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javascript form validation which just doesnt work with my ASP code. Can any one help me out please.

Hi guys,
I have got a prob of javascript form validation which just doesnt work
with my ASP code. Can any one help me out please.

Here is the code:
<title>IIBO Submit Page</title>

<style type="text/css">
.myform {
font-size:10pt; color:Black; font-family:verdana,sans-serif;}

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

//Validating the form

function validate(){
if (document.form1.f_name.value.length < 1) {
alert("Please enter your first name.");
return false;
if (document.form1.s_name.value.length < 1) {
alert("Please enter your surname.");
return false;
if (document.form1.e_address.value.length < 1) {
alert("Please enter your first name.");
return false;
if (document.form1.f_name.value.length < 1) {
alert("Please enter your emailaddress.");
return false;
if (document.form1.tel_number.value.length < 1) {
alert("Please enter your telephone number.");
return false;
if (document.form1.emp_id.value.length < 1) {
alert("Please enter your employee ID.");
return false;
if (document.form1.title_suggestion.value.length < 1) {
alert("Please enter your suggestion title.");
return false;
if (document.form1.suggestion.value.length < 3) {
alert("Please enter your suggestion.");
return false;

return ture;

var dom = (document.getElementById) ? true : false;
var ns5 = ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Gecko")>-1) && dom) ? true:

var ie5 = ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")>-1) && dom) ? true :

var ns4 = (document.layers && !dom) ? true : false;
var ie4 = (document.all && !dom) ? true : false;
var nodyn = (!ns5 && !ns4 && !ie4 && !ie5) ? true : false;

// resize fix for ns4
var origWidth, origHeight;
if (ns4) {
origWidth = window.innerWidth; origHeight = window.innerHeight;
window.onresize = function() { if (window.innerWidth !=

origWidth || window.innerHeight != origHeight) history.go(0); }

// avoid error of passing event object in older browsers
if (nodyn) { event = "nope" }
// settings for tooltip
// Do you want tip to move when mouse moves over link?
var tipFollowMouse= true;
// Be sure to set tipWidth wide enough for widest image
var tipWidth= 260;
var offX= 20; // how far from mouse to show tip
var offY= 12;
var tipFontFamily= "Verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif";
var tipFontSize= "8pt";
// set default text color and background color for tooltip here
// individual tooltips can have their own (set in messages arrays)
// but don't have to
var tipFontColor= "#000000";
var tipBgColor= "#DDECFF";
var tipBorderColor= "#000080";
var tipBorderWidth= 3;
var tipBorderStyle= "ridge";
var tipPadding= 4;

// tooltip content goes here (image, description, optional bgColor,

optional textcolor)
var messages = new Array();
// multi-dimensional arrays containing:
// image and text for tooltip
// optional: bgColor and color to be sent to tooltip
messages[0] = new Array('clear.jpg','Email Address: Please enter

your email address into this field. Your email address will be used

to confirm your idea submission and updates to your

messages[1] = new Array('clear.jpg','Telephone Number: Please enter

your telephone number in this field. You may enter your internal

number e.g 143 2136, or your external number e.g. 020 704

messages[2] = new Array('clear.jpg','Employee ID: Please enter your

employee number into this field. Your employee number is 7 digits

long e.g 1234567 and can be found on your pay slip. If you are

unsure of your employee ID please contact HR help desk on 143

messages[3] = new Array('clear.jpg','Job Title: Please enter your

job title, or what ever best describes your job role, into this

messages[4] = new Array('clear.jpg','Site: Please select, from the

drop down menu, the site at which you are primarily based. If your

location is not on the list please select other.','#6699cc');
messages[5] = new Array('clear.jpg','Employee Type: Please select,

from the drop down menu, your employee type. If you are unsure or

your employee type is not on the list please select

messages[6] = new Array('clear.jpg','Directorate: Please select,

from the drop down menu, your directorate. If you are unsure or your

directorate is not on the list please select other.','#6699cc');
messages[7] = new Array('clear.jpg','Suggestion Title: Please enter

a title for your suggestion. This may be a breif sentence to

summaries your suggestion','#6699cc');
messages[8] = new Array('clear.jpg','Suggestion: Please give a full

description of your suggestion. ','#6699cc');
messages[9] = new Array('clear.jpg','Estimated Cost Savings: Please

select, from the drop down menu, an estimate of how much your

suggestion will save in costs. If you are unsure please select Not

Sure. If it is not application, select Not Applicable. ','#6699cc');

// preload images that are to appear in tooltip
// from arrays above
if (document.images) {
var theImgs = new Array();
for (var i=0; i<messages.length; i++) {
theImgs[i] = new Image();
theImgs[i].src = messages[i][0];

// to layout image and text, 2-row table, image centered in top cell
// these go in var tip in doTooltip function
// startStr goes before image, midStr goes between image and text
var startStr = '<table width="' + tipWidth + '"><tr><td

align="center" width="100%"><img src="';
var midStr = '" border="0"></td></tr><tr><td valign="top">';
var endStr = '</td></tr></table>';

// initTip - initialization for tooltip.
// Global variables for tooltip.
// Set styles for all but ns4.
// Set up mousemove capture if tipFollowMouse set true.
var tooltip, tipcss, tipFrameStyle;
function initTip() {
if (nodyn) return;
tooltip = (ns4)? document.tipDiv.document: (ie4)?

document.all['tipDiv']: (ie5||ns5)?

document.getElementById('tipDiv'): null;
tipFrameStyle = (document.all)?document.all.tipFrame.style:

//alert use this on the next line for KOMSTA debugging RE

tipcss = (ns4)? document.tipDiv: tooltip.style;
if (ie4||ie5||ns5) { // ns4 would lose all this on rewrites
tipcss.width = tipWidth+"px";
tipcss.fontFamily = tipFontFamily;
tipcss.fontSize = tipFontSize;
tipcss.color = tipFontColor;
tipcss.backgroundColor = tipBgColor;
tipcss.borderColor = tipBorderColor;
tipcss.borderWidth = tipBorderWidth+"px";
tipcss.padding = tipPadding+"px";
tipcss.borderStyle = tipBorderStyle;
if (tooltip&&tipFollowMouse) {
if (ns4) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE);
document.onmousemove = trackMouse;

window.onload = initTip;

// doTooltip function
// Assembles content for tooltip and writes
// it to tipDiv
var t1,t2; // for setTimeouts
var tipOn = false; // check if over tooltip link
function doTooltip(evt,num) {
if (!tooltip) return;
if (t1) clearTimeout(t1); if (t2) clearTimeout(t2);
tipOn = true;
// set colors if included in messages array
if (messages[num][2]) var curBgColor = messages[num][2];
else curBgColor = tipBgColor;
if (messages[num][3]) var curFontColor = messages[num][3];
else curFontColor = tipFontColor;
if (ns4) {
var tip = '<table bgcolor="' + tipBorderColor + '"

width="' + tipWidth + '" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="' +

tipBorderWidth + '" border="0"><tr><td><table bgcolor="' +

curBgColor + '" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="' +

tipPadding + '" border="0"><tr><td>'+ startStr + messages[num][0] +

midStr + '<span style="font-family:' + tipFontFamily + ';

font-size:' + tipFontSize + '; color:' + curFontColor + ';">' +

messages[num][1] + '</span>' + endStr +

'</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>'; tooltip.write(tip);
} else if (ie4||ie5||ns5) {
var tip = startStr + messages[num][0] + midStr + '<span

style="font-family:' + tipFontFamily + '; font-size:' + tipFontSize

+ '; color:' + curFontColor + ';">' + messages[num][1] + '</span>' +

tipcss.backgroundColor = curBgColor;
tooltip.innerHTML = tip;
if (!tipFollowMouse) positionTip(evt);

t1=setTimeout("tipcss.visibility='visible';tipFram eStyle.visibility=


var mouseX, mouseY;
function trackMouse(evt) {
mouseX = (ns4||ns5)? evt.pageX: window.event.clientX +

mouseY = (ns4||ns5)? evt.pageY: window.event.clientY +

if (tipOn) positionTip(evt);

// positionTip function
// If tipFollowMouse set false, so trackMouse function
// not being used, get position of mouseover event.
// Calculations use mouseover event position,
// offset amounts and tooltip width to position
// tooltip within window.
function positionTip(evt) {
if (!tipFollowMouse) {
mouseX = (ns4||ns5)? evt.pageX: window.event.clientX +

mouseY = (ns4||ns5)? evt.pageY: window.event.clientY +

// tooltip width and height
var tpWd = (ns4)? tooltip.width: (ie4||ie5)?

tooltip.clientWidth: tooltip.offsetWidth;
var tpHt = (ns4)? tooltip.height: (ie4||ie5)?

tooltip.clientHeight: tooltip.offsetHeight;
// document area in view (subtract scrollbar width for ns)
var winWd = (ns4||ns5)?


document.body.clientWidth+document.body.scrollLeft ;
var winHt = (ns4||ns5)?


document.body.clientHeight+document.body.scrollTop ;
// check mouse position against tip and window dimensions
// and position the tooltip
if ((mouseX+offX+tpWd)>winWd)
tipcss.left = (ns4)? mouseX-(tpWd+offX): mouseX-

else tipcss.left = (ns4)? mouseX+offX: mouseX+offX+"px";
if ((mouseY+offY+tpHt)>winHt)
tipcss.top = (ns4)? winHt-(tpHt+offY): winHt-(tpHt+offY)

else tipcss.top = (ns4)? mouseY+offY: mouseY+offY+"px";
tipFrameStyle.width = tpWd+6;
tipFrameStyle.height = tpHt+6;
tipFrameStyle.left = tipcss.left;
tipFrameStyle.top = tipcss.top;
if (!tipFollowMouse)

t1=setTimeout("tipcss.visibility='visible';tipFram eStyle.visibility=


function hideTip() {
if (!tooltip) return;
t2=setTimeout("tipcss.visibility='hidden';tipFrame Style.visibility='

tipOn = false;



<form name="form1" method="post" action="confaddidea.asp"

onSubmit="return validate();">

<font face=Verdana size=2>
<i>Please note all fields marked with * are mandatory.</i>
<i>Click on the <img src="iicon.gif" alt="" width=16px height=16px>

icon for help with each field</i>


<TD style="width=265px"> <font face=Verdana size=2>
* First Name :
<input name="f_name" size=25 maxlenght=50

<img src="clear.jpg" border=0 width=23

* Surname Name :
<input name="s_name" size=25 maxlenght=50

class="myform" >
<img src="clear.jpg" border=0 width=23


* Email Address:
<input name="e_address" size=25

maxlenght=50 class="myform" >
<a href="#" onmouseover="doTooltip(event,0)"

<img src="iicon.gif" border=0 width=16px

* Telephone Number
<input name="tel_number" size=25

maxlenght=50 class="myform" >
<a href="#"

onmouseover="doTooltip(event,1)" onmouseout="hideTip()">
<img src="iicon.gif" border=0 width=16px

* Employee ID :
<input name="emp_id" size=25 maxlenght=50

class="myform" >
<a href="#"

onmouseover="doTooltip(event,2)" onmouseout="hideTip()">
<img src="iicon.gif" border=0 width=16px



<TD style="width=275px" valign="top" align="left">
<font face=Verdana size=2>
Job title :
<input name="job_title" style="width=235px"

maxlenght=50 class="myform" >
<a href="#"

onmouseover="doTooltip(event,3)" onmouseout="hideTip()">
<img src="iicon.gif" border=0 width=16px


Site :

<select name="site" class="myform" style="width=235px">
<option value="No Data" style="color:#6666cc"> - Please Select -

<option value="Andover - Anton Mill Road">Andover - Anton Mill

<option value="Birmingham - Colemore Row">Birmingham - Colemore

<option value="Bristol - Cannon House">Bristol - Cannon

<option value="Edinburgh - Edinburgh House">Edinburgh - Edinburgh

<option value="Gloucester - Barnwood">Gloucester - Barnwood</option>
<option value="London - Red Lion Court">London - Red Lion

<option value="London - St Georges House">London - St Georges

<option value="London - Emerald House">London - Emerald

<option value="London - Hayes Lane">London - Hayes Lane</option>
<option value="London - Chiswell Street">London - Chiswell

<option value="London - Princess House">London - Princess

<option value="London - Monument">London - Monument</option>
<option value="London - Faryners">London - Faryners</option>
<option value="Manchester - Brotherton House">Manchester -

Brotherton House</option>
<option value="Manchester - Centron House">Manchester - Centron

<option value="Manchester - South Gate">Manchester - South

<option value="Other">Other</option>
<a href="#"

onmouseover="doTooltip(event,4)" onmouseout="hideTip()">
<img src="iicon.gif" border=0 width=16px


Employee Type :

<select name="emp_type" class="myform"

style="width=235px" >
<option value="No Data" style="color:#6666cc"> -

Please Select - </option>
<option value="Permenant Employee">Permenant

<option value="Contingent

<option value="Management Tainee">Management

<option value="Industrial Placement">Industrial

<option value="Accenture">Accenture</option>
<option value="ART">ART</option>
<option value="Other">Other</option>

<a href="#"

onmouseover="doTooltip(event,5)" onmouseout="hideTip()">
<img src="iicon.gif" border=0 width=16px


Directorate :

<select name="directorate" class="myform"

<option value="No Data" style="color:#6666cc"> -

Please Select - </option>
<option value="Application Development">Application

<option value="Application Management">Application

<option value="Business Partnership ( BP )">Business

Partnership ( BP )</option>
<option value="Retail">&nbsp; - Retail</option>
<option value="Wholesale and International">&nbsp; -

Wholesale and International</option>
<option value="Change">&nbsp; - Change</option>
<option value="Cheif Operations Office">Cheif

Operations Office</option>
<option value="Cheif Technology Office ( BP )">Cheif

Technology Office ( BP )</option>
<option value="Finance & Business Support">Finance &

Business Support</option>
<option value="Human Performance">Human

<option value="Service Delivery">Service

<option value="Other">Other</option>

<a href="#"

onmouseover="doTooltip(event,6)" onmouseout="hideTip()">
<img src="iicon.gif" border=0 width=16px


<font face=Verdana size=2>
* Suggestion Title :
<input name="title_suggestion"

style="width=525px" maxlenght=50 class="myform" >
<a href="#"

onmouseover="doTooltip(event,7)" onmouseout="hideTip()">
<img src="iicon.gif" border=0 width=16px


* Suggestion :

<TEXTAREA name="suggestion" rows=15

style="width=525px" size=250 maxlenght=250

class="myform" ></textarea>
<a href="#"

onmouseover="doTooltip(event,8)" onmouseout="hideTip()">
<img src="iicon.gif" border=0 width=16px

Estimated cost saving ( If Applicable ) :
<select name="ecs" class="myform" style="width=285px">
<option value="no_select"> - Please Select -

<option value="? - ?00">? - ?00</option>
<option value="?01 - ?000">?01 - ?000</option>
<option value="?001 - ?000">?001 - ?000</option>
<option value="?001 - ?000">?001 - ?000</option>
<option value="?001 - ?000">?001 - ?000</option>
<option value="?001 - ?000">?001 - ?000</option>
<option value="?000+">?000+</option>
<option value="Not Sure">Not Sure</option>

<a href="#"

onmouseover="doTooltip(event,9)" onmouseout="hideTip()">
<img src="iicon.gif" border=0 width=16px



<input type="hidden" name="ntlogon"

<input type="hidden" name="remotehost"

<input type="submit" value="Submit"

onclick="this.form.submit();this.disabled='true';t his.value='Please




<div id="tipDiv" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden;

<iframe id="tipFrame" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden;


*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***
Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
Jul 23 '05 #1
7 3556
Here are some hints:
1) You no longer need <!-- -->
2) Use this header line for javascript:
<script type="text/javascript">

3) Use feature detection not browser detection. See:

4) Lots of your lines wrapped. For posting to this forum, you need to
either make the lines 72 characters or less or provide a link to a web
site. See:

5) You need to trim this down to 50 to 100 lines of the problem code.

6) Use the alert instruction to follow the code.

7) Use Firfox's javascript console to get error message.

8) Implement you own debug console so you can print out progress data.
I tired to edit out the errors but I didn't have any luck.

Jul 23 '05 #2

Hi Rob,

Thanks for your reply. And here are some problem code, can you please
have a look.


ntlogon = (Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER"))
remotehost = (Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_HOST"))

<form name="form1" method="post" action="confaddidea.asp"
onSubmit="return validate();">

<font face=Verdana size=2>
<i>Please note all fields marked with * are mandatory.</i>
<i>Click on the <img src="iicon.gif" alt="" width=16px height=16px> icon
for help with each field</i>


<TD style="width=265px"> <font face=Verdana size=2>
* First Name :
<input name="f_name" size=25 maxlenght=50 class="myform">
<img src="clear.jpg" border=0 width=23 height=20></a><br>
* Surname Name :
<input name="s_name" size=25 maxlenght=50
class="myform" >
<img src="clear.jpg" border=0 width=23

* Email Address:

<input name="e_address" size=25 maxlenght=50
class="myform" >
<a href="#" onmouseover="doTooltip(event,0)"
<img src="iicon.gif" border=0 width=16px
* Telephone Number
<input name="tel_number" size=25 maxlenght=50
class="myform" >
<a href="#" onmouseover="doTooltip(event,1)"
<img src="iicon.gif" border=0 width=16px

* Employee ID :
<input name="emp_id" size=25 maxlenght=50
class="myform" >
<a href="#" onmouseover="doTooltip(event,2)"
<img src="iicon.gif" border=0 width=16px
<TD style="width=275px" valign="top" align="left">
<font face=Verdana size=2>
Job title :
<input name="job_title" style="width=235px"
maxlenght=50 class="myform" >
<a href="#" onmouseover="doTooltip(event,3)"
<img src="iicon.gif" border=0 width=16px

<font face=Verdana size=2>
* Suggestion Title :
<input name="title_suggestion"
style="width=525px" maxlenght=50 class="myform" >
<a href="#" onmouseover="doTooltip(event,7)"
<img src="iicon.gif" border=0 width=16px

* Suggestion :

<TEXTAREA name="suggestion" rows=15
style="width=525px" size=250 maxlenght=250

class="myform" ></textarea>
<a href="#" onmouseover="doTooltip(event,8)"
<img src="iicon.gif" border=0 width=16px

<a href="#" onmouseover="doTooltip(event,9)"
<img src="iicon.gif" border=0 width=16px


<input type="hidden" name="ntlogon"
<input type="hidden" name="remotehost"
<input type="submit" value="Submit"
onclick="this.form.submit();this.disabled='true';t his.value='Please


<div id="tipDiv" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden;
<iframe id="tipFrame" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden;


*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***
Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
Jul 23 '05 #3
Here are some more hints for debugging.

1) Validate your html. See:

2) You are generating some html code. You can see what this does by
copying and running the following line into the command line:

javascript:'<html><head><title>SourceFileListing<\/title><\/head><body><code><ol><li>'+(document.documentEleme nt||document.body).innerHTML.replace(/&/g,%22&amp;%22).replace(/</g,%22&lt;%22).replace(/%20%20/g,%22&nbsp;%20%22).replace(/\r\n/g,%22<li>%22).replace(/\n/g,%22<li>%22).replace(/\r/g,%22<li>%22)+'<\/ol><\/code><\/body><\/html>';

In google, you can use the term one liner in this group to find more.

3) Use you browser's display source command to see what the server

4) I conbined parts of the first and second examples. The validation
now happens.

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<title>Simple validate</title>

<script type="text/javascript">

function validate(){
if (document.form1.f_name.value.length < 1) {
alert("Please enter your first name.");
return false;
if (document.form1.s_name.value.length < 1) {
alert("Please enter your surname.");
return false;
if (document.form1.e_address.value.length < 1) {
/* Wrong error message. */
alert("Please enter your first name.");
return false;
/* Wrong test */
if (document.form1.f_name.value.length < 1) {
alert("Please enter your emailaddress.");
return false;
if (document.form1.tel_number.value.length < 1) {
alert("Please enter your telephone number.");
return false;
if (document.form1.emp_id.value.length < 1) {
alert("Please enter your employee ID.");
return false;
if (document.form1.title_suggestion.value.length < 1) {
alert("Please enter your suggestion title.");
return false;
if (document.form1.suggestion.value.length < 3) {
alert("Please enter your suggestion.");
return false;

return ture;


<form name="form1" method="post" action="confaddidea.asp"
onSubmit="return validate();">

<font face=Verdana size=2>
<i>Please note all fields marked with * are mandatory.</i>
<i>Click on the <img src="iicon.gif" alt="" width=16px height=16px>
for help with each field</i>


<TD style="width=265px"> <font face=Verdana size=2>
* First Name :
<input name="f_name" size=25 maxlenght=50 class="myform">
<img src="clear.jpg" border=0 width=23 height=20></a><br>
* Surname Name :
<input name="s_name" size=25 maxlenght=50
class="myform" >
<img src="clear.jpg" border=0 width=23

* Email Address:

<input name="e_address" size=25 maxlenght=50
class="myform" >
<a href="#" onmouseover="doTooltip(event,0)"
<img src="iicon.gif" border=0 width=16px

* Telephone Number
<input name="tel_number" size=25 maxlenght=50
class="myform" >
<a href="#" onmouseover="doTooltip(event,1)"
<img src="iicon.gif" border=0 width=16px

* Employee ID :
<input name="emp_id" size=25 maxlenght=50
class="myform" >
<a href="#" onmouseover="doTooltip(event,2)"
<img src="iicon.gif" border=0 width=16px
<TD style="width=275px" valign="top" align="left">
<font face=Verdana size=2>
Job title :
<input name="job_title" style="width=235px"
maxlenght=50 class="myform" >
<a href="#" onmouseover="doTooltip(event,3)"
<img src="iicon.gif" border=0 width=16px

<font face=Verdana size=2>
* Suggestion Title :
<input name="title_suggestion"
style="width=525px" maxlenght=50 class="myform" >
<a href="#" onmouseover="doTooltip(event,7)"
<img src="iicon.gif" border=0 width=16px

* Suggestion :

<TEXTAREA name="suggestion" rows=15
style="width=525px" size=250 maxlenght=250

class="myform" ></textarea>
<a href="#" onmouseover="doTooltip(event,8)"
<img src="iicon.gif" border=0 width=16px

<a href="#" onmouseover="doTooltip(event,9)"
<img src="iicon.gif" border=0 width=16px


<input type="hidden" name="ntlogon"
<input type="hidden" name="remotehost"
<input type="submit" value="Submit"
onclick="this.form.submit();this.disabled='true';t his.value='Please


<div id="tipDiv" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden;
<iframe id="tipFrame" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden;


Jul 23 '05 #4
JRS: In article <11*********************@f14g2000cwb.googlegroups. com>,
dated Fri, 14 Jan 2005 20:24:20, seen in news:comp.lang.javascript,
Robert <rc*******@my-deja.com> posted :

4) Lots of your lines wrapped. For posting to this forum, you need to
either make the lines 72 characters or less or provide a link to a web

That's not really right.

It is the author's responsibility to ensure that lines are not wrapped
before transmission over the Internet.

It is the reader's responsibility to ensure that the news system he has
chosen to use displays and stores incoming material as he wishes.

Material on a Web site is less likely to be read by those with efficient
off-line newsreaders.

The author may choose to relive ignorant readers, or readers who have
chosen poor software, of their responsibility to themselves; but he
should not do that in a manner that penalises competent users who have
chosen to use good software. In particular, he should not do that if
his material really needs to be displayed wider, as in the case of some

The following is a 100-character line which will be transmitted as such.
01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789

There may be a limit in my system; but there the margin is set at a
nominal yard.

Note : you are using a Web-based service rather than a proper newsreader;
you should not use its behaviour as a guide to what standards-compliant
software will do.

© John Stockton, Surrey, UK. ?@merlyn.demon.co.uk Turnpike v4.00 MIME ©
Web <URL:http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/http/tsfaq.html> -> Timo Salmi: Usenet Q&A.
Web <URL:http://www.merlyn.demon.co.uk/news-use.htm> : about usage of News.
No Encoding. Quotes before replies. Snip well. Write clearly. Don't Mail News.
Jul 23 '05 #5
On 14 Jan 2005 11:35:20 -0600, x muzuo <xt****@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
Hi guys,
I have got a prob of javascript form validation which just doesnt work
with my ASP code. Can any one help me out please.

Here is the code:
<< snipped >> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

function validate(){
if (document.form1.f_name.value.length < 1) {
alert("Please enter your first name.");
return false;
if (document.form1.s_name.value.length < 1) {
alert("Please enter your surname.");
return false;
} << snipped >> return ture;

<< much snipped >>

let me offer a piece of code that I use (this is copied directly from one
of my sites) with some validation skipped .... but it should give you the
idea. Your code will cause an alert for each item ... if the user has to
correct each then he might get a bit irritated.

I'm also open to corrections or suggestion on *my* code...

function validForm(frmThis){
intHasError = false;
errList = "You must correct the following errors\nbefore submitting this
if (frmThis.hurdles400.value == "none") {
errList += "\t400 Hurdles\n"
intHasError = true
if (frmThis.hurdles300.value == "none") {
errList += "\t300 Hurdles\n"
intHasError = true
<< Snipped for readibility >>

if (intHasError) {
return false
return true
Jul 23 '05 #6
JRS: In article <opskoebpfhxhg4go@aljones>, dated Sun, 16 Jan 2005
03:20:15, seen in news:comp.lang.javascript, Al Jones
<al**********@shotmail.com> posted :
I'm also open to corrections or suggestion on *my* code...

function validForm(frmThis){
intHasError = false;
errList = "You must correct the following errors\nbefore
submitting this
if (frmThis.hurdles400.value == "none") {
errList += "\t400 Hurdles\n"
intHasError = true
if (frmThis.hurdles300.value == "none") {
errList += "\t300 Hurdles\n"
intHasError = true
<< Snipped for readibility >>

if (intHasError) {
return false
return true

Assuming you snipped a lot, something like this should be better,
unless you are paid by the yard :-

function validForm(frmThis){ var J, errList = "",
A = ['Hurdles400', 'Hurdles300'],
Ho = "You must correct the following errors\n" +
"before submitting this form:\n"
for (J=0 ; J<A.length ; J++)
if (frmThis.elements[A[J]].value == "none")
errList += "\t" + A[J] + "\n"
if (errList) alert(Ho+errList)
return !errList }

The chief point is to use a loop rather than repeating similar code.
Note case of H.

Please do not indent by tabs in news and then allow line-wrap - see FAQ.

© John Stockton, Surrey, UK. ?@merlyn.demon.co.uk Turnpike v4.00 IE 4 ©
<URL:http://www.jibbering.com/faq/> JL/RC: FAQ of news:comp.lang.javascript
<URL:http://www.merlyn.demon.co.uk/js-index.htm> jscr maths, dates, sources.
<URL:http://www.merlyn.demon.co.uk/> TP/BP/Delphi/jscr/&c, FAQ items, links.
Jul 23 '05 #7
On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 19:45:56 +0000, Dr John Stockton
<sp**@merlyn.demon.co.uk> wrote:

Assuming you snipped a lot, something like this should be better,
unless you are paid by the yard :-

function validForm(frmThis){ var J, errList = "",
A = ['Hurdles400', 'Hurdles300'],
Ho = "You must correct the following errors\n" +
"before submitting this form:\n"
for (J=0 ; J<A.length ; J++)
if (frmThis.elements[A[J]].value == "none")
errList += "\t" + A[J] + "\n"
if (errList) alert(Ho+errList)
return !errList }

The chief point is to use a loop rather than repeating similar code.
Note case of H.

Please do not indent by tabs in news and then allow line-wrap - see FAQ.

Hi Doc, I like that and will keep it in mind. I did snip a lot of code,
and actually those two are now logicals (thanks to another comment). Some
are logicals, some text and some numeric - in disgustingly no particular
order. So, on that I thank you.

On the other part of the note, your comment, by itself, would have been
enough to bring the tabs to my attention and correct it in any other posts
- smiling - I've read the FAQ's and obviously missed some <??> you don't
need to slap my wrist with the faq's to get my attention, a comment was
more than sufficient.
Jul 23 '05 #8

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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