to libc free() and deletion from the list.
If the user calls free(x) and x is not in the list, we simply return,
a NOP.

What do you think of it?
I think that if an invalid pointer is passed it should abort the program
since something serious has gone wrong and you don't know how much else
has been messed up.
I am afraid you are actually repeating the code of malloc.
The system function malloc has been probably coded with great care to do
exactly that:

Find a free block in the list of free blocks!

You are just adding a layer that does the same.

No, his layer does *not* do the same as the C library. Most
implementations will crash at some point after you have called free with
an invalid pointer. Joe Wright's wrapper will prevent that.
Flash Gordon
Sep 2 '06 #80

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