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Large file transfer in chunks from client to server using Socket asynch using c#

I'm developing a c# asynchronous socket application for tranfering file or large data from client to server and server to client as well in chunks.

Application sometimes transfer file from client to server and sometimes not,
because connection betwenn client and server closed Abrupt.

I cannot understand why connection between client and server is closed while i cannot closed the connection until a single block
tranfered to server.

my client i.e. FileTransfer Application work in this manner
  1. define a bufferSize of type int to read block of data from file
  2. sendFile() function receive a file name like "E:/UplodingFile/abc.doc" or some other file i want to transfer
  3. read file using BinaryReader class of .Net
  4. create a byte array "bSentData" of size either file content length or buffer size whichever is less
  5. now sundFile() function goes into while loop and continue till the length of the file read.
  6. in the while loop, read block of data into bSentData byte array
  7. convert bSentData to Base64String, this is because this is my test application, and when this code runiing smoothly i incoroporate this to my office development library .
  8. append other necessary information to a StringBuilder variable
  9. now instatiate a socket object and call socket.BeginConnect for connection to server application with delegate aynccallback function
  10. using the ManualResetEvent ConnectDone, set ConnectDone.WaitOne();
  11. in asynccallback delegate function "onConnectedToSerever", call EndConnect. and set ConnectDone.Set() that a connection has been made
  12. now get total length of data to be sent to server
  13. send size information to server and using BeginSend
  14. wait for receiving response from server that server receive the data size.
  15. send actual data to server using BeginSend
  16. wait for response from server that server receive data.
  17. after calling seting ConnectDone.WaitOne() at step 10, increase block counter and check either socket connected to server or not if socket connected to server close connection to server
  18. repeat step 6 to 17 until complete file is tranfered to server.

Server FileReceiver Application work in this manner
  1. Server start listening on specific port.
  2. waiting for connection from client calling BeginAccept
  3. when a request arrive for establishing a connection, establishing a connection to client by calling EndAccept
  4. call function WaitForData, create stateobject class object, function waiting for receiving data from client using BeginReceive
  5. BeginReceive callback function OnReceive, receive request by calling EndReceive,
  6. OnReceive function add bytes receive to stateobject class variable BytesReceived
  7. onreceive function verify that thata stateobject.messgaesize variable of stateobject call is -1, meaning that client now sending data size to server.
  8. if bytesreceived == 4, we have receive the size of the data and read its value.
  9. send response to clinet waiting from server that server has received the data size.
  10. create stateobject byte array variable buffer to data size received.
  11. call beginReceive again from OnReceive function to read actual data from client untill we read all data i.e. stateobject.bytesreceived = stateobject.messagesize
  12. when we received complete data from client,send a response to client that we have received complete data and process our data

Client Code
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  2. class FileHandling
  3.     {
  4.         // ManualResetEvent instances signal completion.
  5.         private static ManualResetEvent connectDone =
  6.             new ManualResetEvent(false);
  7.         private static ManualResetEvent sendSizeDone =
  8.             new ManualResetEvent(false);
  9.         private static ManualResetEvent sendDataDone =
  10.             new ManualResetEvent(false);
  11.         private static ManualResetEvent receiveSizeDone =
  12.             new ManualResetEvent(false);
  13.         private static ManualResetEvent receiveDataDone =
  14.             new ManualResetEvent(false);
  16.         // Get the remote IP address
  17.         private static IPAddress ip = IPAddress.Parse(""); //""
  19.         // Create the end point 
  20.         private static IPEndPoint ipEnd = new IPEndPoint(ip, 1200);        
  21.         public void SendLargeFile(string sFileName)
  22.         {
  23.             string sRequest = string.Empty;
  24.             try
  25.             {
  26.                 if (sFileName.Length < 1)
  27.                 {
  28.                     MessageBox.Show("No file selected");
  29.                     return;
  30.                 }
  31.                 SendFile(sFileName);
  32.                 MessageBox.Show("File Transfered");
  33.             }
  34.             catch (Exception objEx)
  35.             {
  36.                 MessageBox.Show(objEx.Message);
  37.             }
  38.         }
  40.         #region SendFile
  41.         private void SendFile(string sSentFileName)
  42.         {  
  43.             Socket m_clientSocket = null;           
  44.             string sAppendRequest = "",
  45.                 sCurrentFileName = string.Empty,
  46.                 sBufferData = string.Empty;
  47.             int iTotalSentDataSize = 0;
  48.             int iTotalSentDataSlot = 0;
  49.             byte[] bSentData = null;
  50.             BinaryReader ObjBinReader = null;
  52.             byte[] sizeinfo = new byte[4];
  53.             byte[] dataBuffer = null;            
  54.             try
  55.             {
  56.                 int iBufferSize = 20480;
  57.                 sCurrentFileName = sSentFileName.Replace(@"\", "/");                                
  58.                 ObjBinReader = new BinaryReader(File.Open(sCurrentFileName, FileMode.Open));
  59.                 while (sCurrentFileName.IndexOf("/") != -1)
  60.                 {
  61.                     sCurrentFileName = sCurrentFileName.Substring(sCurrentFileName.IndexOf("/") + 1);
  62.                 }                
  63.                 if (ObjBinReader.BaseStream.Length < iBufferSize)
  64.                 {
  65.                     bSentData = new byte[ObjBinReader.BaseStream.Length];
  66.                     iBufferSize = (int)ObjBinReader.BaseStream.Length;
  67.                 }
  68.                 else
  69.                 {
  70.                     bSentData = new byte[iBufferSize];
  71.                 }
  73.                 while ((iBufferSize * iTotalSentDataSlot) < ObjBinReader.BaseStream.Length)
  74.                 {
  75.                     sAppendRequest = "";
  76.                     if (iBufferSize * (iTotalSentDataSlot + 1) < ObjBinReader.BaseStream.Length)
  77.                     {
  78.                         ObjBinReader.Read(bSentData, 0, iBufferSize);
  79.                         sBufferData =  Convert.ToBase64String(bSentData);
  80.                         iTotalSentDataSize += iBufferSize;
  81.                         sAppendRequest = (iTotalSentDataSlot + 1).ToString().PadRight(20, ' '); // 0-19
  82.                         sAppendRequest += (sBufferData.Length).ToString().PadRight(20, ' ');      // 20-39
  83.                         sAppendRequest += (iTotalSentDataSize).ToString().PadRight(20, ' ');  // 40 - 59
  84.                         sAppendRequest += (sCurrentFileName + "." + iTotalSentDataSlot).ToString().PadRight(100, ' '); // 60 - 159
  85.                         sAppendRequest += sBufferData.ToString().PadRight(27400, ' ');  // 160 - 27559
  86.                     }
  87.                     else
  88.                     {
  89.                         int iRemLen = (int)ObjBinReader.BaseStream.Length - iBufferSize * iTotalSentDataSlot;
  90.                         bSentData = new byte[iRemLen];
  91.                         ObjBinReader.Read(bSentData, 0, iRemLen);
  92.                         sBufferData = Convert.ToBase64String(bSentData); 
  93.                         iTotalSentDataSize += iRemLen;
  94.                         sAppendRequest = (iTotalSentDataSlot + 1).ToString().PadRight(20, ' ');
  95.                         sAppendRequest += (sBufferData.Length).ToString().PadRight(20, ' '); 
  96.                         sAppendRequest += iTotalSentDataSize.ToString().PadRight(20, ' ');
  97.                         sAppendRequest += (sCurrentFileName + "." + iTotalSentDataSlot + ".E").ToString().PadRight(100, ' ');
  98.                         sAppendRequest += sBufferData.ToString().PadRight(27400, ' ');
  99.                     }
  100.                     m_clientSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
  101.                     m_clientSocket.NoDelay = true;   
  102.                     StateObject stateObject = new StateObject(m_clientSocket, sAppendRequest);
  103.                     // Connect to the remote host
  104.                     m_clientSocket.BeginConnect(ipEnd, new AsyncCallback(onConnectedToSerever), stateObject);                    
  105.                     // wait for the connection to be made
  106.                     connectDone.WaitOn();                 
  107.                     iTotalSentDataSlot++;
  108.                     if (m_clientSocket.Connected)
  109.                     {
  110.                         m_clientSocket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both);
  111.                         m_clientSocket.Close();
  112.                     }
  113.                 }                
  114.             }
  115.             catch (Exception objEx)
  116.             {
  117.                 MessageBox.Show("SendFile : " +objEx.Message + "; Stack Trace :" + objEx.StackTrace);
  118.             }
  119.             finally
  120.             {
  121.                 if (ObjBinReader != null)
  122.                     ObjBinReader.Close();               
  123.             }
  124.         }
  126.         #endregion
  128.         private void onConnectedToSerever(IAsyncResult iar)
  129.         {
  130.             try
  131.             {
  132.                 StateObject stateObject = (StateObject)iar.AsyncState;
  133.                 stateObject.workerSocket.EndConnect(iar);
  134.                 // Signal that the connection has been made
  135.                 connectDone.Set();
  136.                 stateObject.dataBuffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(stateObject.sMessage);
  137.                 byte[] sizeinfo = new byte[4];
  138.                 sizeinfo[0] = (byte)stateObject.dataBuffer.Length;
  139.                 sizeinfo[1] = (byte)(stateObject.dataBuffer.Length >> 8);
  140.                 sizeinfo[2] = (byte)(stateObject.dataBuffer.Length >> 16);
  141.                 sizeinfo[3] = (byte)(stateObject.dataBuffer.Length >> 24);
  143.                 SendDataSize(stateObject, sizeinfo);
  144.                 sendSizeDone.WaitOne();
  146.                 ReceiveDataSize(stateObject);
  147.                 receiveSizeDone.WaitOne();
  149.                 SendData(stateObject, stateObject.dataBuffer);
  150.                 sendDataDone.WaitOne();
  152.                 ReceiveData(stateObject);
  153.                 receiveDataDone.WaitOne();               
  154.             }
  155.             catch (Exception objEx)
  156.             {
  157.                 MessageBox.Show("OnConnectedToServer : " + objEx.Message + "; Stack Trace :" + objEx.StackTrace);
  158.             }
  159.         }
  161.         private void SendData(StateObject stateObject, byte[] data)
  162.         {
  163.             try
  164.             {                
  165.                 stateObject.workerSocket.BeginSend(data, 0, data.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(OnSendToSever), stateObject);
  166.             }
  167.             catch (Exception objEx)
  168.             {
  169.                 MessageBox.Show("SendData : " + objEx.Message + "; Stack Trace :" + objEx.StackTrace);
  170.             }
  171.         }
  173.         private void SendDataSize(StateObject stateObject, byte[] data)
  174.         {
  175.             try
  176.             {
  177.                 stateObject.workerSocket.BeginSend(data, 0, data.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(OnSizeSendToSever), stateObject);
  178.             }
  179.             catch (Exception objEx)
  180.             {
  181.                 MessageBox.Show("SendDataSize : " + objEx.Message + "; Stack Trace :" + objEx.StackTrace);
  182.             }
  183.         }
  185.         private void ReceiveDataSize(StateObject stateObject)
  186.         {
  187.             try
  188.             {
  189.                 StateObject receiveState = new StateObject(stateObject.workerSocket);
  190.                 receiveState.workerSocket.BeginReceive(receiveState.dataBuffer, 0, receiveState.dataBuffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(OnSizeReceiveFromServer), receiveState);
  191.             }
  192.             catch (Exception objEx)
  193.             {
  194.                 MessageBox.Show("ReceiveDataSize : " + objEx.Message + "; Stack Trace :" + objEx.StackTrace);
  195.             }
  196.             finally
  197.             {                 
  198.             }
  199.         }
  201.         private void ReceiveData(StateObject stateObject )
  202.         {
  203.             try
  204.             {
  205.                 StateObject receiveState = new StateObject(stateObject.workerSocket);
  206.                 receiveState.workerSocket.BeginReceive(receiveState.dataBuffer, 0, receiveState.dataBuffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(OnDataReceiveFromServer), receiveState);
  207.             }
  208.             catch (Exception objEx)
  209.             {
  210.                 MessageBox.Show("ReceiveData : " + objEx.Message + "; Stack Trace :" + objEx.StackTrace);
  211.             }
  212.             finally
  213.             {
  214.             }
  215.         }
  217.         private void OnSizeSendToSever(IAsyncResult m_asyncResult)
  218.         {
  219.             try
  220.             {
  221.                 StateObject stateObject = (StateObject)m_asyncResult.AsyncState;
  222.                 int iBytesSend = stateObject.workerSocket.EndSend(m_asyncResult);
  224.                 // Signal that all bytes have been sent.
  225.                 sendSizeDone.Set();
  226.             }
  227.             catch (Exception objEx)
  228.             {
  229.                 MessageBox.Show("OnSizeSendToSever : " + objEx.Message + "; Stack Trace :" + objEx.StackTrace);
  230.             }
  231.         }
  233.         private void OnSendToSever(IAsyncResult m_asyncResult)
  234.         {
  235.             try
  236.             {
  237.                 StateObject stateObject = (StateObject)m_asyncResult.AsyncState;
  238.                 int iBytesSend = stateObject.workerSocket.EndSend(m_asyncResult);
  240.                 // Signal that all bytes have been sent.
  241.                 sendDataDone.Set();
  242.             }
  243.             catch (Exception objEx)
  244.             {
  245.                 MessageBox.Show("OnSendToServer : " + objEx.Message + "; Stack Trace :" + objEx.StackTrace);
  246.             }
  247.         }
  249.         private void OnSizeReceiveFromServer(IAsyncResult iar)
  250.         {
  251.             try
  252.             {
  253.                 StateObject state = (StateObject) iar.AsyncState;
  254.                 Socket client = state.workerSocket;
  256.                 int bytesRead = client.EndReceive(iar);
  258.                 // There might be more data, so store the data received so far.
  259.                 state.sMessage += Encoding.ASCII.GetString(state.dataBuffer, 0, bytesRead);
  261.                 // Signal that all bytes have been received.
  262.                 receiveSizeDone.Set();                       
  263.             }
  264.             catch(SocketException objEx)            
  265.             {
  266.                 MessageBox.Show("OnSizeReceiveFromServer :" + objEx.Message + "; Stack Trace :" + objEx.StackTrace + " ErrorCode : " + objEx.ErrorCode + " Source : " + objEx.Source);
  267.             }
  268.             catch (Exception objEx)
  269.             {
  270.                 MessageBox.Show("OnSizeReceiveFromServer :" + objEx.Message + "; Stack Trace :" + objEx.StackTrace);
  271.             }
  272.         }
  274.         private void OnDataReceiveFromServer(IAsyncResult iar)
  275.         {
  276.             try
  277.             {
  278.                 StateObject state = (StateObject)iar.AsyncState;
  279.                 Socket client = state.workerSocket;
  281.                 int bytesRead = client.EndReceive(iar);
  283.                 // There might be more data, so store the data received so far.
  284.                 state.sMessage += Encoding.ASCII.GetString(state.dataBuffer, 0, bytesRead);
  286.                 // Signal that all bytes have been received.
  287.                 receiveDataDone.Set();
  288.             }
  289.             catch (SocketException objEx)
  290.             {
  291.                 MessageBox.Show("OnDataReceiveFromServer :" + objEx.Message + "; Stack Trace :" + objEx.StackTrace + " ErrorCode : " + objEx.ErrorCode + " Source : " + objEx.Source);
  292.             }
  293.             catch (Exception objEx)
  294.             {
  295.                 MessageBox.Show("OnDataReceiveFromServer :" + objEx.Message + "; Stack Trace :" + objEx.StackTrace);
  296.             }
  297.         }
  298.     }
  299. #region Class StateObject to receive data from connected remote server
  300.     public class StateObject
  301.     {
  302.         public StateObject(Socket workerSocket)
  303.         {
  304.             this.workerSocket = workerSocket;
  305.             this.sMessage = "";
  306.         }
  308.         public StateObject(Socket workerSocket, string sMessage)
  309.         {
  310.             this.workerSocket = workerSocket;
  311.             this.sMessage = sMessage;
  312.         }
  313.         // Received Data buffer Size
  314.         public const int iBufferSize = 50000;
  315.         // Received Data Buffer
  316.         public byte[] dataBuffer = new byte[iBufferSize];       
  317.         //sending message to server
  318.         public string sMessage = string.Empty;
  319.         // Client Socket         
  320.         public System.Net.Sockets.Socket workerSocket;        
  321.     }
  322.     #endregion 

Server Code
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  2. public partial class Form1 : Form
  3.     {       
  4.         // Thread signal.
  5.         public static ManualResetEvent allDone = new ManualResetEvent(false);
  6.         public delegate void UpdateMessageBoxDelegate(string sText);
  7.         public Form1()
  8.         {
  9.             InitializeComponent();
  10.         }
  12.         private void Start_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  13.         {
  14.             try
  15.             {
  16.                 //create the listening socket...
  17.                 Socket m_socListener = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
  18.                 IPEndPoint ipLocal = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 1200);               
  20.                 //bind to local IP Address...
  21.                 m_socListener.Bind(ipLocal);
  22.                 //start listening...               
  23.                 m_socListener.Listen(500);
  24.                 richTextBox1.Text = "Start Listening \n";
  25.                 label1.Text = "Server is in listening mode";
  26.                 Start.Enabled = false;
  27.                 while (true)
  28.                 {
  29.                     // Set the event to nonsignaled state.
  30.                     allDone.Reset();
  31.                     m_socListener.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(OnClientConnect), m_socListener);
  33.                     // Wait until a connection is made before continuing.
  34.                     allDone.WaitOne();
  35.                 }
  36.             }
  37.             catch (Exception ObjEx)
  38.             {
  39.                 // Create Error Log            
  40.                 MessageBox.Show("Start_Click :" + ObjEx.Message);
  41.             }
  42.         }
  44.         public void OnClientConnect(IAsyncResult asyn)
  45.         {
  46.             // Signal the main thread to continue.
  47.             allDone.Set();
  48.             try
  49.             {
  50.                 Socket listner = (Socket)asyn.AsyncState ;
  51.                 Socket workerSocket = listner.EndAccept(asyn);              
  52.                 WaitForData(workerSocket);                
  53.             }
  54.             catch (ObjectDisposedException ObjEx)
  55.             {
  56.                 MessageBox.Show("OnClientConnect_ObjectDisposedException :" + ObjEx.Message + "; Stack Trace :" + ObjEx.StackTrace);
  57.             }
  58.             catch (SocketException ObjEx)
  59.             {
  60.                 MessageBox.Show("OnClientConnect_SocketException:" + ObjEx.Message + "; Stack Trace :" + ObjEx.StackTrace);
  61.             }
  62.         }
  64.         #region WaitForData
  65.         public void WaitForData(System.Net.Sockets.Socket workerSocket)
  66.         {
  67.             try
  68.             {
  69.                 StateObject stateObject = new StateObject(workerSocket);               
  70.                 // now start to listen for any data...
  71.                 workerSocket.BeginReceive(stateObject.buffer, 
  72.                     0, 
  73.                     stateObject.buffer.Length, 
  74.                     SocketFlags.None, 
  75.                     new AsyncCallback(OnDataReceived), 
  76.                     stateObject);
  77.             }
  78.             catch (SocketException ObjEx)
  79.             {
  80.                 // Create Err Log
  81.                 MessageBox.Show("WaitForData:" + ObjEx.Message + "; Stack Trace :" + ObjEx.StackTrace);
  82.             }
  83.         }
  84.         #endregion
  86.         #region OnDataReceived
  87.         public void OnDataReceived(IAsyncResult asyn)
  88.         {   
  89.             try
  90.             {
  91.                 StateObject stateObject = asyn.AsyncState as StateObject;
  92.                 Socket handler = stateObject.workerSocket;
  93.                 int iCount = handler.EndReceive(asyn);
  94.                 stateObject.bytesReceived += iCount;
  95.                 if (stateObject.messageSize == -1) // we still reding the size of the message
  96.                 {
  97.                     if (iCount == 0)
  98.                     {
  99.                         MessageBox.Show("The remote peer closed the connection while reding the message size");
  100.                         throw new ProtocolViolationException("The remote peer closed the connection while reding the message size");
  101.                     }
  103.                     if (stateObject.bytesReceived == 4) // we are reding size of the data
  104.                     {
  105.                         //read size of the message
  106.                         stateObject.messageSize = BitConverter.ToInt32(stateObject.buffer, 0);
  107.                         //Send confirmation to client that server has received message size
  108.                         byte[] respond = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Ok : received size of the data");
  109.                         handler.BeginSend(respond,
  110.                             0,
  111.                             respond.Length,
  112.                             SocketFlags.None,
  113.                             new AsyncCallback(OnSendToClient),
  114.                             handler);
  116.                         if (stateObject.messageSize < 0)
  117.                         {
  118.                             MessageBox.Show("the remote peer send a negative size messsage");
  119.                             throw new ProtocolViolationException("the remote peer send a negative size messsage");
  120.                         }
  122.                         //only message size data be received
  123.                         stateObject.buffer = new byte[stateObject.messageSize];
  124.                         // reset the receiving bytes
  125.                         stateObject.bytesReceived = 0;
  126.                     }
  127.                     if (stateObject.messageSize != 0)
  128.                     {
  129.                         // we need more data either message size information
  130.                         // or
  131.                         // it could be the message body
  132.                         // only time we need no data when message size =0
  133.  stateObject.workerSocket.BeginReceive(stateObject.buffer,
  134.                             stateObject.bytesReceived,
  135.                             stateObject.buffer.Length - stateObject.bytesReceived,
  136.                             SocketFlags.None,
  137.                                 new AsyncCallback(OnDataReceived),
  138.                             stateObject);
  139.                     }
  140.                     else
  141.                     { 
  142.                         //we have received the zero size message
  143.                         MessageBox.Show("we have received the zero size message");
  144.                         //objState.Dispose();
  145.                     }
  146.                 }
  147.                 else // we are reading the body of the message
  148.                 {
  149.                     if (stateObject.bytesReceived == stateObject.messageSize) // we have received the entire message
  150.                     {
  151.                         // send confimation to cleint that server has received the entire message
  152.                         byte[] responde = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Ok : received entire message");
  153.                         handler.BeginSend(responde,
  154.                             0,
  155.                             responde.Length,
  156.                             SocketFlags.None,
  157.                             new AsyncCallback(OnSendToClient),
  158.                             handler);
  160.                         // call function that will read bytes from objstate.buffer
  161.                         if (ProcessData(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(stateObject.buffer)))
  162.                         {
  163.                             stateObject.Dispose();
  164.                         }
  165.                     }
  166.                     else // we need more data
  167.                     {
  168.                         if (iCount == 0)
  169.                         {
  170.                             MessageBox.Show("The remote peer closed the connection before the entire message was received");
  171.                             throw new ProtocolViolationException("The remote peer closed the connection before the entire message was received");
  172.                         }
  173. stateObject.workerSocket.BeginReceive(stateObject.buffer,
  174.                             stateObject.bytesReceived,
  175.                             stateObject.buffer.Length - stateObject.bytesReceived,
  176.                             SocketFlags.None,
  177.                             new AsyncCallback(OnDataReceived),
  178.                         stateObject);
  179.                     }                
  180.                 }
  181.             }
  182.             catch (ObjectDisposedException objEx)
  183.             {
  184.                 //System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(0, "1", "\nOnDataReceived: Socket has been closed\n");
  185.                 MessageBox.Show("OnDataReceived: Socket has been closed :ObjectDisposedException  " + "; Stack Trace :" + objEx.StackTrace);
  186.             }
  187.             catch (SocketException ObjEx)
  188.             {
  189.                 // Create Err Log        
  190.                 //System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(0, "1", "\nOnDataReceived: Socket has been closed\n");
  191.                 MessageBox.Show("OnDataReceived: Socket has been closed :SocketException  " + "; Stack Trace :" + ObjEx.StackTrace);
  192.             }
  193.             catch (Exception objex)
  194.             {
  195.                 MessageBox.Show("OnDataReceived :"+ objex.Message + "; Stack Trace :" + objex.StackTrace + " Source : "+ objex.Source);
  196.             }
  197.             finally
  198.             { 
  199.                string sfinally = "";
  200.             }            
  201.         }
  202.         #endregion
  204.         private void OnSendToClient(IAsyncResult iar)
  205.         {
  206.             try
  207.             {
  208.                 Socket socket = iar.AsyncState as Socket;
  209.                 int iBytesSend = socket.EndSend(iar);
  210.             }
  211.             catch (Exception objEx)
  212.             {
  213.                 MessageBox.Show("OnsendToClient : Message : "+objEx.Message + "; Stack Trace : " + objEx.StackTrace + "; Source : " + objEx.Source );
  214.             }
  215.         }
  216.         private bool ProcessData(string szData)
  217.         {
  218.             string sRequest = string.Empty, sBufferData = string.Empty;
  219.             string sEndPart = string.Empty;
  220.             string sOrgFile = string.Empty,
  221.                     sCurrentFileName,
  222.                     sNextFileName = string.Empty;
  223.             bool status = false;
  224.             int iTotalSentDataSize = 0;
  225.             int iTotalSentDataSlot = 0;
  226.             int iBufferSize = 0;
  227.             short iCounter = 0;
  228.             byte[] bBufferData = null;
  229.             BinaryWriter ObjBinaryWriter = null;
  230.             try
  231.             {
  232.                 iTotalSentDataSlot = Convert.ToInt32(szData.Substring(0, 20));
  233.                 iBufferSize = Convert.ToInt32(szData.Substring(20, 20));
  234.                 iTotalSentDataSize = Convert.ToInt32(szData.Substring(40, 20));
  235.                 sCurrentFileName = szData.Substring(60, 100);
  236.                 sBufferData = szData.Substring(160, iBufferSize);  //27400
  238.                 sOrgFile = sCurrentFileName.Substring(0, sCurrentFileName.LastIndexOf("."));
  239.                 sEndPart = sCurrentFileName.Substring(sCurrentFileName.LastIndexOf(".") + 1);
  241.                 sNextFileName = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "/" + sCurrentFileName;
  242.                 if (File.Exists(sNextFileName))
  243.                     File.Delete(sNextFileName);
  244.                 File.WriteAllBytes(sNextFileName, Convert.FromBase64String(sBufferData));
  245.                 File.SetAttributes(sNextFileName, FileAttributes.Hidden);
  246.                 status = true;
  247.                 if (sEndPart.Trim() == "E")
  248.                 {
  249.                     sOrgFile = sOrgFile.Substring(0, sOrgFile.LastIndexOf("."));
  250.                     sEndPart = "0";
  252.                     sOrgFile = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "/" + sOrgFile;
  253.                     if (File.Exists(sOrgFile))
  254.                         File.Delete(sOrgFile);
  256.                     ObjBinaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(sOrgFile, FileMode.Append));
  257.                     bBufferData = new byte[ObjBinaryWriter.BaseStream.Length];
  258.                     iCounter = Convert.ToInt16(sEndPart);
  259.                     while (true)
  260.                     {
  261.                         sNextFileName = sOrgFile + "." + iCounter.ToString();
  262.                         if (File.Exists(sNextFileName + ".E"))
  263.                         {
  264.                             //Last slice
  265.                             bBufferData = File.ReadAllBytes(sNextFileName + ".E");
  266.                             ObjBinaryWriter.Write(bBufferData);
  267.                             File.Delete(sNextFileName + ".E");
  268.                             break;
  269.                         }
  270.                         else
  271.                         {
  272.                             bBufferData = File.ReadAllBytes(sNextFileName);
  273.                             ObjBinaryWriter.Write(bBufferData);
  274.                             File.Delete(sNextFileName);
  275.                         }
  276.                         iCounter++;
  277.                     }
  278.                 }
  279.             }
  280.             catch (Exception objEx)
  281.             {
  282.                 status = false;
  283.             }
  284.             finally
  285.             {
  286.                 if (ObjBinaryWriter != null)
  287.                     ObjBinaryWriter.Close();               
  288.             }
  289.             return status;
  290.         }
  292.         private void UpdateText(string sMessage)
  293.         {
  294.             richTextBox1.Text += sMessage + "\n";
  295.         }
  296.     }
  298.     // Class StateObject mantain state
  299.      public class StateObject : IDisposable
  300.         {
  301.             public StateObject(Socket workerSocket)
  302.             {
  303.                 this.workerSocket = workerSocket;
  304.                 buffer = new byte[4];
  305.                 bytesReceived = 0;
  306.                 messageSize = -1;
  307.             }
  309.             public void Dispose()
  310.             {
  311.                 this.workerSocket = null;
  312.                 this.buffer = null;
  313.             }    
  314.             // Client  socket.
  315.             public Socket workerSocket = null;
  316.             // Receive buffer.
  317.             public byte[] buffer ;
  318.             public int bytesReceived;        
  319.             public int messageSize;
  320.     }
Can any one help me where i'm making mistake? and guide me that am I at right direction to transfer file, this on side file transfer
i.e. from client to server, next I want to transfer file from server to client
Jun 1 '10 #1
2 16083
7,872 Expert 4TB
Your trouble is the software is throwing an exception saying the socket is closed, before all the data has arrived?
Jun 1 '10 #2
thanks plater for taking interest

As I mensioned in my query i'm sending a large file that may be upto 100 mbs.
So i cannot send it in a single beginsend and endsend, so I break my file into small chunks and for every chunk I create a new connection to server and then send chunk as i mension in my post. Now problem is that this code transfer file, sometimes all chunk received to server correctly without throwing any exception, and sometimes it throws exception of socket connection closed while sending first chunk to server after establishing connection to server.
Jun 2 '10 #3

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