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ErrorMessage: Unable to validate data.


Does anyone have any clues about this stack trace? What can be the reason
for this error?

Is it something related to viewstate? Can I do anything at the
application-level by making code changes to prevent this happening again?

This error pops out when I click a particular button.....but error is not
persistent in all the cases it is sporadic and happens once in 6-7 times
which makes it difficult to track the root cause and debug.

Please find the "Stack trace" below....


Unable to validate data.

ErrorSource: System.Web

Byte[] GetDecodedData(Byte[], Byte[], Int32, Int32, Int32 ByRef)

at System.Web.Configuration.MachineKey.GetDecodedData (Byte[] buf, Byte[]
modifier, Int32 start, Int32 length, Int32& dataLength)
at System.Web.UI.LosFormatter.Deserialize(String input)

__EVENTTARGET: contacts:Button_Next
dDwyMzUxNDQ2ODt0PDtsPGk8MD47PjtsPHQ8O2w8aTwxPjtpPD Q+O2k8Nj47aTw3PjtpPDg+Oz47bDx0PDtsPGk8MD47PjtsPHQ8 O2w8aTwxPjs+.........
Nov 19 '05 #1
3 1568
the message means the viewstate value is invalid. viewsource in the browser
and compare to waht is recieved on the server. some proxies will truncate
viewstate if its cover 2k.

-- bruce (sqlwork.com)
"Diffident" <Di*******@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
news:B3**********************************@microsof t.com...
| Guys,
| Does anyone have any clues about this stack trace? What can be the reason
| for this error?
| Is it something related to viewstate? Can I do anything at the
| application-level by making code changes to prevent this happening again?
| This error pops out when I click a particular button.....but error is not
| persistent in all the cases it is sporadic and happens once in 6-7 times
| which makes it difficult to track the root cause and debug.
| Please find the "Stack trace" below....
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------
| ErrorMessage:
| ----------------
| Unable to validate data.
| ErrorSource: System.Web
| ErrorTargetSite:
| ----------------
| Byte[] GetDecodedData(Byte[], Byte[], Int32, Int32, Int32 ByRef)
| ErrorTrace:
| ----------------
| at System.Web.Configuration.MachineKey.GetDecodedData (Byte[] buf,
| modifier, Int32 start, Int32 length, Int32& dataLength)
| at System.Web.UI.LosFormatter.Deserialize(String input)
| PostData:
| ----------------
| __EVENTTARGET: contacts:Button_Next
dDwyMzUxNDQ2ODt0PDtsPGk8MD47PjtsPHQ8O2w8aTwxPjtpPD Q+O2k8Nj47aTw3PjtpPDg+Oz47
Nov 19 '05 #2
Hello Bruce,

I did exactly what you asked and it seems like two viewstates are exactly
the same.

dDwtMTM1MjQzMDk3NTt0PHA8bDxFZGl0UGxheWVySWQ7PjtsPD c7Pj47bDxpPDA+Oz47bDx0PHA8bDxlbmN0eXBlOz47bDxtdWx0 aXBhcnQvZm9ybS1kYXRhOz4+O2w8aTwzPjtpPDU+O2k8OT47aT wyOT47aTwzNT47aTwzOT47aTw0MT47aTw0NT47aTw1NT47aTw1 Nz47aTw1OT47PjtsPHQ8O2w8aTwwPjtpPDQ+O2k8NT47PjtsPH Q8dDw7dDxpPDI+O0A8LS0tU2VsZWN0IFRlYW1zLS0tO0J1cmhh bmk7PjtAPE5vbmU7MTs+Pjs+Ozs+O3Q8cDxwPGw8VmlzaWJsZT s+O2w8bzxmPjs+Pjs+Ozs+O3Q8cDxwPGw8VmlzaWJsZTs+O2w8 bzx0Pjs+Pjs+O2w8aTwxPjs+O2w8dDxAMDxwPHA8bDxEYXRhS2 V5cztfIUl0ZW1Db3VudDs+O2w8bDw+O2k8Nj47Pj47Pjs7Ozs7 Ozs7PjtsPGk8MD47aTwxPjtpPDI+O2k8Mz47aTw0PjtpPDU+Oz 47bDx0PDtsPGk8MD47PjtsPHQ8cDxwPGw8Q29tbWFuZE5hbWU7 Q29tbWFuZEFyZ3VtZW50Oz47bDxNeSBMZWFndWU7L01hbmFnZX IvQWNjZXNzL0RlZmF1bHQuYXNweDs+Pjs+O2w8aTwwPjs+O2w8 dDxAPE15IExlYWd1ZTs+Ozs+Oz4+Oz4+O3Q8O2w8aTwwPjs+O2 w8dDxwPHA8bDxDb21tYW5kTmFtZTtDb21tYW5kQXJndW1lbnQ7 PjtsPFRlYW1zOy9NYW5hZ2VyL1RlYW0vTWFuYWdlVGVhbXMuYX NweDs+Pjs+O2w8aTwwPjs+O2w8dDxAPFRlYW1zOz47Oz47Pj47 Pj47dDw7bDxpPDA+Oz47bDx0PHA8cDxsPENvbW1hbmROYW1lO0 NvbW1hbmRBcmd1bWVudDs+O2w8VG91cm5hbWVudHM7L01hbmFn ZXIvVG91cm5hbWVudC9EZWZhdWx0LmFzcHg7Pj47PjtsPGk8MD 47PjtsPHQ8QDxUb3VybmFtZW50czs+Ozs+Oz4+Oz4+O3Q8O2w8 aTwwPjs+O2w8dDxwPHA8bDxDb21tYW5kTmFtZTtDb21tYW5kQX JndW1lbnQ7PjtsPFBsYXllcnM7L01hbmFnZXIvVGVhbS9NYW5h Z2VQbGF5ZXJzLmFzcHg7Pj47PjtsPGk8MD47PjtsPHQ8QDxQbG F5ZXJzOz47Oz47Pj47Pj47dDw7bDxpPDA+Oz47bDx0PHA8cDxs PENvbW1hbmROYW1lO0NvbW1hbmRBcmd1bWVudDs+O2w8T3Blcm F0aW9uczsvTWFuYWdlci9PcGVyYXRpb25zL0RlZmF1bHQuYXNw eDs+Pjs+O2w8aTwwPjs+O2w8dDxAPE9wZXJhdGlvbnM7Pjs7Pj s+Pjs+Pjt0PDtsPGk8MD47PjtsPHQ8cDxwPGw8Q29tbWFuZE5h bWU7Q29tbWFuZEFyZ3VtZW50Oz47bDxMb2cgb3V0Oy9Db3JlL0 xvZ2luL0xvZ2luLmFzcHg/bG9nb3V0PTE7Pj47PjtsPGk8MD47PjtsPHQ8QDxMb2cgb3V0Oz 47Oz47Pj47Pj47Pj47Pj47Pj47dDxwPHA8bDxUZXh0Oz47bDxF ZGl0IFBsYXllciBJbmZvcm1hdGlvbjs+Pjs+Ozs+O3Q8cDxwPG w8UmVhZE9ubHk7PjtsPG88dD47Pj47Pjs7Pjt0PDtsPGk8Mj47 PjtsPHQ8O2w8aTwwPjs+O2w8dDx0PDt0PGk8MT47QDxCdXJoYW 5pOz47QDwxOz4+Oz47Oz47Pj47Pj47dDx0PDt0PGk8Nz47QDxD YXB0YWluO1ZpY2UgQ2FwdGFpbjtCYXRzbWFuO0Jvd2xlcjtGaW VsZGVyO1dpY2tldCBLZWVwZXI7QWxsIFJvdW5kZXI7PjtAPDE7 MjszOzQ7NTs2Ozk7Pj47Pjs7Pjt0PHA8cDxsPFJlYWRPbmx5Oz 47bDxvPHQ+Oz4+Oz47Oz47dDxwPHA8bDxUZXh0Oz47bDxcPGlt ZyBzcmM9J2h0dHA6Ly93d3cuYnVyaGFuaWNyaWNrZXRjbHViLm 9yZy9pbWFnZXMvY2FsLmdpZicgYWxpZ249J3RvcCcgYm9yZGVy PScwJ1w+Oz4+O3A8bDxvbmNsaWNrO2hyZWY7PjtsPGNhbDF4eC 5zZWxlY3QoRm9ybTEudHh0RGF0ZUVsaWdpYmxlLCdsbmtFbGln aWJsZURhdGVDYWxlbmRhcicsJ01NL2RkL3l5eXknKVw7IHJldH VybiBmYWxzZVw7OyM7Pj4+Ozs+O3Q8cDxsPFZpc2libGU7Pjts PG88dD47Pj47Oz47dDxwPHA8bDxUZXh0Oz47bDwxMDA7Pj47Pj s7Pjt0PHA8cDxsPFRleHQ7PjtsPDEwMDs+Pjs+Ozs+O3Q8cDxw PGw8SW1hZ2VVcmw7VmlzaWJsZTs+O2w8aHR0cDovL3d3dy5idX JoYW5pY3JpY2tldGNsdWIub3JnL2ltYWdlcy9waWN0dXJlcy83 X3BpYy5KUEcgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIC AgICAgICAgICAgIDtvPHQ+Oz4+Oz47Oz47Pj47Pj47bDxjaGtU ZWFtQWRtaW47Y2hrQWN0aXZlOz4+aDMzu/XGmsCgTdXLnHvkudm+ApM=

dDwtMTM1MjQzMDk3NTt0PHA8bDxFZGl0UGxheWVySWQ7PjtsPD c7Pj47bDxpPDA+Oz47bDx0PHA8bDxlbmN0eXBlOz47bDxtdWx0 aXBhcnQvZm9ybS1kYXRhOz4+O2w8aTwzPjtpPDU+O2k8OT47aT wyOT47aTwzNT47aTwzOT47aTw0MT47aTw0NT47aTw1NT47aTw1 Nz47aTw1OT47PjtsPHQ8O2w8aTwwPjtpPDQ+O2k8NT47PjtsPH Q8dDw7dDxpPDI+O0A8LS0tU2VsZWN0IFRlYW1zLS0tO0J1cmhh bmk7PjtAPE5vbmU7MTs+Pjs+Ozs+O3Q8cDxwPGw8VmlzaWJsZT s+O2w8bzxmPjs+Pjs+Ozs+O3Q8cDxwPGw8VmlzaWJsZTs+O2w8 bzx0Pjs+Pjs+O2w8aTwxPjs+O2w8dDxAMDxwPHA8bDxEYXRhS2 V5cztfIUl0ZW1Db3VudDs+O2w8bDw+O2k8Nj47Pj47Pjs7Ozs7 Ozs7PjtsPGk8MD47aTwxPjtpPDI+O2k8Mz47aTw0PjtpPDU+Oz 47bDx0PDtsPGk8MD47PjtsPHQ8cDxwPGw8Q29tbWFuZE5hbWU7 Q29tbWFuZEFyZ3VtZW50Oz47bDxNeSBMZWFndWU7L01hbmFnZX IvQWNjZXNzL0RlZmF1bHQuYXNweDs+Pjs+O2w8aTwwPjs+O2w8 dDxAPE15IExlYWd1ZTs+Ozs+Oz4+Oz4+O3Q8O2w8aTwwPjs+O2 w8dDxwPHA8bDxDb21tYW5kTmFtZTtDb21tYW5kQXJndW1lbnQ7 PjtsPFRlYW1zOy9NYW5hZ2VyL1RlYW0vTWFuYWdlVGVhbXMuYX NweDs+Pjs+O2w8aTwwPjs+O2w8dDxAPFRlYW1zOz47Oz47Pj47 Pj47dDw7bDxpPDA+Oz47bDx0PHA8cDxsPENvbW1hbmROYW1lO0 NvbW1hbmRBcmd1bWVudDs+O2w8VG91cm5hbWVudHM7L01hbmFn ZXIvVG91cm5hbWVudC9EZWZhdWx0LmFzcHg7Pj47PjtsPGk8MD 47PjtsPHQ8QDxUb3VybmFtZW50czs+Ozs+Oz4+Oz4+O3Q8O2w8 aTwwPjs+O2w8dDxwPHA8bDxDb21tYW5kTmFtZTtDb21tYW5kQX JndW1lbnQ7PjtsPFBsYXllcnM7L01hbmFnZXIvVGVhbS9NYW5h Z2VQbGF5ZXJzLmFzcHg7Pj47PjtsPGk8MD47PjtsPHQ8QDxQbG F5ZXJzOz47Oz47Pj47Pj47dDw7bDxpPDA+Oz47bDx0PHA8cDxs PENvbW1hbmROYW1lO0NvbW1hbmRBcmd1bWVudDs+O2w8T3Blcm F0aW9uczsvTWFuYWdlci9PcGVyYXRpb25zL0RlZmF1bHQuYXNw eDs+Pjs+O2w8aTwwPjs+O2w8dDxAPE9wZXJhdGlvbnM7Pjs7Pj s+Pjs+Pjt0PDtsPGk8MD47PjtsPHQ8cDxwPGw8Q29tbWFuZE5h bWU7Q29tbWFuZEFyZ3VtZW50Oz47bDxMb2cgb3V0Oy9Db3JlL0 xvZ2luL0xvZ2luLmFzcHg/bG9nb3V0PTE7Pj47PjtsPGk8MD47PjtsPHQ8QDxMb2cgb3V0Oz 47Oz47Pj47Pj47Pj47Pj47Pj47dDxwPHA8bDxUZXh0Oz47bDxF ZGl0IFBsYXllciBJbmZvcm1hdGlvbjs+Pjs+Ozs+O3Q8cDxwPG w8UmVhZE9ubHk7PjtsPG88dD47Pj47Pjs7Pjt0PDtsPGk8Mj47 PjtsPHQ8O2w8aTwwPjs+O2w8dDx0PDt0PGk8MT47QDxCdXJoYW 5pOz47QDwxOz4+Oz47Oz47Pj47Pj47dDx0PDt0PGk8Nz47QDxD YXB0YWluO1ZpY2UgQ2FwdGFpbjtCYXRzbWFuO0Jvd2xlcjtGaW VsZGVyO1dpY2tldCBLZWVwZXI7QWxsIFJvdW5kZXI7PjtAPDE7 MjszOzQ7NTs2Ozk7Pj47Pjs7Pjt0PHA8cDxsPFJlYWRPbmx5Oz 47bDxvPHQ+Oz4+Oz47Oz47dDxwPHA8bDxUZXh0Oz47bDxcPGlt ZyBzcmM9J2h0dHA6Ly93d3cuYnVyaGFuaWNyaWNrZXRjbHViLm 9yZy9pbWFnZXMvY2FsLmdpZicgYWxpZ249J3RvcCcgYm9yZGVy PScwJ1w+Oz4+O3A8bDxvbmNsaWNrO2hyZWY7PjtsPGNhbDF4eC 5zZWxlY3QoRm9ybTEudHh0RGF0ZUVsaWdpYmxlLCdsbmtFbGln aWJsZURhdGVDYWxlbmRhcicsJ01NL2RkL3l5eXknKVw7IHJldH VybiBmYWxzZVw7OyM7Pj4+Ozs+O3Q8cDxsPFZpc2libGU7Pjts PG88dD47Pj47Oz47dDxwPHA8bDxUZXh0Oz47bDwxMDA7Pj47Pj s7Pjt0PHA8cDxsPFRleHQ7PjtsPDEwMDs+Pjs+Ozs+O3Q8cDxw PGw8SW1hZ2VVcmw7VmlzaWJsZTs+O2w8aHR0cDovL3d3dy5idX JoYW5pY3JpY2tldGNsdWIub3JnL2ltYWdlcy9waWN0dXJlcy83 X3BpYy5KUEcgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIC AgICAgICAgICAgIDtvPHQ+Oz4+Oz47Oz47Pj47Pj47bDxjaGtU ZWFtQWRtaW47Y2hrQWN0aXZlOz4+aDMzu/XGmsCgTdXLnHvkudm+ApM=

I am getting this error after a Server.Transfer upon a PostBack. This does
not happen on my development box, only on the production windows 2003
machine. This seems to be happening recently as well because I had the same
site on another windows 2003 machine and it worked fine. But on a new one
its giving this problem.

Any help will be appreciated.

"bruce barker" wrote:
the message means the viewstate value is invalid. viewsource in the browser
and compare to waht is recieved on the server. some proxies will truncate
viewstate if its cover 2k.

-- bruce (sqlwork.com)
"Diffident" <Di*******@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
news:B3**********************************@microsof t.com...
| Guys,
| Does anyone have any clues about this stack trace? What can be the reason
| for this error?
| Is it something related to viewstate? Can I do anything at the
| application-level by making code changes to prevent this happening again?
| This error pops out when I click a particular button.....but error is not
| persistent in all the cases it is sporadic and happens once in 6-7 times
| which makes it difficult to track the root cause and debug.
| Please find the "Stack trace" below....
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------
| ErrorMessage:
| ----------------
| Unable to validate data.
| ErrorSource: System.Web
| ErrorTargetSite:
| ----------------
| Byte[] GetDecodedData(Byte[], Byte[], Int32, Int32, Int32 ByRef)
| ErrorTrace:
| ----------------
| at System.Web.Configuration.MachineKey.GetDecodedData (Byte[] buf,
| modifier, Int32 start, Int32 length, Int32& dataLength)
| at System.Web.UI.LosFormatter.Deserialize(String input)
| PostData:
| ----------------
| __EVENTTARGET: contacts:Button_Next
dDwyMzUxNDQ2ODt0PDtsPGk8MD47PjtsPHQ8O2w8aTwxPjtpPD Q+O2k8Nj47aTw3PjtpPDg+Oz47

Nov 19 '05 #3

I am facing the same problem. Did anyone findout what was the problem.

Nov 19 '05 #4

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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