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Get actual logged on username

374 Contributor
Hi all,

Basically I understand the usage of Enviro("username") etc to return the username of someone logged in to my databased, or infact the computer.

However I did have some code I picked up which I have now lost which returned the real name of the person associated with the username.

For example I have a username of mobbe003 on my network however my full name was obtainable, which for reference is shown on the start menu of my xp machine at the very top.

Does anyone have code to return the actual name? As I said, I know this is possible as I did have it at one point.
Nov 16 '10 #1
5 10295
8,834 Recognized Expert Expert
Are you using Active Directory?
Nov 16 '10 #2
374 Contributor
Thanks for the reply! I did some searching based on the activedirectory comment you made and came up with some code which I have messed around with to return what I need:

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. Sub ADSI_demo()
  2.     Dim domainName As String, userName As String
  3.     Dim ADSuser As ActiveDs.IADsUser
  6.     'domainName = InputBox("Domain:", "ADSI Demo")
  7.     domainName = Environ("userdomain")
  9.     If domainName = "" Then Exit Sub
  10.    ' userName = InputBox("User login:", "ADSI Demo")
  11.    'userName = "mobbe00c"
  12.    userName = Environ("username")
  13.     If userName = "" Then Exit Sub
  16.     On Error GoTo noData
  17.     Set ADSuser = GetObject("WinNT://" & domainName & "/" & userName)
  18.     Debug.Print ADSuser.FullName
  21.     Set ADSuser = Nothing
  22.     Exit Sub
  25. noData:
  26.     MsgBox Err.Number & vbCr & Err.Description
  27. End Sub
This seems quite useful as I am now able to query anything from the directory as long as I can capture the domain and username.

Do you know if there is a method to lookup who is logged in to a computer based on their computername? I am trying to get some real functionality in to my ldb viewer whilst I am not using the built in access security (every username shows as Admin).

I can capture computernames/logged in names etc using my custom security but I want to basically synchronize my ldb viewer with built in security. If there is not a matching computer name to match the two together (e.g. someone has opened the back end directly without logging in) I want to do a reverse lookup of computer names to find out the user.
Nov 17 '10 #3
374 Contributor
After A LOT of searching I have found it! Some code from VB.net that has been converted to VBA.. lovely =]

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. ' ******** Code Start ********
  2. ' -----------------------
  3. ' The code for retrieving remote user name was
  4. ' translated into VBA from source code provided by
  5. ' SysInternals - www.sysinternals.com
  6. ' Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Mark Russinovich
  7. ' as part of the LoggedOn console app
  8. '
  9. ' Translated by: Dev Ashish
  10. ' www.mvps.org/access
  11. '
  12. ' This code was originally written by Dev Ashish.
  13. ' It is not to be altered or distributed,
  14. ' except as part of an application.
  15. ' You are free to use it in any application,
  16. ' provided the copyright notice is left unchanged.
  17. '
  18. ' Modified version 2003-26-03 by Andreas Schubert
  19. '   See description of fGetRemoteLoggedUserID function for details
  20. ' -----------------------
  22. Private Declare Function apiNetAPIBufferFree _
  23.         Lib "netapi32.dll" Alias "NetApiBufferFree" _
  24.         (ByVal buffer As Long) _
  25.         As Long
  27. Private Declare Function apiFormatMsgLong _
  28.         Lib "kernel32" Alias "FormatMessageA" _
  29.         (ByVal dwFlags As Long, _
  30.          ByVal lpSource As Long, _
  31.          ByVal dwMessageId As Long, _
  32.          ByVal dwLanguageId As Long, _
  33.          ByVal lpBuffer As String, _
  34.          ByVal nSize As Long, _
  35.          Arguments As Long) _
  36.          As Long
  38. Private Type FILETIME
  39.     dwLowDateTime As Long
  40.     dwHighDateTime As Long
  41. End Type
  44.     Value(5) As Byte
  45. End Type
  47. Private Declare Function apiRegConnectRegistry _
  48.         Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegConnectRegistryA" _
  49.         (ByVal lpMachineName As String, _
  50.          ByVal hKey As Long, _
  51.          phkResult As Long) _
  52.          As Long
  54. Private Declare Function apiRegEnumKeyEx _
  55.         Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegEnumKeyExA" _
  56.         (ByVal hKey As Long, _
  57.          ByVal dwIndex As Long, _
  58.          ByVal lpName As String, _
  59.          lpcbName As Long, _
  60.          ByVal lpReserved As Long, _
  61.          ByVal lpClass As String, _
  62.          lpcbClass As Long, _
  63.          lpftLastWriteTime As FILETIME) _
  64.          As Long
  66. Private Declare Function apiRegCloseKey _
  67.         Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegCloseKey" _
  68.         (ByVal hKey As Long) _
  69.         As Long
  71. Private Declare Function apiAllocateAndInitializeSid _
  72.         Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "AllocateAndInitializeSid" _
  73.         (pIdentifierAuthority As SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY, _
  74.          ByVal nSubAuthorityCount As Byte, _
  75.          ByVal nSubAuthority0 As Long, _
  76.          ByVal nSubAuthority1 As Long, _
  77.          ByVal nSubAuthority2 As Long, _
  78.          ByVal nSubAuthority3 As Long, _
  79.          ByVal nSubAuthority4 As Long, _
  80.          ByVal nSubAuthority5 As Long, _
  81.          ByVal nSubAuthority6 As Long, _
  82.          ByVal nSubAuthority7 As Long, _
  83.          lpPSid As Any) _
  84.          As Long
  86. Private Declare Function apiLookupAccountSid _
  87.         Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "LookupAccountSidA" _
  88.         (ByVal lpSystemName As String, _
  89.          Sid As Any, _
  90.          ByVal name As String, _
  91.          cbName As Long, _
  92.          ByVal ReferencedDomainName As String, _
  93.          cbReferencedDomainName As Long, _
  94.          peUse As Integer) _
  95.          As Long
  97. Private Declare Function apiIsValidSid _
  98.         Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "IsValidSid" _
  99.         (pSid As Any) _
  100.         As Long
  102. Private Declare Sub sapiFreeSid _
  103.         Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "FreeSid" _
  104.                                         (pSid As Any)
  107. Private Const FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM = &H1000
  108. Private Const ERROR_SUCCESS = 0&
  109. Private Const HKEY_USERS = &H80000003
  110. Private Const MAX_PATH = 260
  111. Private Const ERROR_MORE_DATA = 234
  112. Private Const MAX_NAME_STRING = 1024
  113. Private Const SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY = 5
  116. Function fGetRemoteLoggedUserID(strMachineName As String) As String
  117. '
  118. ' Retrieves the id of the user currently logged into the specified
  119. ' local or remote machine in the format DOMAIN\UserName
  120. '
  121. ' Usage:
  122. ' ?fGetRemoteLoggedUserID("springfield")
  123. '
  124. ' Retrieves the id of the user currently logged into the specified
  125. ' local or remote machine in the format DOMAIN\UserName
  126. '
  127. ' Translated into VBA from source code provided by
  128. ' SysInternals - www.sysinternals.com
  129. ' Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Mark Russinovich
  130. ' as part of the LoggedOn console app
  131. '
  132. ' Translated by: Dev Ashish
  133. ' www.mvps.org/access
  134. ' dev@mvps.org
  135. '
  136. '
  137. ' modified 2003-26-03 by: Andreas Schubert
  138. ' usenet@andreas-schubert.net
  139. ' eliminated a view bugs:
  140. ' 1. converting the registry subkey to SubAuthorities sometimes caused an
  141. '       overflow error because of the difference between C's DWORD and VB's Long.
  142. '       so I first convert them to a double and if it exceeds 2147483647,
  143. '       I substract 4294967296 and then convert it to long
  144. '       For j = 3 To lngSubAuthorityCount
  145. '           adblTemp = 0
  146. '           adblTemp = CDbl(astrTmpSubAuthority(j))
  147. '           If adblTemp > 2147483647 Then
  148. '               adblTemp = adblTemp - 4294967296#
  149. '           End If
  150. '           alngSubAuthority(j - 3) = CLng(adblTemp)
  151. '       Next
  152. '
  153. ' 2. sometimes a subkey won't consist of 7 parts. If so, the function
  154. '           crashed with an Index error.
  155. '           Solving this was pretty easy by inserting
  156. '       If UBound(alngSubAuthority) < 7 Then ReDim Preserve alngSubAuthority(7)
  157. '
  158. ' 3. It is possible that the function finds more than 1 active user
  159. '       at the remote workstation. This may for instance be the cause
  160. '       if you are running an Microsoft SMS Server in your network.
  161. '       The SMS client will run under an local account on your machine
  162. '       (like \Computername\SMSCliSvsAcct)
  163. '       So, I modified the function to get all accounts separated by vbcrlf - character(s)
  164. '
  166.     Dim hRemoteUser As Long, j As Long
  167.     Dim lngRet As Long, i As Long, lngSubKeyNameSize As Long
  168.     Dim strSubKeyName As String
  169.     Dim alngSubAuthority() As Long, astrTmpSubAuthority() As String
  171.     Dim pSid As Long, lngUserNameSize As Long, lngDomainNameSize As Long
  172.     Dim lngSubAuthorityCount As Long, intSidType As Integer
  173.     Dim strUserName As String, strDomainName As String
  175.     Dim adblTemp As Double
  176.     Const ERR_GENERIC = vbObjectError + 5555
  177.     Const KEY_TO_SKIP_1 = "classes"
  178.     Const KEY_TO_SKIP_2 = ".default"
  179.     On Error GoTo ErrHandler
  181.     lngRet = apiRegConnectRegistry(strMachineName, _
  182.                                    HKEY_USERS, hRemoteUser)
  183.     If lngRet <> ERROR_SUCCESS Then Err.Raise ERR_GENERIC
  186.     For i = 0 To 4
  187.         tAuthority.Value(i) = 0
  188.     Next
  189.     i = 0
  191.     lngSubKeyNameSize = MAX_PATH
  192.     strSubKeyName = String$(lngSubKeyNameSize, vbNullChar)
  194.     lngRet = apiRegEnumKeyEx(hRemoteUser, _
  195.                              i, strSubKeyName, lngSubKeyNameSize, _
  196.                              0, 0, 0, tFT)
  198.     Do While (lngRet = ERROR_SUCCESS Or lngRet = ERROR_MORE_DATA)
  199.         If (InStr(1, strSubKeyName, KEY_TO_SKIP_1, vbTextCompare) = 0 _
  200.             And InStr(1, strSubKeyName, _
  201.             KEY_TO_SKIP_2, vbTextCompare) = 0) Then
  202.             strSubKeyName = Left$(strSubKeyName, lngSubKeyNameSize)
  203.             astrTmpSubAuthority = Split(strSubKeyName, "-")
  204.             lngSubAuthorityCount = UBound(astrTmpSubAuthority)
  205.             ReDim alngSubAuthority(lngSubAuthorityCount)
  206.             For j = 3 To lngSubAuthorityCount
  207.                 adblTemp = 0
  208.                 adblTemp = CDbl(astrTmpSubAuthority(j))
  209.                 If adblTemp > 2147483647 Then
  210.                     adblTemp = adblTemp - 4294967296#
  211.                 End If
  212.                 alngSubAuthority(j - 3) = CLng(adblTemp)
  213.             Next
  214.             lngSubAuthorityCount = UBound(alngSubAuthority) - 2
  215.             If UBound(alngSubAuthority) < 7 Then ReDim Preserve alngSubAuthority(7)
  216.             With tAuthority
  217.                 .Value(5) = SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY
  218.                 .Value(4) = 0
  219.                 .Value(3) = 0
  220.                 .Value(2) = 0
  221.                 .Value(1) = 0
  222.                 .Value(0) = 0
  223.             End With
  225.             If (apiAllocateAndInitializeSid(tAuthority, _
  226.                 lngSubAuthorityCount, _
  227.                 alngSubAuthority(0), _
  228.                 alngSubAuthority(1), _
  229.                 alngSubAuthority(2), _
  230.                 alngSubAuthority(3), _
  231.                 alngSubAuthority(4), _
  232.                 alngSubAuthority(5), _
  233.                 alngSubAuthority(6), _
  234.                 alngSubAuthority(7), _
  235.                 pSid)) Then
  237.                 If (apiIsValidSid(ByVal pSid)) Then
  238.                     lngUserNameSize = MAX_NAME_STRING
  239.                     lngDomainNameSize = MAX_NAME_STRING
  240.                     strUserName = String$(lngUserNameSize - 1, vbNullChar)
  241.                     strDomainName = String$( _
  242.                                             lngDomainNameSize - 1, vbNullChar)
  243.                     lngRet = apiLookupAccountSid(strMachineName, _
  244.                                                  ByVal pSid, _
  245.                                                  strUserName, _
  246.                                                  lngUserNameSize, _
  247.                                                  strDomainName, _
  248.                                                  lngDomainNameSize, _
  249.                                                  intSidType)
  250.                     If (lngRet <> 0) Then
  251.                         fGetRemoteLoggedUserID = fGetRemoteLoggedUserID & fTrimNull(strDomainName) _
  252.                                                & "\" & fTrimNull(strUserName) & vbCrLf
  253.                         'Exit Do
  254.                     Else
  255.                         With Err
  256.                             .Raise .LastDllError, _
  257.                                    "fGetRemoteLoggedUserID", _
  258.                                    fAPIErr(.LastDllError)
  259.                         End With
  260.                     End If
  261.                 End If
  262.             End If
  263.             If (pSid) Then Call sapiFreeSid(pSid)
  264.         End If
  265.         i = i + 1
  266.         lngSubKeyNameSize = MAX_PATH
  267.         strSubKeyName = String$(lngSubKeyNameSize, vbNullChar)
  268.         lngRet = apiRegEnumKeyEx(hRemoteUser, _
  269.                                  i, strSubKeyName, lngSubKeyNameSize, _
  270.                                  0, 0, 0, tFT)
  271.     Loop
  274. ExitHere:
  275.     If (pSid) Then Call sapiFreeSid(pSid)
  276.     Call apiRegCloseKey(hRemoteUser)
  277.     Exit Function
  278. ErrHandler:
  279.     With Err
  280.         If .Number <> ERR_GENERIC Then
  281.             MsgBox "Error: " & .Number & vbCrLf & .Description, _
  282.                    vbCritical Or vbOKOnly, .Source
  283.         End If
  284.     End With
  285.     Resume ExitHere
  286. End Function
  288. Private Function fAPIErr(ByVal lngErr As Long) As String
  289. 'Original Idea obtained from
  290. 'Hardcode Visual Basic 5
  291. 'by Bruce McKinney
  292. '
  293.     Dim strMsg As String
  294.     Dim lngRet As Long
  295.     strMsg = String$(1024, 0)
  296.     lngRet = apiFormatMsgLong( _
  297.                               FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, 0&, _
  298.                               lngErr, 0&, strMsg, Len(strMsg), ByVal 0&)
  299.     If lngRet Then
  300.         fAPIErr = Left$(strMsg, lngRet)
  301.     End If
  302. End Function
  304. Private Function fTrimNull(strIn As String) As String
  305.     Dim intPos As Integer
  306.     intPos = InStr(1, strIn, vbNullChar)
  307.     If intPos Then
  308.         fTrimNull = Mid$(strIn, 1, intPos - 1)
  309.     Else
  310.         fTrimNull = strIn
  311.     End If
  312. End Function
  313. ' ******** Code End ********
For anyone else that has been searching to retrieve the username of the person logged in via their computer name you can use the above code.

I will be using this within my database to find out usernames from computernames within my .ldb (based on the fact I am not using inbuilt access security and I also have some users connecting from the internet)

Once I have the user name I will use the code I posted above this set to lookup the username within the ActiveDirectory to get the real name of the person.

Perfect LDB monitoring in my books =]
Nov 17 '10 #4
8,834 Recognized Expert Expert
Here is some additional info that you can easily retrieve using Active Directory. Many Declarations have been intentionally omitted.:
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. Dim sysInfo As Object
  2. Dim oUser As Object
  3. Dim oPath As Object         'Path Class in the ActiveDs Library
  5. Set sysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
  6. Set oPath = CreateObject("Path")    'Create a Path Object
  7. Set oUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & sysInfo.UserName & "")
  9. "Computer Name: " & sysInfo.ComputerName
  10. "Site Name: " & sysInfo.SiteName
  11. "Domain DNS Name: " & sysInfo.DomainDNSName
  13. 'Retrieve Properties of the Path Object
  14. "Path: " & oPath.Path
  15. "Type: " & oPath.Type
  16. "Volume Name: " & oPath.VolumeName
  18. '###### Active Directory variables ######
  19. strName = oUser.Get("givenName") '###### Users Christian Name ######
  20. strSurname = oUser.Get("sn") '###### Users Surname ######
  21. strInitials = oUser.Get("initials") '###### Users Initials ######
  22. DisplayName = oUser.Get("displayName") '###### Full Display Name ######
  23. strAddress = oUser.Get("StreetAddress") '###### Address Information ######
  24. strRoom = oUser.Get("PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName") '###### Room/Area Information ######
  25. secretary = oUser.Get("secretary") '###### Secrectary/Assistant ######
  26. strTitle = oUser.Get("title") '###### Job Title ######
  27. strTelephone = oUser.Get("telephoneNumber") '###### Official Intneral Telephone Number ######
  28. strFax = oUser.Get("facsimileTelephoneNumber") '###### Fax Number ######
  29. mobile = oUser.Get("mobile") '###### Mobile Number ######
  30. telephoneAssistant = oUser.Get("telephoneAssistant") '###### Telephone Assistant ######
  31. strDepartment = oUser.Get("department") '###### Department ######
  32. strCC = oUser.Get("ExtensionAttribute1") '###### COST Centre ######
  33. strBuilding = oUser.Get("ExtensionAttribute2") '###### Building ######
  34. strDivision = oUser.Get("ExtensionAttribute3") '###### Division ######
  35. strBranch = oUser.Get("ExtensionAttribute4") '###### Branch ######
  36. ExtensionAttribute5 = oUser.Get("ExtensionAttribute5") '###### PC Item Number ######
  37. ExtensionAttribute6 = oUser.Get("ExtensionAttribute6") '###### External Telephone Number ######
  38. strGroup = oUser.Get("ExtensionAttribute7") '###### Group ######
  39. othertelephone = oUser.Get("othertelephone") '###### GTN Telephone Number ######
  40. samaccountname = oUser.Get("samaccountname") '###### User ID ######
  41. ADsPath = oUser.Get("adspath") '###### Pathway to AD? ######
  42. strFullName = oUser.Get("cn") '###### Full Display Name ######
  43. strMail = oUser.Get("mail") '###### E-Mail Address ######
  44. strManager = oUser.Get("manager")
Nov 17 '10 #5
374 Contributor
Ignore, Got it now
Nov 17 '10 #6

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I am using of course the login membership manager in asp.net 2.0, and am using the loginname control to display the current login name logged in, however, I'd rather display the users "actual name"...
by: gihope | last post by:
Hi, can anyone advise me how I can access the UserName of a currently logged in user without using the LoginName control. For instance I want to search tables I have created in my database that I...
by: GuiD | last post by:
Hi all, Happy new year ;-) Here is my crazy issue. Situation : On vista, i have my admin account named "ADMIN" and another account named "TOTO" i created a C# application and launch it...
by: Adrock952 | last post by:
I have a link on my site which obviously says "Login" where users log in. I would like that link to be changed to "Logout" when the user has successfully logged in and the session has been created...
by: Sonnysonu | last post by:
This is the data of csv file 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 the lengths should be different i have to store the data by column-wise with in the specific length. suppose the i have to...
by: marktang | last post by:
ONU (Optical Network Unit) is one of the key components for providing high-speed Internet services. Its primary function is to act as an endpoint device located at the user's premises. However,...
by: Hystou | last post by:
Most computers default to English, but sometimes we require a different language, especially when relocating. Forgot to request a specific language before your computer shipped? No problem! You can...
by: Oralloy | last post by:
Hello folks, I am unable to find appropriate documentation on the type promotion of bit-fields when using the generalised comparison operator "<=>". The problem is that using the GNU compilers,...
by: jinu1996 | last post by:
In today's digital age, having a compelling online presence is paramount for businesses aiming to thrive in a competitive landscape. At the heart of this digital strategy lies an intricately woven...
by: Hystou | last post by:
Overview: Windows 11 and 10 have less user interface control over operating system update behaviour than previous versions of Windows. In Windows 11 and 10, there is no way to turn off the Windows...
by: tracyyun | last post by:
Dear forum friends, With the development of smart home technology, a variety of wireless communication protocols have appeared on the market, such as Zigbee, Z-Wave, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc. Each...
by: isladogs | last post by:
The next Access Europe User Group meeting will be on Wednesday 1 May 2024 starting at 18:00 UK time (6PM UTC+1) and finishing by 19:30 (7.30PM). In this session, we are pleased to welcome a new...
by: conductexam | last post by:
I have .net C# application in which I am extracting data from word file and save it in database particularly. To store word all data as it is I am converting the whole word file firstly in HTML and...

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