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Updating Changes Made in silverlight datagrid to database

I am using a datagrid in my Silverlight App. I have binded columns of that datagrid to an observable collection which is being filled by data from WCF service at Page Load. I want that whatever changes i make to datagrid at runtime, i.e modify something or add a new row, or delete a row. it should get updated permanently to the database on click of Save button. How can i achieve it.

My Silverlight Page XAML.

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  1. <controls:ChildWindow xmlns:sdk="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation/sdk"  x:Class="slLHWProduct.PartsWindow"
  2.            xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" 
  3.            xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" 
  4.            xmlns:controls="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls;assembly=System.Windows.Controls"
  5.                       xmlns:controlsToolkit="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls;assembly=System.Windows.Controls.Toolkit"
  6.                       Width="581" Height="321" Loaded="PartsWindow_OnLoaded"
  7.            Title="Parts">
  8.     <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Margin="2">
  9.         <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">
  10.             <StackPanel  Orientation="Horizontal">
  11.                 <Button x:Name="btnAddBlankRow"
  12.                         Width="Auto"
  13.                         Height="22"
  14.                         Margin="0,0,5,0"
  15.                         HorizontalAlignment="Left"
  16.                         VerticalAlignment="Bottom"
  17.                         Click="btnAddBlankRow_Click"
  18.                         FontSize="12">
  19.                     <Button.Content>
  20.                         <TextBlock Text="Add Blank Row" />
  21.                     </Button.Content>
  22.                 </Button>
  23.                 <Button x:Name="btnCopySelectedRows"
  24.                         Width="Auto"
  25.                         Height="22"
  26.                         Margin="0,0,5,0"
  27.                         HorizontalAlignment="Left"
  28.                         VerticalAlignment="Bottom"
  29.                         Click="btnCopySelectedRows_Click"
  30.                         FontSize="12">
  31.                     <Button.Content>
  32.                         <TextBlock Text="Copy Selected Rows" />
  33.                     </Button.Content>
  34.                 </Button>
  35.                 <Button x:Name="btnDeleteSelectedRows"
  36.                         Width="Auto"
  37.                         Height="22"
  38.                         Margin="0,0,5,0"
  39.                         HorizontalAlignment="Left"
  40.                         VerticalAlignment="Bottom"
  41.                         Click="btnDeleteSelectedRows_Click"
  42.                         FontSize="12">
  43.                     <Button.Content>
  44.                         <TextBlock Text="Delete Selected Rows" />
  45.                     </Button.Content>
  46.                 </Button>
  47.                 <Button x:Name="btnSaveChanges"
  48.                         Width="Auto"
  49.                         Height="22"
  50.                         Margin="0,0,5,0"
  51.                         HorizontalAlignment="Left"
  52.                         VerticalAlignment="Bottom"
  53.                         Click="btnSaveChanges_Click"
  54.                         FontSize="12">
  55.                     <Button.Content>
  56.                         <TextBlock Text="Save Changes" />
  57.                     </Button.Content>
  58.                 </Button>
  59.                 <Button x:Name="btnExport"
  60.                         Width="Auto"
  61.                         Height="22"
  62.                         Margin="0,0,5,0"
  63.                         HorizontalAlignment="Left"
  64.                         VerticalAlignment="Bottom"
  65.                         Click="btnExport_Click"
  66.                         FontSize="12">
  67.                     <Button.Content>
  68.                         <TextBlock Text="Export" />
  69.                     </Button.Content>
  70.                 </Button>
  71.             </StackPanel>
  72.             <StackPanel>
  73.                 <ScrollViewer HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto">
  74.                     <sdk:DataGrid 
  76.             x:Name="dgPartsData"
  77.             AutoGenerateColumns="False"
  78.                          ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Visible"
  79.                         ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Visible"
  80.             RowHeaderWidth="30"
  81.             TabNavigation="Cycle"
  82.             FontSize="12"
  83.             SelectionMode="Single"
  84.             HeadersVisibility="All"
  85.             CanUserResizeColumns="True"
  86.             CanUserSortColumns="True"
  87.             CellEditEnded="DgPartsData_OnCellEditEnded"
  88.             CurrentCellChanged="DgPartsData_OnCurrentCellChanged"
  89.                     HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto"
  90.                     VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto"
  91.             >
  92.                         <sdk:DataGrid.Columns>
  93.                             <sdk:DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Name" SortMemberPath="Name">
  94.                                 <sdk:DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate>
  95.                                     <DataTemplate>
  96.                                         <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" FontSize="12" Margin="2" Tag="{Binding PartId}"></TextBlock>
  97.                                     </DataTemplate>
  98.                                 </sdk:DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate>
  99.                                 <sdk:DataGridTemplateColumn.CellEditingTemplate>
  100.                                     <DataTemplate>
  101.                                         <TextBox Text="{Binding Name,Mode=TwoWay}" FontSize="12" Margin="2" GotFocus="TextBox_GotFocus" LostFocus="TextBox_OnLostFocus"></TextBox>
  102.                                     </DataTemplate>
  103.                                 </sdk:DataGridTemplateColumn.CellEditingTemplate>
  104.                             </sdk:DataGridTemplateColumn>
  106.                             <sdk:DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Description" SortMemberPath="Description">
  107.                                 <sdk:DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate>
  108.                                     <DataTemplate>
  109.                                         <TextBlock Text="{Binding Description}" FontSize="12" Margin="2"></TextBlock>
  110.                                     </DataTemplate>
  111.                                 </sdk:DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate>
  112.                                 <sdk:DataGridTemplateColumn.CellEditingTemplate>
  113.                                     <DataTemplate>
  114.                                         <TextBox Text="{Binding Description,Mode=TwoWay}" FontSize="12" Margin="2" GotFocus="TextBox_GotFocus"></TextBox>
  115.                                     </DataTemplate>
  116.                                 </sdk:DataGridTemplateColumn.CellEditingTemplate>
  117.                             </sdk:DataGridTemplateColumn>
  118.                             <sdk:DataGridTemplateColumn Header="InUse" SortMemberPath="InUse">
  119.                                 <sdk:DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate>
  120.                                     <DataTemplate>
  121.                                         <TextBlock Text="{Binding InUse}" FontSize="12" Margin="2"></TextBlock>
  122.                                     </DataTemplate>
  123.                                 </sdk:DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate>
  124.                             </sdk:DataGridTemplateColumn>
  125.                         </sdk:DataGrid.Columns>
  126.                     </sdk:DataGrid>
  127.                 </ScrollViewer>
  128.             </StackPanel>
  129.         </StackPanel>
  130.         <controlsToolkit:BusyIndicator x:Name="biGlobal" BusyContent="Retrieving/Updating data, please wait..." IsBusy="False" />
  131.     </Grid>
  132. </controls:ChildWindow>
My C# Code.
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  1. using System;
  2. using System.Collections.Generic;
  3. using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
  4. using System.Globalization;
  5. using System.Linq;
  6. using System.Net;
  7. using System.Windows;
  8. using System.Windows.Controls;
  9. using System.Windows.Documents;
  10. using System.Windows.Input;
  11. using System.Windows.Media;
  12. using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
  13. using System.Windows.Shapes;
  14. using LinqToSqlClientHelper;
  15. using slLHWProduct.LHWSLAdminServices;
  17. namespace slLHWProduct
  18. {
  19.     public partial class PartsWindow : ChildWindow
  20.     {
  21.         public PartsWindow()
  22.         {
  23.             InitializeComponent();
  24.             this._ProductId = 0;
  25.             biGlobal.IsBusy = true;
  26.         }
  27.         public class PartsData
  28.         {
  29.             public int PartId { get; set; }
  30.             public string Name { get; set; }
  31.             public string Description { get; set; }
  32.             public int InUse { get; set; }
  33.         }
  34.         #region variables
  36.         private int _ProductId = 0;
  37.         public int ProductId
  38.         {
  39.             get { return _ProductId; }
  40.             set { _ProductId = value; }
  41.         }
  42.         public LHWSLAdminServicesClient client;
  43.         public ObservableCollection<PartsData> oc_Original;
  45.         #endregion
  46.         private void PartsWindow_OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  47.         {
  48.             client = new LHWSLAdminServicesClient();
  49.             oc_Original = new ObservableCollection<PartsData>();
  50.             if (_ProductId > 0)
  51.             {
  52.                 client.GetProductPartsAsync(_ProductId);
  53.                 client.GetProductPartsCompleted += new EventHandler<GetProductPartsCompletedEventArgs>(client_GetProductPartsCompleted);
  54.             }
  55.         }
  57.         void client_GetProductPartsCompleted(object sender, GetProductPartsCompletedEventArgs e)
  58.         {
  59.             if (e.Result != null)
  60.             {
  61.                 foreach (var item in e.Result)
  62.                 {
  63.                     oc_Original.Add(new PartsData
  64.                         {
  65.                             PartId = item.PartID,
  66.                             Name = item.Name,
  67.                             Description = item.DESCRIPTION,
  68.                             InUse = item.InUse.Value
  69.                         });
  70.                 }
  71.                 dgPartsData.ItemsSource = oc_Original;
  72.                 biGlobal.IsBusy = false;
  73.             }
  74.         }
  75.         private void OKButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  76.         {
  77.             GC.Collect();
  78.             this.DialogResult = true;
  79.         }
  81.         private void CancelButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  82.         {
  83.             GC.Collect();
  84.             this.DialogResult = false;
  85.         }
  87.         private void DgPartsData_OnCurrentCellChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
  88.         {
  89.             dgPartsData.BeginEdit();
  90.         }
  92.         private void TextBox_GotFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  93.         {
  94.             ((TextBox)sender).SelectAll();
  95.         }
  97.         private void DgPartsData_OnCellEditEnded(object sender, DataGridCellEditEndedEventArgs e)
  98.         {
  99.             dgPartsData.CommitEdit();
  100.             dgPartsData.ItemsSource = oc_Original;
  101.         }
  103.         private void TextBox_OnLostFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  104.         {
  105.             dgPartsData.CommitEdit();
  106.             dgPartsData.ItemsSource = oc_Original;
  107.         }
  109.         private void btnAddBlankRow_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  110.         {
  111.             var item = oc_Original.Last().PartId;
  112.             oc_Original.Add(new PartsData
  113.                 {
  114.                     PartId = item+1,
  115.                     Name = "",
  116.                     Description = "",
  117.                     InUse = 0
  118.                 });
  119.             dgPartsData.ItemsSource = oc_Original;
  120.         }
  122.         private void btnCopySelectedRows_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  123.         {
  125.         }
  127.         private void btnDeleteSelectedRows_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  128.         {
  129.             if (dgPartsData.SelectedItem != null)
  130.             {
  131.                 dgPartsData.CommitEdit();
  132.                 int PartID = Convert.ToInt32(((TextBlock)dgPartsData.Columns[0].GetCellContent(dgPartsData.SelectedItem)).Tag);
  133.                 MessageBox.Show(PartID.ToString());
  134.                 var item = oc_Original.FirstOrDefault(i => i.PartId == PartID);
  135.                 oc_Original.Remove(item);
  136.                 dgPartsData.ItemsSource = oc_Original;
  137.             }
  138.             else
  139.             {
  140.                 MessageBox.Show("Please select a part to delete");
  141.             }
  142.         }
  144.         private void btnSaveChanges_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  145.         {
  147.         }
  149.         private void btnExport_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  150.         {
  152.         }
  153.     }
  154. }
My WCF Service.

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1.    [OperationContract]
  2.     public List<LHWClasses.Admin.sp_LhwAdmin_GetProductPartsResult> GetProductParts(int ProductID)
  3.     {
  4.         LHWClasses.Admin.LHWSLAdminDataContext db=new LHWSLAdminDataContext();
  5.         var res = db.sp_LhwAdmin_GetProductParts(ProductID);
  6.         return res.ToList();
  7.     }
Database Sample is attached.

Please Help me to sort out this problem in best way .
Attached Images
File Type: png db.png (5.7 KB, 110 views)
Feb 21 '14 #1
0 1252

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