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Python source colorizer

Hello c.l.py!,
I have just finished this and decided to share.
PySourceColor is a module to convert Python source into colored html.
Yes it has been done before, but I like this better:)
You can easily define your own colorscheme.
example usage:
# Highlight PySourceColor.py
python PySourceColor.py
# Show help
python PySourceColor.py -h

################################################## ####################
# PySourceColor
# A hacked up version of the MoinMoin python parser that
# was originally submitted / written by Jürgen Hermann to ASPN.
# This does not create w3c valid html, but it works on every
# browser i've tried so far.(I.E.,Mozilla/Firefox,Opera,wxHTML).
# After experimenting with diffrent html vs CSS + html
# I settled on plain old html because it works!
# Too bad CSS is not supported everywhere yet.
# Hacked by M.E.Farmer Jr. 2004
# Python license
################################################## ####################

import keyword, os, sys
import cgi, string, cStringIO
import token, tokenize, glob
import getopt, webbrowser, time

__title__ = 'PySourceColor'
__version__ = "ver.1"
__date__ = '2 August 2004'
__author__ = "M.E.Farmer Jr."
__credits__ = '''This was originally submitted / written by Jürgen Hermann
to ASPN python recipes. I found it in 2003 and integrated it into an editor.
Recent refactoring led me to seperate it. I decided to polish it up a little
and release it in the hope it would be useful.
Python license M.E.Farmer 2004
# Testing raw and unicode strings
# We do nothing with the value just look at colorizing
_ = (r'raw',r'''raw''',r"raw",r"""raw""")##Raw test
_ = (u'uni',u'''uni''',u"uni",u"""uni""")##Unicode test

# Do not edit
_CLASS = token.NT_OFFSET + 2
_DEF = token.NT_OFFSET + 3
_TEXT = token.NT_OFFSET + 4
_KEYWORD = token.NT_OFFSET + 5

################################################## ####################
# Edit colors and styles to taste
# Create your own scheme, just copy one below , rename and edit.
# Styles are optional: b = bold, i = italic, u = underline
# Color is rgb hex and must be specified. sss#RRGGBB
# Colorscheme names must start with an underscore: _MyColor
################################################## ####################

_Null = {
token.ERRORTOKEN: '#FF8080',# no edit
token.STRING: '#000000',# no edit
_TEXT: '#000000',# no edit
token.NAME: '#000000',# All Text
token.NUMBER: 'b#000000',# 0->10
token.OP: 'b#000000',# ()<>=!.:;^>%, etc...
tokenize.COMMENT: 'i#000000',# There are 2 types of comment
_DOUBLECOMMENT: '#000000',## Like this
_CLASS: 'bu#000000',# Class name
_DEF: 'b#000000',# Def name
_KEYWORD: 'b#000000',# Python keywords
_BACKGROUND: '#FFFFFF',# Page background color

_Dark = {
token.ERRORTOKEN: '#FF8080',# no edit
token.STRING: '#FFFFFF',# no edit
_TEXT: '#000000',# no edit
token.NAME: '#ffffff',# All Text
token.NUMBER: '#FF0000',# 0->10
token.OP: 'b#FAF785',# Operators ()<>=!.:;^>%, etc...
tokenize.COMMENT: 'i#45FCA0',# There are 2 types of comment
_DOUBLECOMMENT: '#A7C7A9',## Like this
_CLASS: 'b#B599FD',# Class name
_DEF: 'b#EBAE5C',# Def name
_KEYWORD: 'b#8680FF',# Python keywords
_BACKGROUND: '#000000',# Page background color
_Lite = {
token.ERRORTOKEN: '#FF8080',# no edit
token.STRING: '#000000',# no edit
_TEXT: '#000000',# no edit
token.NAME: '#000000',# All Text
token.NUMBER: '#FF2200',# 0->10
token.OP: 'b#303000',# Operators ()<>=!.:;^>%, etc...
tokenize.COMMENT: '#007F00',# There are 2 types of comment
_DOUBLECOMMENT: '#606060',## Like this
_CLASS: '#0000FF',# Class name
_DEF: 'b#BF9B00',# Def name
_KEYWORD: 'b#0000AF',# Python keywords
_BACKGROUND: '#FFFFFF',# Page background color

_Idle = {
token.ERRORTOKEN: '#FF8080',# no edit
token.STRING: '#000000',# no edit
_TEXT: '#000000',# no edit
token.NAME: '#000000',# All Text
token.NUMBER: '#000000',# 0->10
token.OP: '#000000',# Operators ()<>=!.:;^>%, etc...
tokenize.COMMENT: '#DD0000',# There are 2 types of comment
_DOUBLECOMMENT: '#DD0000',## Like this
_CLASS: '#0000FF',# Class name
_DEF: '#0000FF',# Def name
_KEYWORD: '#FF7700',# Python keywords
_BACKGROUND: '#FFFFFF',# Page background color

_PythonWin = {
token.ERRORTOKEN: '#FF8080',# no edit
token.STRING: '#000000',# no edit
_TEXT: '#000000',# no edit
token.NAME: '#303030',# All Text
token.NUMBER: '#008080',# 0->10
token.OP: '#000000',# ()<>=!.:;^>%, etc...
tokenize.COMMENT: '#007F00',# There are 2 types of comment
_DOUBLECOMMENT: '#7F7F7F',## Like this
_CLASS: 'b#0000FF',# Class name
_DEF: 'b#007F7F',# Def name
_KEYWORD: 'b#000080',# Python keywords
_BACKGROUND: '#FFFFFF',# Page background color
################################################## ################################

def Usage():
__________________________________________________ _____________________________
Example usage:
# To colorize all .py,.pyw files in cwdir you can also use: . or _
python PySourceColor.py -i .
# Using long options w/ =
python PySourceColor.py --in=c:/myDir/my.py --out=c:/myDir --color=Lite --show
# Using short options w/out =
python PySourceColor.py -i c:/myDir/ -c Idle
# Using any mix
python PySourceColor.py --in _ -o=c:/myDir --show
This module is designed to colorize python source code.
It is a hacked version of MoinMoin python parser recipe.
-h or --help
Display this help message.
-i or --in
Input file or dir. (Use any of these for the cwdir . , _ , this)
-o or --out
Optional, output dir for the colorized source
default: output dir is input dir.
-c or --color
Optional. Null, Dark, Lite, Idle, Pythonwin, create your own!

default: Dark
-s or --show
Optional, Show webpage after creation.
default: no show
__________________________________________________ _____________________________

def Main():
'''This code gathers the command line arguments
and tries to do something reasonable with them
# try to get command line args
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],
"hsi:o:c:", ["help", "show", "input=", "out=", "color="])
except getopt.GetoptError:
# on error print help information and exit:
# init some names
input = None
output = None
scheme = None

# if we have args then process them
for o, a in opts:
if o in ("-h", "--help"):
if o in ("-o", "--out"):
output = a
if o in ("-i", "--input"):
input = a
if input in('.','_'):
input = os.getcwd()
if o in ("-s", "--show"):
show = 1
show = 0
if o in ("-c", "--color"):
scheme = eval('_%s'%a)
scheme = None

if input == None:
# if there was no input specified then we try to
# parse ourselves and do it in diffrent flavors.
WebIt(sys.argv[0], '/MyDir/null', _Null, 1)
WebIt(sys.argv[0], '/MyDir/dark', _Dark, 1)
WebIt(sys.argv[0], '/MyDir/lite', _Lite, 1)
WebIt(sys.argv[0], '/MyDir/idle', _Idle, 1)
WebIt(sys.argv[0], '/MyDir/pythonwin', _PythonWin, 1)
# if there was at least an input given we can proceed
WebAll(input, output, scheme, show)

def WebAll(sourcePath, outdir=None, colors=None, show=0):
''' Converts all python source in the given directory to html
# If it is a filename then WebIt
if not os.path.isdir(sourcePath):
if os.path.isfile(sourcePath):
WebIt(sourcePath, outdir, colors, show)
# If we pass in a dir we need to walkdir for files.
# Then we need to colorize them with WebIt
fileList = WalkDir(sourcePath)
if fileList != None:
for i in fileList:
WebIt(i, outdir, colors, show)
print'Completed colorizing %s source files.'% str(c)

def WebIt(sourcePath, outdir=None, colors=None, show=0):
''' Converts python source to html.
print" Converting %s into HTML" % sourcePath
if colors == None:
# Default colorscheme
colors = _Dark
# If no outdir is given we use the sourcePath
if outdir == None:
htmlPath = sourcePath + '.html'
# If we do give an outdir, and it does
# not exist , it will be created.
if not os.path.isdir(outdir):
sourceName = os.path.basename(sourcePath)
htmlPath = os.path.join(outdir,sourceName)+'.html'
print " Output to %s"%htmlPath
# Open the text and do the parsing.
source = open(sourcePath).read()
Parser(source, colors, sourcePath, open(htmlPath, 'wt')).format(None, None)
if show:
# load HTML page into the default web browser.
# slower than os.startfile or os.system, but more universal
return htmlPath

def WalkDir(dir):
'''Return a list of .py and .pyw files from a given directory.
# Get a list of files that match *.py*
GLOB_PATTERN = os.path.join(dir, "*.[p][y]*")
pathlist = glob.glob(GLOB_PATTERN)
# Now filter out all but py and pyw
filterlist = [x for x in pathlist
if x.endswith('.py')
or x.endswith('.pyw')]
if filterlist != []:
# if we have a list send it
return filterlist
return None

class Parser:
""" MoinMoin python parser heavily chopped :)
def __init__(self, raw, colors, title, out = sys.stdout):
''' Store the source text.
self.raw = string.strip(string.expandtabs(raw))
self.out = out
self.title = os.path.basename(title)
self.ClassFlag = 0
self.DefFlag = 0
self.colors = colors
# Name: Date stamp top
self.header = 0
# Name: Date stamp bottom
self.footer = 0

def format(self, formatter, form):
''' Parse and send the colored source.
# Store line offsets in self.lines
self.lines = [0, 0]
pos = 0

# Gather lines
while 1:
pos = string.find(self.raw, '\n', pos) + 1
if not pos: break

# Wrap text in a filelike object
self.pos = 0
text = cStringIO.StringIO(self.raw)

# Html start

# Parse the source.
## Tokenize calls the __call__
## function for each token till done.
tokenize.tokenize(text.readline, self)
except tokenize.TokenError, ex:
msg = ex[0]
line = ex[1][0]
self.out.write("<h3>ERROR: %s</h3>%s\n" % (
msg, self.raw[self.lines[line]:]))

# Html end
def __call__(self, toktype, toktext, (srow,scol), (erow,ecol), line):
''' Token handler.
style = ''
# calculate new positions
oldpos = self.pos
newpos = self.lines[srow] + scol
self.pos = newpos + len(toktext)

# handle newlines
if toktype in [token.NEWLINE, tokenize.NL]:

# send the original whitespace, if needed
if newpos > oldpos:

# skip indenting tokens
if toktype in [token.INDENT, token.DEDENT]:
self.pos = newpos

# map token type to a color group
if token.LPAR <= toktype and toktype <= token.OP:
toktype = token.OP
elif toktype == token.NAME and keyword.iskeyword(toktext):
toktype = _KEYWORD

# If the keyword is class or def then we set a flag
# the next word gets set to the class/def name color.
if self.ClassFlag or self.DefFlag:
# Sets the color if it was a class or def name
if self.ClassFlag:
toktype = _CLASS
self.ClassFlag = 0
elif self.DefFlag:
toktype = _DEF
self.DefFlag = 0
# Sets a flag if it was a class or def
# next token will be colored.
if toktext =='class':
self.ClassFlag = 1
elif toktext == 'def':
self.DefFlag = 1

# Extended to seperate the diffrent string types..
# plus raw and unicode types
if toktype == token.STRING:
if (toktext[:3] == "'''") or (
toktext[:4] == "r'''") or (
toktext[:4] == "u'''"):
elif (toktext[:3] == '"""') or (
toktext[:4] == 'r"""') or (
toktext[:4] == 'u"""'):
elif (toktext[:1] == '"') or (
toktext[:2] == 'r"') or (
toktext[:2] == 'u"'):
toktype = _DOUBLEQUOTE
elif (toktext[:1] == "'") or (
toktext[:2] == "r'") or (
toktext[:2] == "u'"):
toktype = _SINGLEQUOTE

# Exetended to seperate the diffrent comment types
elif toktype == tokenize.COMMENT:
if toktext[:2] == "##":

# Get the colors from the dictionary for the standard tokens
color = self.colors.get(toktype, self.colors[_TEXT])
otherstart = ''
otherend = ''
splitpoint = color.find('#')
tags = color[:splitpoint].lower()
color = color[splitpoint:]

# Check for styles and set them if needed..(b=bold, i=italics)
if 'b' in tags:
otherstart += '<b>'
otherend += '</b>'
if 'i' in tags:
otherstart += '<i>'
otherend += '</i>'
if 'u' in tags:
otherstart += '<u>'
otherend += '</u>'

# Error tokenizing ..red boxes
if toktype == token.ERRORTOKEN:
style = ' style="border: solid 1.5pt #FF0000;"'

# send text
self.out.write('<font color="%s"%s>%s' % (color, style, otherstart))
self.out.write('%s</font>'% (otherend,))

def doPageStart(self):
self.out.write('<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD \
HTML 3.2 Final//EN"\n')
self.out.write('<html><head><title>%s</title>\n'% (self.title))
self.out.write('<!--This document created by %s %s on: %s-->\n'%
self.out.write('<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" \
content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1" />\n')
# Get background color and check for styles and ignore all but b,i,u
color = self.colors.get(_BACKGROUND, self.colors[_TEXT])
color = color[color.find('#'):]
if color[:1] != '#':
self.out.write('</head><body bgcolor="#000000">\n')
self.out.write('</head><body bgcolor="%s">\n'% color)
# Write a little info at the top.
if self.header:
self.out.write('<pre><font face="Lucida Console, Courier New">\n')

def doPageHeader(self):
color = self.colors.get(token.NAME, self.colors[_TEXT])
color = color[color.find('#'):]
self.out.write(' <b><u><font color="%s">%s %s</font></u></b>\n'%
(color, self.title, time.ctime()))
def doPageFooter(self):
color = self.colors.get(token.NAME, self.colors[_TEXT])
color = color[color.find('#'):]
self.out.write(' <b><u><font color="%s">%s %s</font></u></b>\n'%
(color, self.title,time.ctime()))
def doPageEnd(self):
# Write a little info at the bottom
if self.footer:
# Write a little info in the web page source
self.out.write('<!--This document created by %s ver.%s on: %s-->\n'%

if __name__ == '__main__':
Jul 18 '05 #1
1 2541

"M.E.Farmer" <me*****@hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:18**************************@posting.google.c om...
Hello c.l.py!,
I have just finished this and decided to share.
PySourceColor is a module to convert Python source into colored html.
Yes it has been done before, but I like this better:)
You can easily define your own colorscheme.
example usage:
# Highlight PySourceColor.py
python PySourceColor.py
# Show help
python PySourceColor.py -h



Jul 18 '05 #2

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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